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May-08-2007 11:57printcomments

Oregon Toxicologist Says Treatment for PTSD Should Include Cannabis

Phillip Leveque, a former WWII combat infantryman, physician and toxicologist, discusses the merits of marijuana use for those who suffer from PTSD.

PTSD image
Image courtesy:

(MOLLALA, Ore.) - For those who do not know it, the humans and all animals so far tested produce two marijuana like substances, Anandamide and 2- Arachidonal glycerol (2AG), which produce exactly the same medical functions as marijuana.


Secondly marijuana/cannabis has been used in human medicine for about 4,000 years and have never killed anybody, which cannot be said for almost any other medicine.

Thirdly, between 1850 and 1900 cannabis medicine was the most prescribed and most used medicine for about 100 different diseases in the U.S.

Fourthly, in 1988 after hearing 15 days of testimony, pro and con, DEA Administrative Judge Francis L. Young made the following ruling, “Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. Marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume.” Three DEA Administrators, all non-physicians, refused to comply and have deprived millions of desperately ill patients’ effective relief.

Authors Note: Many newspapers and magazines are currently publishing articles about PTSD – what is it and what to do about it. Most reporters AND psychiatrists don’t have a clue. One heavy artillery or mortar barrage would give them some insight.

In World War I, it was called “Shell Shock”. As a frontline Combat Infantryman, pointman, scout and forward observer, I know what an artillery or mortar barrage is like – it scares the bejesus out of the soldier. In a long barrage, I can see the soldier going psychotic – frozen in space and time and not being able to speak or move, even if some battalion officer visiting the front would order him to do so. It happened a lot.


During World War II, if the soldier was lucky (I’m joking) he would be sent back to an aid station and be given a triple dose of a barbiturate sleeping pill. These were called “blue 88s”. They would knock-out the soldier for at least 24 hours. Then he was often sent back to the front. On the off chance it was an officer, he would be sent way back to a rest area, often with as much booze as he wanted for as long as he wanted.

Army psychiatrists have had a field day with this. They first called it “homesickness” (what a crock). They also called it “war neurosis”. That doesn’t cover it. Everybody in a war zone has neurosis. It’s how we cope. Battle is super stressful. A recent example is the serial killer at Virginia Tech who killed 32 students.

The whole student body and faculty had a neurosis. Many will suffer from PTSD.

For a soldier who may be almost constantly under fire with the knowledge that a whole bunch of enemy are trying to kill him and he is so tired and stressed out, does anyone, including psychiatrists, believe the soldier can carry on indefinitely?

Battle fatigue, terror fatigue, combat stress or PTSD seems to slightly cover the situation.

One of the symptoms is the belief that one cannot survive. This is NOT fear or paranoia. With horrible death and destruction all around, how can a soldier NOT know he won’t survive? But still, he carries on.


During World War II, in North Africa, the “nervous breakdown” ratio (another name for the same) was 15 to 20% of living casualties. Some other casualties went berserk and charged a machine gun or ran into a minefield. At the Battle of the Bulge, they shot themselves in the foot or let their feet freeze. No toes on a foot was better than a shot in the head.

The Vietnam soldier discovered an effective treatment for PTSD. They discovered it while in Vietnam. It was high-grade Marijuana and sometimes opium or a combination of both.

It isn’t even known how high a percentage of frontline “grunts”, as they were called, used the above, but it was a lot. They also had access to all the beer or booze they could get their hands on.

This was certainly no different than the “blue 88s” of WWII, and better in the long run.

The Vietnam Administration Clinics have tried every anti-psychotic and anti-depressant in the book as well as highly potent pain killers like Oxycontin and M.S. contin (morphine) with minimal success for PTSD. They did end up with thousands of drug addicts and alcoholics.

I had about 500 Vietnam vet patients. Many had PTSD which was not acceptable for an Oregon Medical Marijuana permit. Most did have some physical injury for which I could give them a permit.

