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Sep-14-2007 16:55printcomments

Patriot Guards PTSD and Ken Burns: The War

Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Physician, Pharmacologist and Toxicologist.
Patriot Guard at a service for a fallen sailor in Oregon
Photo by: Tim King

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Margie Boulé authored an article in the September 9th edition of the Oregonian about the Patriot Guard and PTSD. She unknowingly pushed the button of PTSD and inadvertently touched the tip of the PTSD iceberg.

The Patriot Guard is a nationwide group of 110,000 “bikers” who ride, some in groups as large as 200 riders, as “Honor Guards” for their dead war comrades and heroes returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan. This is a noble tribute by many who have “been there, seen that, done that”. However, when many of them came home, a large portion from Viet Nam, they were spit on and reviled.

The only mission of a soldier, or Marine, in the service is to “kill or be killed”. If anyone thinks their mission is otherwise or that the rifleman has any control what-so-ever as to what happens to him or what he has to do to survive doesn’t know or understand anything about battle.

If he survives, even though many of his buddies are killed, living on could be worse than death. This is what PTSD is about. The rifleman is wound-up tighter than the tightest spring and is on hyper-vigilance 24 hours a day. At least, he’d better be. Nodding off for one second can be lethal.

This is a lot of miserable baggage for a battle veteran to carry home and is the basis for PTSD.

That flag draped coffin could be a buddy who saved his life, figuratively or literally. All dead veterans were our buddies.

Battle buddies are closer than brothers. Margie Boulé reports that a widow, "went down the line and hugged every one of us." Boulé was next to a big 6-foot-6 guy with an earring on, with tattoos down his neck.

"When she hugs him, he bends down, and you could tell this was out of character for him." The man was in tears. After the widow moved on, Boulé says she told the man 'There's quite a spirit at these things.' He slugged Boulé in the arm and said, 'Don't talk to me now.' Most of these “Honor Guards” wear dark glasses. No need to wonder why.

The new documentary of World War II by Ken Burns will cause many veterans to weep. We have every right to weep. We have earned that right by standing and fighting side-by-side with our fallen comrades.

This World War II documentary, more than “Saving Private Ryan”, “Band of Brothers” or any other movie or TV series, should bring home to all viewers the real “blood and guts” of combat. With this knowledge, the viewers should realize how much they owe to the combat veteran, whether they are alive or dead. They cannot be honored enough and it is our moral obligation to take care of their widows and children.

You can email your questions to the doctor:

More information on the history of Leveque can be found in his book, General Patton's Dogface Soldier of Phil Leveque about his experiences in WWII. Order the book by mail by following this link:

If you are a World War Two history fan, you don't want to miss it.

Watch for Dr. Phil Leveque's video question and answer segments about medical marijuana with Bonnie King.

Other articles and video segments about medical marijuana on

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Sherpa PGR September 19, 2007 1:19 pm (Pacific time)

Vic, I'm aNam USMC combat vet. I oppose the war- but I support the troops- I want them out. They are pawns of an inept administraion. I ride with the PGR. I've been riding for 40 plus years. Every PGR I've met rides to show respect for the Fallen soldier and his/her family. There is NO ego in the PGR. You're shooting off your very uneducated big mouth with out knowing the facts. I also am rated 100% service connected w/ PTSD. And riding w/ the PGR has done my head a lot of good. Go take your meds and them go to and read the Letters of Appreciation and the rest of the home page. And then contribute something positive to the world by joining.

Vic September 17, 2007 1:16 pm (Pacific time)

Well , Bill's measured and thoughtful response pretty much negated my rant. However, from what I have seen , most of these "patriot" types are in full support of the war that is sending these kids to their deaths. I never see the "patriot guard" protesting a war that virtually everyone in the world knows is about oil and money..they seem to me to be in support of it. That to me is the most incredible form of hypocrysy.Support an illegal, ill advised war, then show up to offer support to the families of those killed in it. I know there are exceptions to every rule, just as the 16 (yes, there are only 16 )Westboro idiots do not in any way speak for "protestors". I am sure that most of the patriot guard types have disdain, to say the least , for anyone who is outspoken against the war. I hope I am wrong.

Bill September 17, 2007 11:24 am (Pacific time)

The Patriot Guard Riders are definitely not egomaniacs as someone here has suggested. The reason the PGR was originally formed was to shield grieving families from the members of the Westboro Baptist Church who would show up at military veteran's funerals shouting hateful slogans and holding hateful signs such as "Thank God for IEDS". The reason they protested wasn't against the war (ironically), but against gays in the military. They chose funerals as they had the most impact to hurt others. Therefore the PGR stepped in and formed to provide a shield of Veterans and US Flags between these protestors and the grieving families, as well as to honor the deceased Vet. From there, it has blossomed into Honor Guard type duties, as well. AND IT IS ALWAYS ONLY AT THE REQUEST OF THE FAMILIES. If the families do not wish to have the PGR, the PGR does not attend. Signed, Bill, PGR VA

Vic September 17, 2007 7:28 am (Pacific time)

What a bunch of self-absorbed egomaniacs...what the hell do motorcycles have to do with a soldier's funeral? Maybe all the popsicle truck owners should start showing up at funerals in their popsicle trucks..or maybe Sedgeway owners could deck out their Sedgeways with flags and start their own "patriot guard". If a bunch of egomaniacs showed up at my child's funeral, there would be a lot more funerals later on. These jackasses turn what should be a private, intimate event into a poker run. The whole thing reeks of EGO. Get over yourselves.

S.LaMarche; September 17, 2007 4:39 am (Pacific time)

Vic.,I think you have this one wrong. I don't mean to toss the grenade of course..,but this is an honorable patrol formed to protect and show respect to the families of those killed in these wars from insultingly disrespectful so called protestors who showed up maligning their deaths at the funeral sites., irregardless of political motives or outlooks. These are good human beings doing what's right. I want the God Damned wars to end too., and so do they.

Mike September 16, 2007 12:44 pm (Pacific time)

I stared riding Honor Guard for these folks before there were protesters, I'll be riding Honor Guard long after you all go back to your lives.

Vic September 15, 2007 9:26 am (Pacific time)

When someone signs up to be a paid killer / mercenary...they get what they get. Wars are for profit, and anyone who buys into it deserves the hell they gat later. It is sad, but ignorance, racism and hatred have a price. And by the way, the "Patriot Guard" has very few "bikers" in it. I know real bikers and most of them have disdain for these wanna-bes who think that if they buy a new Harley and duct-tape a flag on it, they are some kind of hero. The desire for attention causes people to do many things.

Deborah September 14, 2007 8:09 pm (Pacific time)

Thank you for having the courage to place your medical oath and concern for your patients and fellow combat veterans above petty political posturing by uncaring, unethical, and dishonest politicians and an uneducated public.

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.


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