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Feb-05-2009 20:20printcomments

Michael Phelps Smokes Pot:
The Sky is Falling and He'll Go to Hell in a Handbasket

Michael’s “indiscretion” puts a lie to the great lie that pot is dangerous and causes a whole bunch of dangerous adverse effects that would prevent any athlete from winning 8 Gold Medals at the Olympic Games.

Michael Phelps

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - It is very curious that the day this story broke the Associated Press published a story that 24% of American 15-year old school boys and girls smoke pot. *

In colleges the figure is at least double that. The cops don’t go to the colleges because they are rich kids and their parents would bail them out.

Sheriff Leon Lott in Columbia, S. Carolina where this heinous act occurred must be slavering in his 5 microseconds of fame that he has “caught” a big one.

If he didn’t/doesn’t know that many college students smoke pot and drink beer (etc) he is really in the woods (bad simile – that’s where they grow pot and S. Carolina white lightning).

Michael’s “indiscretion” puts a lie to the great lie propounded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) that pot is dangerous and causes a whole bunch of dangerous adverse effects that would prevent any athlete from winning 8 Gold Medals at the Olympic Games.

The extreme stressful training necessary for such a superb athlete is akin to PTSD. How does a person get over the extreme adrenaline overload from the severe training and the extreme stress of Olympic Competition. IF you are guessing you are probably correct.

I am a retired Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology and I have studied Cannabis/Marijuana as medicine for 50 years. I believed, with a grain of salt, the U.S. Govt. propaganda about dangers and felt the medicinal attributes of cannabis were happenstance or shamanism at its best/worst.

When the new laws of legalized medical marijuana came out I said to myself. “Who is smoking what?” Subsequent experience with 4000 plus patients have been an epiphany. Medical Marijuana is helpful for dozens of diseases AND stress.

I hope Sheriff Lott will get over his hyper indignation – and take a few tokes – he needs it.

* Dope-smoking among teens down in many countries - By LINDSEY TANNER AP Medical Writer


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More information on the history of Dr. Leveque can be found in his book, General Patton's Dogface Soldier of WWII about his own experiences "from a foxhole".
Order the book by mail by following this link: Dogface Soldier

If you are a World War II history buff, you don't want to miss it.

Watch for more streaming video question and answer segments about medical marijuana with Bonnie King and Dr. Phil Leveque.

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S. Murphy February 10, 2009 10:05 am (Pacific time)

I was a professional soldier and I know well over 200 active duty Oregon National Guard members throughout Oregon, and I just know about a handful who didn't vote for Obama. Conservative radio personalities are a scourge and it is true that people in the military have nothing to say about it. I want to make a confession by the way; I've got some pretty serious integrity problems and I also have Multiple Personality Disorder. I post under the names Sol Menashe, Smitty Jimmy Warren and Idealist.

Vic February 9, 2009 5:50 pm (Pacific time)

Just the Messenger.....I think that if Charles Manson went to Iraq, he would be asked for more autographs than O'Reilly was......does that make him sane?? No.

Anonymous February 9, 2009 1:52 pm (Pacific time)

JTMsngr: Dunno what contacts you have widely dispersed among populace and media to make such statements. Mine own experience and longtime observations (since War II) fully back what Tim wrote re surprise leftward stance and move among almost all military with whom I came into contact...both within service and outside, with some top-command contact re reporting assignments. DO believe this main point Pentagon now working via its pseudo-contact msngrs, a la that recent "retired"-General gang "consulting" with many leading broadcast/press pundits, until unmasked a la some here now. It is not only private-capital sector from whom we must expect fullbore fallacies where they can be planted, nurtured and then strengthened for the coming day of resurrection.

Just the Messenger February 9, 2009 12:57 pm (Pacific time)

I can't stand O'Reilly but he was in Iraq and warmly received by very large crowds who also waited lengthy periods to get his autograph. As you may have observed both active duty and veterans are overwhelmingly conservative in literally any legitimate poll you can find. This may rile some, but it is a fact. As far as Al Franken, aka Stuart Smalley, he did not draw very many people compared to say conservatives like Lt. Dan, aka Gary Sinse. Franken also was not well received in his radio broadcasting on Air America. As far as FOX television getting the most play, that also reflects their popularity in the states.

Editor: The GOP lost the election, O'Reilly is as hated as he is admired by people in uniform. Maybe I hang around the Oregon Guard a lot, but there is a surprisingly large number of progressive people in the military and that is a fact. Al Franken was extremely well received in Kabul, Afghanistan and he goes over year after year. I think you are blowing smoke messenger; I've been able to see the opposite of what you describe with my own eyes.

Henry Ruark February 9, 2009 12:28 pm (Pacific time)

JTMsngr: Tim's explanation is absolutely correct as I have reason to know from experience. I must add that major reason Limbaugh "reigns", to use in itself-deceitful word from Comments, is that major daily ownership has made major longtime effort to promote, preserve from attack and suit, and otherwise subsidize his whole career, for their own Far Right-promotional purposes worth their weight in dollars spent by shaping, solidifying and strengthening their own malign intentions. They well know what to do when they find something so redolent it returns radical re-investment in remarkable amounts, even when distorting reality for millions for whom they care much less than nothing. (Yes-they achieve that near-impossibility, too, as demonstrated by citable actions over past century.)