Will vets please write in their experiences?

Email your story to: Tell Dr. Leveque

Note: This is modified from the article: “Battle Fatigue: What’s wrong with these sissies?” from the author’s book “General Patton’s Dogface Soldier” by Phil Leveque.

Phillip Leveque is a physician, toxicologist and WWII Combat Infantryman. Watch for his video question and answer segments about medical marijuana with Bonnie King.
You can email your questions to the doctor:

Other articles and video segments about medical marijuana on

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Chris November 27, 2012 9:34 am (Pacific time)

Just read the artical as it was posted through facebook. I am a OIF-OEF combat veteran who served as a Combat Engineer. I have been diagnosed with PTSD with major insomnia and minor depression. Although the VA doctors can not officially recomend MMJ as a treatment my Dr. unoffically suggested that I try it because all the "pill" medication I tried did sometimes make my symptoms better most of the time it only helped for a short time, and most of the times the side effects from the pills made other symptoms worse. After 4 years of going through countless different meds they began building up and caused me to have kidney stones. This got to the point I was going in to the er 3-4 times a month as the stones were getting bigger and I could not pass them on my own. After it got to the point where it would be so painful to pass, I would pass out from the pain of trying to urinate, I stopped taking my "pills" because at that point there was no longer a good benifit from all my pills. This was besides the fact that combinations of some of my medications caused a zombie like trance for me, which might be ok for some people, with four kids that is no good for me. After starting to use MMJ, which I was not very excited about, it took nearly a year for me to finish passing all my stones. I however rather liked not having to take 14-20 pills a day. My wife noticed quite a difference between the use of MMJ and pills. After all my stones were gone I was going to go back to using pill medication, she begged me not to. She said that the MMJ side effects where much easier to deal with and if I missed a dose it was easier on our family. I experinced a more restful sleep, had less "flash backs" and could get up in the morning with out the groggy feeling that I had when taking the pills. I was able to sleep longer that 3-4 hours a night I was also able to almost completely able to eliminate the major mood swings I had, and my depression nearly completly went away. Yes I still did get depressed during the anniverary of the time frame where we got hit by mortar and small arms attacks on a daily basis, multipule times a day and also the only time we lost any one in our company. Now all of this information and personel experence might not work for everyone. Keep in mind that I did not use MMJ for "recreational" use and when I did use it, it wasnt for me to get "stoned to the bone," I used it as a medication replacement for the pills. After my 3rd year of MMJ use we moved to a stae that does not allow MMJ. I am back on my pill medication now and back to having the same issues I had before using MMJ. Since I have seen both sides of using MMJ and not using MMJ I would have to agree with this artical and all those who do support MMJ. I do not support the "recreational" use of MMJ, but using it as a medication could greatly help people with PTSD, insomnia, depression, and anyone with hyper-sensitivity. Now I'm sure there are those of you that will bash my views on this but try to keep your negative comments to yourself UNLESS you have been on both sides of the fence personally. It's easy to say this or that when you don't have the personal experience. But also keep in mind this I'm just one person telling you my story.

Rose Garman November 27, 2012 8:15 am (Pacific time)

Bad idea, period.

cash advance July 9, 2009 1:40 pm (Pacific time)

I should say that has lots of interesting information. Looks like the author did a good job. I will be coming back to for new information. Thank you.

Kandi Cox August 5, 2007 1:08 pm (Pacific time)

Kandi Cox

a wife of a vn vet June 10, 2007 8:49 pm (Pacific time)

I have been reading these articles with a great deal of interest. Particularly the PTSD pieces. As a wife of a VN era vet for over 30 years, I can attest personally to the "treatment" failures of our current VA system. The VA system is full of very caring physicians and psychiatrists. And they prescribe along very rigid guidelines. In most cases, trazadone for sleep, prozac for calming affects and various other drugs. Most vets do not sleep well as they are constantly on alert. Trazadone will knock them out, but their dreams are more intense and gives them terrible hangovers in the mornings. It takes hours to get moving without them feeling fuzzy headed. Prozac family offers some relief, but again, they are drugged all the time and cannot function well. These guys need relief, not more intense dreams and the feeling of disconnect that comes from these treatments. Marijuana gives that relief to a lot of them. They can sleep without being groggy the next morning and it takes down their "alert" feelings to a tolerable level. Marijuana is not a cure, but rather a way to function more rationally. It (in my experience) does not cause deeper depression, but enhances their ability to cope with everyday stressers. It does not cause these guys to become "druggies". It does not make them more dangerous. When are we going to wake up to the benefits and stop slamming something that has proven again and again that it is not harmful. Now we are starting to see another wave of wounded souls coming back to the states after repeated stints of active duty. PTSD will show up in some of them right away. But a lot of them won't acknowledge it or understand it for years yet. Some of their marriages and relationships will fall apart and than their lives. They can get help from the VA, and it will be good for some of them. But history has shown again and again, that if a vet is unable to get relief from the status quo, they will most likely begin to self medicate with what every will help them cope. Prescription drugs, booze, sex, or for those lucky enough to recognize its benefits, marijuana.

Harry Taylor June 10, 2007 7:41 am (Pacific time)

PTSD and Clinical Depression, is a common feature when a soldier is up on the front line for several months, that's all it takes.... however, I don't think smoking Marjawana or eating it is a short or long term answer, because using weed can often make symptoms of PTSD and depression worse. It has been proven that abuse of Marjawana can lead to pyschosis, there are many other drugs like Valium - (Diazepam), Temazepam and Lorezepam, which have the calming effect, give a good nights sleep without any dangerous side effects.

The Editor June 1, 2007 8:34 pm (Pacific time)

Larry, thanks for sharing your views. Dr. Leveque is expanding on this theory and while you have every right to your own views and opinions, I hope people do the same when it comes to the doctor's thoughts on PTSD which are born on the battlefield and refined through a life of practicing and teaching medicine.

LARRYNAMVET June 1, 2007 8:13 pm (Pacific time)

I am the author of the website . I appreciate your referencing my site. However, I must disagree with your suggestion that using marijuana is a good way to cope with PTSD. There is no good way to cope, Pot just like the antidepression drugs doled out by the VA simply mask the problems. There is no cure. Not even time heals this wound. using only encourages more using. Dependence and/or addiction is not the answer. I don't have the answer..... If I did perhaps I could sleep at night without seeing the faces of my long lost buddies.

S.LaMarche: May 26, 2007 2:12 am (Pacific time)

Legalize it you bunch of kool aid drinkers!, put the OLCC in perspective.., and let the good times roll!!.,so to speak. Rosenberg could encircle his entire compound with it as an organic alternative to claymore mines and razor wire, perps would be too stoned to remember anything threatening and then he could capture and draft them into his militia, unknowingly introducing logic and good vibes into his sometimes rather counter-creative solutions. Think of batrtlefields covered with flowering ganja plants!, exciting eh?, remember that song in the 60's about a squad of Viet Cong and U.S. troops running into each other in the middle of one? it's left!.,it's liberal!!., it's logical!!!., and it's the best idea I've posted all day! Legalize it!, drink kool aid and play some chess with your kids!

Tim Haas May 17, 2007 10:56 pm (Pacific time)

Hello, I hope the people understand to make a comment on such a controversal subject to due their homework.I.E. 5280 mag. denver Co.Rocky Mountain news.Search me and marijuana and the battle I fought victoriously!

Rosenberg May 17, 2007 3:42 pm (Pacific time)

I have never threatened anyone in my life, veiled or otherwise. Take a breather Marnell, I hate seeing you upset young man, I'm still hoping the below site can help provide a little more lattitude and longitude to your learning process buddy.

The Editor May 17, 2007 1:41 pm (Pacific time)

Comments are not for personal battles. PLEASE remember that people are reading this all over the world. I know emotions rage but please I hope each person can try to find a calmer position.

Albert Marnell May 17, 2007 1:32 pm (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, Today you crossed the line with me. You went too far and you know what I am talking about. I am changing my game plan with you. I do not like veiled threats.

Rosenberg May 17, 2007 12:31 pm (Pacific time)

Marnell, I see you have no comments about the below site. Hopefully some misinformation has been cleared up for you and others. I realize (in theory) how difficult it is to overcome learned information that has become an integral part of your brain structure. Hopefully out of respect for Vietnam veterans this site will help you unlearn the distortions and lies you have previously incorporated into your learning process. For some it will make no difference, but for those individuals it really does not matter...

Rosenberg May 17, 2007 9:26 am (Pacific time)

Tim and Marnell, and anyone else out there who would like more info dealing with PTSD along with what really are the true dynamics of what happened in Vietnam. Please go take a look at this website: Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the various topics, e.g. , Walter Cronkite, Myths and Facts, etc. . This info certainly will not square what you heard in the media or the school system, but it is certainly more in line with objective facts of this time period.

Albert Marnell May 15, 2007 9:53 am (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, You have made no point except that your points are pointless.

Albert Marnell May 15, 2007 9:35 am (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, More evidence of your stupidity; you are assuring me that AMERICA does not care one iota about me. There are almost 300 million people in this country and you or I a just two grains of sand. Did you take a national poll on me? I have helped to sustain my rights by showing people how easy it is to tell jackasses like you to shut up and take gas.

Rosenberg May 15, 2007 9:31 am (Pacific time)

You made my point Marnell. Game, set and match. Karma

Albert Marnell May 15, 2007 8:52 am (Pacific time)

I really at times have tried to be respectful of you. My goal right now is to try to get through to blockheads like you. Furthermore who in the hell are you to tell another citizen to stay or leave the country. "America Love It Or Leave It" is an old stale slogan. I wish people like you would leave so that I could love it more. All you talk about is military crap and there is a hell of alot more to life than guns and G.I. Joe.

Rosenberg May 15, 2007 8:14 am (Pacific time)

Marnell, other than yourself, do you have any type of responsibilty for anyone else? Significant other? Children? other family members or dependents? It's my assessment that you simply float through your existence, free of any real responsibility. Why not go live someplace that you don't hate so much. I assure you America does not care one iota about you, and those like you who live off the blood and sacrifice of others, while you all tell us about your rights (not how you earned or help to sustain them!), then complain about the country that provides these wonderful conditions for those of your ilk. Karma!

Albert Marnell May 13, 2007 12:59 pm (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, You are too clueless and to be polite "STUPID". The only reason marijuana is illegal is because of the alchohol lobby and big pharma. Don't tell me you do not drink you pot bellied freak.

Rosenberg May 13, 2007 7:48 am (Pacific time)

Some of you really are quite clueless when it comes to combat-related PTSD and the dynamics that come with it for returning "combat" veterans. In fact it's these clueless people and their insulting and rambling verbiage dealing with issues they know nothing of that may further augment (some) veteran's PTSD symptoms. I personally am against the use of any drug, especially illicit drugs such as MJ, but it does not bother me if a veteran derives some relief from their PTSD symptoms, no matter how temporary, as long as they do not put anyone else in danger. If someone, for example, is operating a motor vehicle under the influence, throw the book at them! Note: I have been involved with assisting "combat" veterans with PTSD for nearly 3 decades now (there are many different names for PTSD going back to the Revolutionary war), and it has been heartbreaking to see what I have seen. Stereotyping the veteran is certainly one of the worst things that happens to the returning veteran, and I have seen a number of posts on this site that certainly do that. PTSD symptoms, when one reads what they are do parallel different root causes, but combat-related symptoms are quite different. One of the biggest problems out there for the veteran, is the stereotyping that goes on, no matter how suttle, and the know-it-all's, who are so incredibly clueless. Most I believe are well-meaning, but many are simply narcissistic loser's. P.S. There is a big difference between the returning Vietnam and Afghanistan/Iraq combat veteran and those suffering from PTSD. Vietnam veterans know of what I speak.

