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| Next Page (Jun-12-2014 21:37)

Sergeant Bergdahl: The Army`s Blunder

A round peg in a square hole. He told the medical staff, “Do not call me Sergeant”.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Bowe Bergdahl I don’t care if you don’t like my title. Bowe Bergdahl was in the wrong place, wrong time, and in the wrong Army. He should have been in the Navy or Air Force, where his natural abilities could have been used and appreciated. It seems that he was somewhat of an intellectual. The infantry is the wrong place for such a person.

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2014 15:28)

GallantFew`s Raider Project`s War on Veteran Suicide and Transition

In the short time that GallantFew's Raider Project has started they have already expanded their global network to over 100,000 people in addition to the already established GallantFew network.

(DALLAS) - GallantFew GallantFew has been extremely successful in the US Army Ranger veteran community attacking unemployment, suicide, and PTSD. Building on this experience they have created The Raider Project to support Marine Special Operations Command (MARSOC) and the United States Marine Corps.

With Veteran suicide averaging 22 Veterans a day GallantFew and GallantFew's Raider Project take a different approach to this problem.

Read Full Article (Feb-27-2014 10:41)

Monster Drug Pushers: The Army and the VA System

Even though marijuana/cannabis is still illegal in many states, Veterans and non-Veterans are willing to take the chance and use it for PTSD...

(PORTLAND, OR) - Prescription marijuana The Army and I presume the Marine Corps, trains its own addicts. If you don't believe me, pay attention.

I can't remember much about basic training, they kept us on the run from about five in the morning until some time after supper.

Read Full Article (Feb-15-2014 23:26)

Medical Marijuana Casualty Report: Demonizing the Brightest Doctors Makes No Sense

People like Dr. Phil Leveque have suffered the ultimate wrath of reefer madness...

(SALEM) - Dr. Phillip Leveque and Tim King Marijuana is the big buzzword all over the country right now, but long before pot became posh, men like Dr. Phillip Leveque were pounding the trail for today's common public acceptance of cannabis as medicine.

But doctors keep paying the price with their medical licenses, it isn't right.

Read Full Article (Feb-14-2014 11:05)

TBI/PTSD Survey Logs More Than 1,600 Participants

The American Legion’s online survey runs through the month of February

(WASHINGTON, DC) - The American Legion An American Legion team of experts held a town hall meeting in Roseburg, Ore. this week for veterans to discuss the quality of VA health care they are receiving.

The Legion team also made a site visit to the city's VA medical center, interviewing key administrators and medical staff for a report to be issued later this year.

Read Full Article (Feb-11-2014 03:05)

Feds Take Aim at Decorated Combat Veteran`s Gun Rights

Like other Combat Vets, Pat Kirby has PTSD. The VA says he has to turn in his guns or face prison. This is not a misprint.

(MYRTLE CREEK, OR) - Pat Kirby and Tim King Pat Kirby answered his country's call to arms during the Vietnam War, serving multiple tours, suffering injuries, watching friends die.

The VA says that because his wife takes care of their family finances, he is deemed "incompetent" and for this reason, he has to turn in his guns...

Read Full Article (Feb-06-2014 15:56)

PTSD, Cory Remberg and Crass Betrayal of our Best Fighters

Condemned by our own Congress.

(PORTLAND, OR) - First Sergeant Cory Remberg First Sergeant Cory Remberg is the best or worst example of America's betrayal of our best troops in our questionable wars. When I saw this brutally battered soldier at the President's State of the Union speech, I could not help but weep. There for the grace of God go I. 300,000 Combat Infantry were killed in my WWII.

I have medically taken care of about 1,000 military PTSD victims and successfully, I might add but none so bad as this.

Read Full Article (Feb-05-2014 14:17)

Iraq Vets` Amazing Cross Country Trek to California

Both Voss and Anderson served in the Army, and both have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

(LOS ANGELES) - Tom Voss and Anthony Anderson Two Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) veterans have followed the footsteps of a small handful of veterans who have ‘taken to the open road’ to raise money for respective veterans organizations and to help people understand the scores of issues that plague veterans as they try to readjust to life back home.

Tom Voss (29) and Anthony Anderson (30) donned their hiking boots and headed west from Wisconsin on a 2700-mile journey that would take them to California’s Santa Monica Pier.

Read Full Article (Jan-21-2014 21:54)

An Open Letter to Soldiers with `Mental Health` Issues

You stand at the fork of two paths...

(TASMANIA, Aust.) - Soldiers and PTSD Are you a soldier or veteran who is supposed to have a 'mental health' issue such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia or PTSD? If you are, then I have some suggestions for you to consider.

My first suggestion is that you ignore any label that you have been given. For example, the term 'post-traumatic stress disorder' (PTSD) is an inaccurate and unhelpful way of labelling the appropriate, diverse and complex emotional responses that a normal human being will have to emotionally disturbing events of the type that are experienced during war.

Read Full Article (Jan-09-2014 23:18)

EXCLUSIVE: Feds Tell Veteran He Will Lose 2nd Amendment Rights Because of PTSD

When did serving your country become a crime?

(MYRTLE CREEK, OR) - Pat Kirby during the Vietnam War, and today. If Pat Kirby's guns are taken away by the federal government, then everyone else is probably going to eventually face the same thing. The clock is ticking.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin