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Salem-News.com (Dec-02-2013 12:36)

PTSD: Malignant Medications are Murdering Military Heroes

Pharmacological treatment is best.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Iraq 2008 Readers are most likely wondering about my title --- good, good! A whole bunch of entrenched treatments must be critiqued. They are bad for the Veterans and society as a whole. With 22 PTSD Veterans killing themselves every day and thousands homeless or hermits, something must be said about this absolute betrayal of our combat Veterans. Our society owes them the return of their souls and minds.

It is not necessary for me to recite the causes and effects of PTSD. They are well known and a cancer on our society. Almost from the first, they were regarded as a lack of moral fiber and/or a sign of whimpiness. Not so. The best combat soldier is frequently the worst victim if he is still alive. His brain has been undone.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-22-2013 03:14)

Two US Soldiers Convicted, Face Sentencing

Stay tuned to their respective sentences.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Christian Bales Two US army soldiers have been found guilty of crimes and are about to be sentenced. S/SGT Robert Bales killed 16 Afghan villagers, most of them women and children, was confronted in court by several survivors at the start of sentencing hearing.

Pvt Bradley Manning convicted of making public via Wikileaks US war crimes and diplomatic subversion of foreign governments, didn’t kill anyone and is expected to be sentenced later today.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-09-2013 10:26)

A Lover`s Quarrel: A Guide to Finding Sustainable Nonprofits

How can people run a non-profit to better others when they can’t even grasp the importance of peace within their own lives?

(PORTLAND, OR) - Lovers quarrel It could have been a Jerry Springer episode the way in which this woman began her email to me, “I told you that I have been with him for quite a while. So why did you invite him over to have sex with you.”

It was immediately clear to me that the nonprofit my male friend had started was an extension of his broken relationship with her, that he had lied to her about the details of our relationship, and had withheld details of theirs.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-13-2013 23:36)

Oregon Prepares for More Medical Marijuana Ballot Measures

In 1937, a law titled "The Marihuana Tax Act" initiated the degree of confusion and inexcusable embarrassment for cannabis...

(EUGENE, OR) - Oregon marijuana state Because Oregon was first "founded" on Valentine's Day, February 14th, in 1859, it was being governed by what's known as "federal law".

In the beginning, the plant had to be grown by all farmers period, and that their taxes had to be paid with it or else they were fined and thrown into jail.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-11-2013 18:43)

Oregon Medical Board and Medical Marijuana Permits and Their Foolish, Illogical Requirements

Who do they think they are?

(PORTLAND, OR) - Dr. Phillip Leveque When Oregon first legalized medical marijuana in 1998, medical conditions which made a patient eligible for a permit were cancer, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer's, Cachexia/Anorexia, pain, nausea, seizures and spasms.

These medical conditions were on the state application forms and the marijuana doctor was supposed to just check which of the medical conditions that the patients had to get the permit to grow, carry and use marijuana.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-11-2013 12:16)

Veterans... Does the Federal Government Really Care About You?

Those who served have a list of particular concerns, from Agent Orange to Depleted Uranium and beyond....

(WASHINGTON DC) - President  Roosevelt Obviously, like all of us who live in this country, we are exposed to environmental pollutants, household chemicals, and workplace hazards.

But what most of us would never imagine is that our employer would, without our knowledge, deliberately expose us to life threatening toxins.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-06-2013 11:34)

John Rocker Goes to Bat for Veterans

Former major leaguer's organization helps homeless re-enter society

(WASHINGTON DC WND) - John Rocker Conducting interviews on this topic is John Rocker, a Major League Baseball pitcher for six years, is the author of "Scars and Strikes."

After retiring from baseball, Rocker embarked upon a successful career in real estate development.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-01-2013 11:53)

PTSD, PTSD, Depression and Cannabis Therapy

Hemp hemp hooray, it works!

(PORTLAND, OR) - Marijuana and PTSD The marvelous news that Oregon's legislature finally passed a bill which will allow PTSD victims - whether military or civilian, to use legalized marijuana, is truly a blessing to possibly as many as one million Oregonians. Cannabis/marijuana has been used by Oregonians as medicine for about 100 years or more.

For starters, it was used as canvas on the covered wagons, and even before that, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Ben Franklin had it in their gardens and used it medically.

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Salem-News.com (May-23-2013 23:01)

If I could Just Save One

“We honor the dead best by treating the living well." ~Jennifer M. Granholm

(PORTLAND, OR) - Kabul, Afghanistan US Army night patrol I would arrive to work, coffee in hand, and my brain in screen-saver to sit in the same spot in the report room below a paper pinned to the wall that read “You know you are a nurse if…”

I stared at the bottom of the nurse bucket-list that read, “Your next project is writing a book titled “Suicide: How to do it right the first time.”

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Salem-News.com (May-20-2013 14:01)

Marine Missing in Seattle Washington

Jonathan Pablik's mom is asking readers to share this information widely.

(SEATTLE) - Marine Combat Vet Jonathan Pablik A Marine Combat Vet named Jonathan Pablik is missing in the Seattle area, his friends and family are concerned, they say Jonathan is suffering from PTSD.

Jonathan's mother, Sandy Pablik, said he was following a personal journey which he called walk of faith. The problem was he was the only one who knew what this all really meant...

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