Albert Marnell May 12, 2007 1:44 pm (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, You are so stupid and dishonest with yourelf that you do not even know that when someone ends any writing with "I will pray for you" it is just veiled anger. PTSD is PTSD, I think I have a right to comment on whatever I want without your constant convoluted sophistry.

Tim King May 12, 2007 11:22 am (Pacific time)

I am one of the owners of and I believe it is necessary to add clarity.

I am glad to see the points made by SynapseMisfire, but he underscores the very thing that has led to this point, and that is the failure of the drug war when it comes to being honest. You actually put the word "meth" in this comment and you are one of the people that are still trying to associate the natural plant marijuana with a deadly powder chemical made of things like Drano and lye and sulfur from match heads. Drawing this erroneous correlation into one lot is not valuable at this point.

You are also saying that it is in a person's better interest to maintain a status where they can be shipped back to combat time and time again. I don't think that is in the better interest of Americans either. Do you really think it is?

George W. Bush and his cronies have created a war where human decency has eroded substantially. We published this yesterday, the source is the DoD, not liberal media...

Excerpt from Top General Calls For Troops To Improve Their Treatment of Iraqi People

The survey found that only 47 percent of soldiers and 38 percent of Marines agreed that noncombatants should be treated with dignity and respect. More than one-third of all soldiers and Marines reported that torture should be allowed to save the life of a fellow soldier or Marine, and less than half of soldiers or Marines said they would report a team member for unethical behavior.

Are you shocked?

That point is not off the subject. It causes us to realize that we have much, much bigger problems in this country than a few people smoking marijuana because it brings them relief. For millions, this is a culture. People have to remember that. And they are not responsible for the new "urine testing" industry that is increasingly trying to figure out what we do in our private time. If this practice to inspect a person's body fluids hadn't become all the rage in the alleged "drug fighting" community then things would be very different.

Also, what Dr. Leveque discusses is 100% within the boundaries of the law. We do not condone the illegal consumption of any substance. I feel you are either not recognizing that or you are trying to take an opportunity to throw the readers off course. Again, this is about the legal use of cannabis and we just assume that anyone who chooses to participate has cleared the path in other aspects of their professional life before they ever consider trying it. I see no fault in the doctor sharing the results of his work as a man of medicine who saved lives for over half a century, after fighting in WWII. If I have anything to say about it, the world will not keep him silent anymore. He earned his right to free speech a long time ago.

I also suspect that he probably knows more about combat and military life than you and I put together sir.

Dr. Leveque is addressing people that served in every war, I know he does not specifically direct his points to active duty soldiers.

Tim King

SynapseMisfire May 12, 2007 9:13 am (Pacific time)

My main point is that many of the active-duty young men and women returning from combat are most likely on an inactive reserve status. Urging them to light up a joint to soothe the pain is suggesting they walk down the path to a dishonorable discharge. That map is misguided in a state that is already full of drug problems. Oregonians should be focused on cleaning up the drug problem -- not encouraging it to our warriors. Story after story can be found about how meth has torn our state apart. As our warriors return -- we need to put them on the frontlines of this drug battle and gear them as local and state law officials. Certainly there will be some returning warriors with stress issues. However, we must be very clear with them -- that going down the road of PTSD will almost certainly disqualify them for some of the best jobs. Young warriors keep your blade sharp and be very wary of this suggestion to smoke dope.

Rosenberg May 12, 2007 7:30 am (Pacific time)

Marnell the article is dealing with combat-related PTSD. Eat more fiber young man, appears you are becoming toxic with that insulting communication technique of yours. No doubt you have some problems, I will pray for you.

