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Feb-07-2008 08:53printcomments

Medical Marijuana for Dummies: No Insult Intended

Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Physician, Toxicologist and Pharmacologist.

Medical Marijuana for Dummies

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - As the only medical marijuana physician in the world who takes questions on the subject on an ongoing basis, Dr. Phil Leveque of provided this latest round of answers for a college student in California who is doing a term report on medical marijuana.

We thought many of the questions however general, are good examples of the wide-ranging curiosity of Americans when it comes to this medical treatment that is emerging and historic at the same time. It is especially interesting to note that until the 1930's, cannabis based medicines were dominant in the U.S. and abroad. It took a couple of well backed American businesses, one staunch politician, and a media group to cast a spell on marijuana use through the press and one memorable movie that was extremely effective called "Reefer Madness."

It is important to realize that laws on medical marijuana vary from state to state and that at this point in time, the federal government still fails to recognize its legitimacy as a medical treatment. The real truth is that the federal government has recognized medical marijuana in the past and there are still a handful of federal medical marijuana patients who were grandfathered into the new federal position. Their marijuana is grown for them at the University of Mississippi.

Here is the question and answer segment:

1) Dr. Leveque why do you feel that Marijuana (cannabis) should be legalized for medicinal purposes?

Dr. Leveque: Medical Marijuana has been legalized in blue states but not in red scotch drinking states. It really doesn't make much difference. SAMSHA, a U.S. government agency, reports 77 million people have used marijuana at least once and probably ten million use it occasionally when they can get it. Probably about two million use it daily.

2) Are there certain times that you feel that it should be used for medicinal purposes?

Dr. Leveque: Marijuana has been legalized in Oregon and most other states for chronic/severe pain, spasm diseases, cancer and chemo, HIV/AIDs and chemo, multiple scleroses, epilepsy, Alzheimer's rage, glaucoma, PMS, endometriosis, diabetic neuropathy and gastropareses. My stories on give a much wider list.

3) What/if there are the prescribing guidelines for marijuana? ex. every 6 hours

Dr. Leveque: There are no capitalized prescribing guidelines: every disease condition is on a scale of 1 to 10 and patients also have variable mindsets. They learn quickly what is enough and how often.

4) Are there guidelines and steps that should be folowed prior to marijuana being used?

Dr. Leveque: In my experience, 99% of patients have found how much and how often to use. Also, marijuana medical constituents are extremely variable, therefore there is NO DOSE or Regimen for everybody.

5) I have checked and there are 10 states that marijuana is allowed to be used along with District of Columbia what are their guidelines to the use of marijuana in Oregon?

Dr. Leveque: Oregon appears to be the most successful marijuana state but it also has the strictest regulations.

The regulations are?

1. Patient must have a precise diagnosis of acceptable disease. This doctor can sign the application. Most are afraid to, or sign only one or two applications. Of the 8,000 doctors in Oregon, only 2500 have signed. 10 doctors have signed 70% of the applications. We now have 20 thousand legal users but the U.S. government estimates that 3oo thousand in Oregon use marijuana.

2. The signing doctor must review diagnosing doctor's chart notes.

6) What are some of the medical diagnoses that marijuana has been found to be used to assist patients?

Dr. Leveque: For Question 6 See Question 2.

7) Is there a possibility of becoming addicted to medicinal Marijuana and are there any studies on this?

Dr. Leveque: It is possible to become addicted to marijuana but the cost is prohibitive.

It is less addictive than a Starbucks latte and far less than tobacco or alcohol. When a person runs out of marijuana, withdrawal is mild. This indicates slight addiction potential.

8) Can you overdose on medicinal marijuana or have any side effects of prolonged use of medicinal marijuana?

Dr. Leveque: A physician friend told me of a hashish oil smuggler in Morocco who swallowed a filled condom which broke. He slept for three days. Marijuana causes a high or euphoria which some people seem to enjoy. This high can lead to anxiety or panic attacks. After this, patients will be more careful. Cannabis has never in 5000 years of use caused death.

9)Is there a difference between "POT" Marijuana which anyone can grow illegally and medicinal marijuana?

Dr. Leveque: By definition, ALL marijuana is POT. Commercial growers have worked to increase the medicinal chemicals; THC, CBC and CBN to high levels. This is grown mostly in the Vancouver, Canada area and smuggled into the U.S. The value is almost 20 BILLION dollars per year.

10) What are the side effects of medicinal marijuana?

Dr. Leveque: The main adverse effect (NOT SIDE EFFECT) is euphoria or high.

11) Are there any contradictions when using medicinal marijuana with any other drugs?

