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Michael Phelps Smokes Pot:
The Sky is Falling and He`ll Go to Hell in a Handbasket

Michael’s “indiscretion” puts a lie to the great lie that pot is dangerous and causes a whole bunch of dangerous adverse effects that would prevent any athlete from winning 8 Gold Medals at the Olympic Games.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Michael Phelps It is very curious that the day this story broke the Associated Press published a story that 24% of American 15 year old school boys and girls smoke pot.

In colleges the figure is at least double that. The cops don’t go to the colleges because they are rich kids and their parents would bail them out.

Read Full Article (Feb-05-2009 07:34)

Assisted Suicide: The Invisible Elephant - Physicians are Prepared

It's on national television again.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Almost anybody who has suffered long term excruciating pain will likely tell you that death would have come as a blessing.

Two states, Oregon and Washington, have doctor-assisted suicide laws. The big question is, do other doctors in other states do the same?

The answer is yes. They are just more careful about it.

Read Full Article (Feb-04-2009 17:49)

US Army Deserters Flee Iraq

Andre Shepherd may become the first US soldier to get asylum status in Europe. Article originally published in Russia Today February 4th 2009.

(MOSCOW) - Grafitti in a portable toilet in Kuwait Last week's successful election in Iraq was a major step towards the withdrawal of US troops from the country. But some soldiers are jumping the gun. They're deserting the US army, insisting the occupation is unjust.

At present, more than 5,000 troops are missing from duty, the Pentagon says.

One of them is Andre Shepherd, who found a new home in Germany. In 2007, before his second deployment in Iraq, Andre fled the army, calling the war illegal.

Read Full Article (Feb-04-2009 10:11)

New Military Charity Promotes `Civilians for Service Members`

Task Force G.I. Concentrates on Creating Military Service Member Opportunity While Addressing Overseas Environment and Educational Needs.

(SEATTLE) - Patriotic flag image Task Force G.I. is a non-profit Military charity that has been developed for the exclusive benefit of current and future members of the Armed Forces.

The program concentrates on five programs developed specifically to enhance overall overseas deployment environments and further the pursuit of obtaining educational degrees for enlisted members on active duty status with the five branches of service.

Read Full Article (Feb-02-2009 23:59)

Marijuana Dangers & Reefer Madness

Dr. Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Pharmacologist, Toxicologist and Physician.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Marijuana cafe I will be the first person to admit that I am very new at this computer toy/contraption. I am astonished at what is on it. Any computer gazer knows that I am an advocate for medical marijuana and that I have more than 4 thousand patients on it.

Read Full Article (Feb-02-2009 23:34)

Marijuana Reseacher Par Excellence Dr. Billy Ray Martin (1943-2008)

A memorial to a man who may have helped the medical marijuana movement without meaning to.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Dr. Billy Martin Dr. Martin was a Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at The Medical College of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia. He spent about the last thirty years of his life studying, experimenting (with rats) and lecturing/testifying about the dangers of marijuana.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2009 07:27)

Marijuana and Alcohol Use by Children

My own questioning of recent high school graduates indicated about 90% had smoked marijuana and even in religious schools the figure was about 30%.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Teens drinking alcohol I thank the Oregonian newspaper for continuing to supply me with stories for my website: It is very helpful to me.

On January 25th, 2009 they published an OP-ED “Millenials like to drink…by Lillian R. Mongeau.” about her own friends experience with “the devils own brew”, alcohol.

She writes “teens will experiment (with drugs) and when the dire consequences predicted in (DARE sponsored) health class don’t match up with personal experience, the teen will often conclude that health teachers and their ilk are overreacting”.

Read Full Article (Jan-25-2009 02:11)

Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

No Purple Heart, no VA Care: what a crime!

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - On January 7th 2009, The Oregonian newspaper printed this short item: The number of U.S. war veterans who have been denied VA healthcare since 2003: 452,677.


When I read this I was so enraged I felt like strangling somebody - almost anybody.

What about one thousand war veterans committing suicide every day from not only lack of care but in most cases, being given care which actually causes suicides?

Read Full Article (Jan-23-2009 14:57)

Veterans For Change Demands Accountability for Those Who Served

They want Congress to amend the “The Veterans' Benefits Improvement Act of 2008” to speed up the update of the Disability Rating Schedule and several other sections of the law, as it is apparent that the VA has stalled these updates for years

(GARDEN GROVE) - The small but vocal group Veterans-for-Change released a letter today calling for new legislation in the 111th Congress. The group's Jim Davis, says their request is based on what he calls the obvious fact, that while billions may be spent on war, on bailouts, and economic stimuli, the U.S. Government cannot appropriate sufficient funding to care for Veterans and Widows of Veterans disabled by their President.

The group hits on recent events horrendously dismissed by the Department of Veteran Affairs such as admitting they didn’t check their computer programs and change them to comply with legislation, thus causing monies to be erroneously collected from the widows of Veterans at the worst possible time, the moment of their deaths.

Read Full Article (Jan-21-2009 10:21)

Group Finds Significant Gap in the Army`s 2008 Quantity and Quality Goals

On the Heels of the U.S. Army's announced goal of 65,000 additional recruits, National Priorities Project (NPP) finds significant gap in Army's 2008 quantity and quality goals

(NORTHAMPTON, Mass.) - U.S. soldiers enroute to Iraq last summer, photographed in the Atlanta Airport. A new NPP analysis highlights a significant gap in the Army's 2008 quantity and quality goals. Using census material, combined with data on 2008 Army enlistment obtained through a Freedom of Information Act, NPP research also uncovers a continued trend of disproportionate recruits from southern states.

This work is a result of an expanded NPP initiative, which now includes a database of 2004-2008 military recruitment numbers broken down by zip code, county and state. A snapshot analysis and overview of current military recruitment data, which includes a ranking of counties by recruits per thousand youth, charts and tables on a particular county, zip code or state is available at

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