B.A. Cannabis, I pitty the fool! May 12, 2007 1:26 am (Pacific time)

Dr. Philip Leveque PLEASE can you source this information? Thanks!

Albert Marnell May 11, 2007 5:49 pm (Pacific time)

Rottenberg, You know nothing of anything. You do not have to be in combat to have PTSD. According to your logic, because you have other disorders, YOU should not talk about it. What do you know about it if you do not have it? Now I am convinced 100% that you are totally stupid and ignorant. I once saw a woman on a PA highway looking over 4 of her dead children after she hit a coal truck. Do you not think that she could suffer to this day? YOU IDIOT! Don't wish me a nice day when you do not mean it. But I will be honest with my feelings. DROP DEAD ROSENBERG! See, I am not a phoney. You want war? You got it!

Rosenberg May 11, 2007 4:26 pm (Pacific time)

Marnell this really has nothing to do with those people like you. What do you know of combat? Nothing! What value do your comments on this subject have? Nothing! Have a nice day...

Albert Marnell May 11, 2007 10:04 am (Pacific time)

The guy at VA Tech needed help and did not get it. I don't think that finger-painting, fresh air and walks would have cured him.

Albert Marnell May 11, 2007 9:56 am (Pacific time)

SynapseMisfire- Marijuana is not "DOPE" and you are missing the point. How brave you and your family are? SPOKEN AS ONLY A PERSON WITHTOUT PTSD COULD SPEAK! That comment was great? You refract the world and people through your inner prism and can see nothing else. Exercise? I am sure your next solution would be wheelchair races while reading "Gone With The Wind". Have another beer and go fishing. Real men can see and help the injured...physically or psychologically. Maybe only people with small memory retention could make such a self-righteous insensitive statement.

Mark Riley May 11, 2007 1:32 am (Pacific time)

Where is the connection to Virginia Tech in this article? That "be a man" line sounds like someone from the "shell shock" school of thought, antiquated and out of date, and the ruin of many good men. I agree that people should avoid pot if possible but this article from what I gathered, is about how it should be available when it would help somebody, and not be illegal. That, I agree with, if it helps fellow vets suffering from PTSD.

SynapseMisfire May 10, 2007 9:38 pm (Pacific time)

Recently returning war veterans should steer clear of this non-sense. Smoking dope will do nothing for your career and will wipe out any chances at federal, state and most local government jobs. Even most employers are stepping up to the plate to get rid of dope users in the workplace. Soon the state of Oregon might require all places of employment to test for drugs and legal residency. Until then -- it is a gamble at best. Try some excercise and being a man! Young vets be very careful of this idea of treating PTSD! Many of my family members, including myself are war veterans. Heck Grandpa was a Pearl Harbor survivor. We did not return home to light up a joint to soothe the pain. This idea of smoking dope to erase and ease war memories is a walk on the wild side. It is in direct violation of the law and any smart military man knows that inactive reserves are still held to the same high standards of the United States Military. Why this story is being mixed in with the tragedy at Virginia Teach is beyond all of our comprehension. You might be able to convince me that smoking dope soothes some pain -- but don't you for one instance compare our war veterans to the psychopath green-card from Virgina Tech.

Albert Marnell May 10, 2007 4:34 pm (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, Would you try to get off of this two party crap. The people that rule are not visible in general. How many times do I have to tell people to read about the wealthy families for the billionth time like Rockefellers, Rothchilds, Warburgs, descendants of Otto Kahn. Focus on going back to a stable gold backed currency and maybe we can get along. Wars and everything else is financed by people like our "Queen". She is nobodys queen and is a cold blooded murderess. She may fool some women but not most men and certainly not me. She may even believe her divine providence which she can shove. Remember Bilderberg meeting in Istanbul shortly, place unknown at this time. I have the addresses for the TLC and the CFR. They are in Manhattan but lots of luck to get past their answering machine. Most people feel honored when invited to join this small group of money power brokers because they feel elevated. The real smart ones know that these are private clubs for fox to spot fox and let's step outside and talk.