Dr. Leveque: There do not seem to be any contradictions. Patients are usually able to reduce prescribed drug dosage.

12) For the states that do not have marijuana legalized or have a procedure put in place for medicinal marijuana to be used, can you give us some good reasons (pros) as to why you think it should be legalized in other states? Basically what would your argument be?

Dr. Leveque: At one time, before 1937 when cannabis drugs were made illegal, cannabis drugs were the most prescribed and most used drugs in the U.S. and elsewhere. Harry Anslinger through Congress and the Hearst Newspapers decided that if Mexicans and blacks were using marijuana it must be bad for white folks. 750 thousand people are arrested each year for using marijuana. Possibly ten times that number are using it mostly for medical purposes.

Got a question or comment for Dr. Leveque?
Email him:

More information on the history of Leveque can be found in his book, General Patton's Dogface Soldier of Phil Leveque about his experiences in WWII.
Order the book by mail by following this link: Dogface Soldier.

If you are a World War II history buff, you don't want to miss it.

Watch for more streaming video question and answer segments about medical marijuana with Bonnie King Dr. Phil Leveque.

Click on this link for other articles and video segments about PTSD and medical marijuana on Dr. Leveque INTERVIEWS & ARTICLES

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Adam S. Clark August 30, 2010 9:17 am (Pacific time)

Medicinal marijuana helps my chronic pain,anxiety,blood pressure etc... Thank God 4 it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous April 13, 2010 3:45 pm (Pacific time)

most people in the world (not the U.S. who have been brainwashed by the zionist regime)know that marijuana is good. But until the federal government quits using drugs and money laundering to finance their wars, marijuana will never be legal...the feds and the banks will see to it...they are making too much money to make it legal..fact

Big Bee in the Morning January 22, 2009 5:32 pm (Pacific time)

I self medicate on marijuana for chronic pain and slight anorexia and have been doing so for the past 5 years. I am a freshman art student in Portland and have had a 4.0 GPA since I started using my freshman year in high school. I have a steady part time job and a steady relationship with a woman who I am entirely committed to.(3year anniversary next month) Although never having any problems with the law over marijuana due to my pot friendly hometown of Portland; I still believe the money,time,men wasted chasing pot heads is completely absurd and ah fuck it just legalize it so all this bullshit will stop! o and good on ya doc ;-)

gizmos-mom October 11, 2008 7:45 pm (Pacific time)

I have been on methadone since 2004 my doctor kicked me out of the program cuz he said I was not taking my meds I was throwing up every day for a month I could not eat due to a blockage in my stomach. I started using pot cuz the diabetic neuropathy hurts so bad nothing will take the pain away.

SISTER SOMAYAH KAMBUI February 12, 2008 12:22 am (Pacific time)

Dear Illustrious Doctor Leveque: When you are asked what is the most important factor tht needs to be addressed concerning medical marijuana, answer that it is LAW ENFORCMENT withdrawal from being involved.. keep it out of law enforcment jurisdiction and in the hands of the people whom the medicinal use is authority. thank you

beat up from feet up February 8, 2008 6:36 am (Pacific time)

Dr. Leveque, As a person fighting neuropathic pain I've been prescribed every PILL from neurontin to oxycontin and methadone. I'm happy to say I got off all that crap and rely on my medical marijuana to have some form of normal life. The heavy meds I WAS on left me lethargic and brain dead. My life revolved between pills and sleeping, that was it. I hope all the PILLS I took didn't do any more damage than my body has sustained. I'm over 50 and just celebrated my 23rd anniversary with my love (just in case someone thinks I'm some young radical)! I thank Dr. Leveque and the other compassionate sane doctors for their strength and wisdom to speak out for all of mankind. Thank You All for your valuable time. Bryan

A. Stern February 8, 2008 1:10 am (Pacific time)

Thank you Dr Leveque for shedding some much needed medical light on the 70-year Cannabis Big Lie/Propaganda. 2 points to clarify: 1)12 states allow patients legal access to medical marijuana. These states are: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. 2)36 states plus the District of Columbia have passed legislation recognizing marijuana's medicinal value. These states are: AL, AZ, AR, CA CO, CT, FL, GA, IL, IA, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OH, OK, OR, RI, SC, TN, TX, VT, VA, WA, WV, and WI. In addition, Maryland passed a medical marijuana affirmative defense law in 2003 for legitimate medical marijuana users. This law is supposed to keep punishment to a reasonable fine, if the patient is indeed using marijuana for medicinal purposes. With so much widespread support and need for medical marijuana, it is tragic the FEDS continue to defy the will of the people by arresting state-legal patients and continue to stymie all attempts to research this amazing plant.

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