Just the Messenger February 9, 2009 9:53 am (Pacific time)

Editor: Actually Limbaugh has been to the war zones. You might also like to know that his radio program is the most popular one on armed services radio. I belive that many wounded veterans can identify with Limbaugh about getting hooked on painkillers. He paid a heavy price with the loss of his hearing, but he rehabed himself and continues to energize millions of people. Regardless if one is pro or con about him, he has weathered much criticism and prevails still. As far as so-called disgusting drug addicts, there are many well know personailities that have suffered from this affliction, including soldiers and well known politicans, even at the highest levels.

Editor: Thanks for pointing that out, we'll have to get some dates so that is clarified for our other viewers. As far as his radio program in the war zone goes, the reason for that is George W. Bush's government didn't ask soldiers if they wanted to hear Limbaugh, they just make it the only program available. They play some CNN on TV in the DEFAC's and in other places, but it is mostly FOX News. On all of the base buses in Iraq that I rode on, they play exclusively country music. The whole system in the military is designed to support right wing politics. There is no revelation here; the government has been in charge and they play the soldiers the most war supporting media possible. I personally met, interviewed and spent time with Al Franken in Afghanistan. That was one of those examples of progressives making the trip but no sign of Limbaugh or O'Reilly or Savage or any of the comedians that you would expect. At any rate, thanks for writing and adding this information.

Henry Ruark February 9, 2009 9:41 am (Pacific time)

JB: You wrote: "You guys shouldn't attack people who just want to speak their minds." For those with editorial experience and responsibility (as for Tim, and me too on occasion here) you seem to confuse feeling with informed opinion. It is only the latter which should appear here via personal cogitation rather than automatic b-button response. Dissent welcome here anytime, but on basis of cogitation and information rather than simple personal-stroking of feeling-producing organ(s)...

JB February 7, 2009 7:26 pm (Pacific time)

Editors, I feel your ganging up on me for speaking my feelings. Why do you mock Rush for taking pain killers but think it's OK to smoke pot? I really believe liberals are way off the mark in their thinking. As a athlete, you are right I am a little squeek compared to M. Phelps. Just like your news is a little fart to Rush's EIB Network. You guys shouldn't attack people who just want to speak their minds.

Editor: We aren't a sounding board for outdated untrue propaganda. Nobody means to gang up on you, that isn't the point, but can you try to expand your thinking a little bit? Your point insults everybody here. Do you think it is easy to be a news organization that gets behind something controversial? Well it isn't. But marijuana is not a problem, it is an extremely promising natural plant that was used by people successfully until American business put it into a different category with LIES in the form of propaganda like Reefer Madness. In reality, there are plenty of substances and attitides and practices that are wrong in our society. We all know what we are talking about on this subject; Dr. Leveque practically has no rivals. He is a forensic toxicologist, pharmacologist, and retired osteopathic physician. He has been watching and monitoring marijuana users for decades and he reports what he sees. It may be a bitter pill for some people but it is true; cannabis helps people.

Regarding the story on Limbaugh, we had the top pick on Google News last week with that Rush story. Also, I'm a war photographer and Limbaugh's right wing ass has never entered a war zone that I know of. Regarding your fart comment; you really should just stay in your false propaganda zone. Rush is a band. Limbaugh is a disgusting drug addict and guess what? There is more dirt that we have on this guy and it is really bad. You know he has been busted repeatedly; there is no question about it. Phelps was photographed, that is very different, but then anything for a buck right? Just ask your hero Limbaugh about that.

SunflowerPipes February 6, 2009 11:43 am (Pacific time)

Michael Phelps is an American Hero. He stood tall and made America proud at the Beijing Olympics. This is how America treats its heroes, we forget all of the hard work Michael Phelps did to achieve his task, we forget the pride we felt with the each gold medal, we forget how Phelps helped America to be competitive against the Chinese when they planned on winning all of the golds, we forget all of those things and hang a man for smoking glass pipe at a party. That is our shame; America cares little for appreciation and loyalty but is absolute when it comes to misplaced morality. In short America often finds it easier to tear people down and point fingers than it does to recognize freedom and practice good will. I hope they do try to arrest Michael Phelps to further shed light on our hypocrisy and maybe stir the good people of this country up enough to stand up for their friends and neighbors being persecuted in this "drug War".

JB February 6, 2009 11:40 am (Pacific time)

This shows how pot smoking destroys your thinking and decision making. If anything think how much money M. Phelps is going to lose over this. Hero to zero. Hopefully he can rebound and not spend the rest of his life playing play station in his moms basement.

Come on... this isn't comedy! You are trying to be comedic right? Dude, whoever you are, this pot smoker is twenty times the man most will ever be and he blows your 1930's thinking about cannabis out of the pool. He is important, you are a little squeek on the Internet still fighting a lost drug war, geez, get a life!

Anonymous February 6, 2009 9:22 am (Pacific time)

Saying "extreme training" is "akin" to PTSD is similar to the writers previous statements that "thousands of veterans are committing suicide daily." It's unforunate that this Olympic champion was photographed smoking pot, but the issue is not the current illegal aspect of this act but the influence this champion has with young kids. He lost his endorsement with Kellogs this morning, which uses "role models" to advertise their products. I imagine more negative things will happen to this individual. Now this is an excellent lesson for our youth about acceptable conduct for those who get paid for their "role model marketability.", their are ral world sanctions. Now if this could be applied to our politicans in a similar way.

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