Rosenberg May 10, 2007 8:24 am (Pacific time)

This article deals with PTSD. For your information, it has nothing to do with a Preident who served in combat, but those veterans who did. Probably the worst, no he is the worst, Bubba Clintoon has caused more damage to our veterans and military than any other president. Though Jimmah Carter runs a close 2nd. Suffice, it's my hope that whatever can help to ameliorate my brother's (and sister's) suffering is okay with me.

The Abigail Folder May 9, 2007 9:16 pm (Pacific time)

Matt- Reagan had Alzheimers before he came into office. Too bad Squeaky Fromm did not get her man. I hope she gets out as she once did. We need people like her. She is a great Lady.

Matt Johnson May 9, 2007 6:55 pm (Pacific time)

There you go Rosey, dashing my hope back on the jagged rocks of conservative nonsense. Reagan made things better, but on the backs of the mentally ill. So, I could steal from the neighborhood kids who don't have dads at home and give their stuff to my kids. Then my kids would think I was just swell, and the other kid would be screwed. Then I would be Reagan. Can't you see? I mean, California is my state, but I am bright enough to know that electing movie actors as government leaders goes against the general flow of what is right. At least Reagan served in WWII... or wait, I remember; he didn't serve in the war, what was I thinking? He had his little reserve gig but he never fought or experienced war, he was banned because of his nearsightedness, how damned symbolic. At least Gov Arnold served, or wait a minute, no he didn't, about the only repub I care about or even know about having served in the military is Bob Dole, God bless him. He seems like a good bloke even if he is fairly confused about a lot of issues, funny as a card really. So anyway, Reagan was a great actor and a bad president. How friggin' hard is it to lead a country that is full of relief from a war being over and the following prosperity? Hey, maybe we'll have another yuppie revolution after this? All the dems will turn into little repubs in BMW's, I saw it once, losing faith in everybody. Matt Johnson- the Malibu Crew: live to surf-surf to live

Rosenberg May 9, 2007 6:09 pm (Pacific time)

Thanks. But to clarify: I threw out my liberal roots in favor of my conservative perspective, which has made me more understanding. Probably the reason 49 states went for Reagan, they new he new better than the liberals...

Matt Johnson May 9, 2007 12:58 pm (Pacific time)

Rosenberg, Thanks for showing us that there is hope in the world after all. Matt Johnson- the Malibu Crew: life to surf-surf to live

Rosenberg May 9, 2007 12:40 pm (Pacific time)

I say whatever brings relief to this suffering: go for it! Decades of observing close friends with this disabling disorder has really softened my stance. I assume throwing out my liberal roots as been a positive experience in making me more understandable...

Do Something! May 8, 2007 8:01 pm (Pacific time)

I know someone with PTSD...nightmares, preoccupation with past events, depression, anxiety, anger; too often in the extreme; other symptoms as well. The person is on Social Security Disability and can function on a very basic level and is actually very intelligent. But if there is a little bit of pressure, he shuts down so therefore the on going pressure or a job is out of the question. I have seen the suffering for over a decade. I know that whatever works especially something as safe and clean as Cannabis should be used. Unless you have lived with or around someone with PTSD, you really can never understand the destruction of spontaneity and what a struggle it is to keep it in balance. What most people do not even think of trying to maintain becomes a daily torture and work to do the basics. I am thankful that he is able to do as much as he does but it is not enough to be really independent in the truest sense of the word. He needs medical and financial assistance.

mike May 8, 2007 7:15 pm (Pacific time)

as a combat veteran of vietnam and the Mekong delta in particular I am alive because MMJ mellowed me out so that I could function

Paul May 8, 2007 4:13 pm (Pacific time)

Dr. Leveque is point on with this. my better half suffers from PTSD. Luckily shes listed as my caregiver and is able to find some relief.

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