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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jan-15-2009 23:12)

Gran Torino, PTSD & Clint Eastwood (VIDEO)

Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Physician, Pharmacologist and Toxicologist.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Gran Torino and Clint Eastwood have put together one of the best depictions of War Veteran PTSD.

For my fellow combat PTSD Veterans tell non-victims such as rear-echelon sob’s this movie is a good example of what PTSD is! Clint shows survivor guilt, paranoia, total irascibility, hate of all enemies and even a death wish which are all symptoms of PTSD.

For his survivor guilt he earned a Silver Star Medal as the survivor of an Infantry attack on an enemy strong point in the Korean War. He was presumably a Veteran of 2 or 3 tours. His survival is hard to believe.

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2009 12:29)

Waterboarding Officially Declared as Torture by Holder

A federal official draws a new line in the sand.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Bush and Rumsfeld The next U.S. Attorney General-nominee, Eric Holder Jr., stated clearly today that Waterboarding is torture. This unusual practice used on Guantanamo Bay detainees and other prisoners of the U.S. government during the Bush Administration, was highly criticized when it first came to light.

But Bush's team, with former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld leading the way, declared that this method of prisoner treatment was legal.

Holder's statement is a clear indication that President-elect Barack Obama will represent a radical departure from the last eight years. What Holder has achieved is something that the two previous attorney generals have deftly avoided.

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2009 10:28)

Psychological Health, Traumatic Brain Injury Outreach Center Opens

The center serves members, leaders and healthcare providers of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard, Reserve and all uniformed services, along with veterans of all the service.

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Image of a soldier in Iraq The Department of Defense today announced the opening of a 24-hour outreach center to provide information and referrals to military service members, veterans, their families and others with questions about psychological health and traumatic brain injury.

"We're providing 24/7 support to assist callers with questions regarding psychological health and traumatic brain injury," said Brig. Gen. Loree K. Sutton, M.D., director of DCoE.

"Getting the best possible information and tools, hassle-free, will empower and strengthen warriors and their families to successfully manage what can be confusing and disturbing circumstances."

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2009 03:00)

Deadly Toxic Chemicals from El Toro Marine Base Affect Woodbridge in Irvine

The Internet is allowing the truth about this contaminated and closed down Marine air base to move into public view. Sign the petition to help Marines, the link is at the bottom of this article.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - El Toro Marine Air Station A series that began May 1st 2007 about deadly toxic contamination at the now-closed El Toro Marine Corps Air Station in Orange County, California, seemed like unwelcome news at the time to City of Irvine officials and also the public representative for the Irvine Ranch Water District.

Loose lips do sink ships, but so do plenty of other things. The ship in this case, was a huge development project planned by Lenar Homes that would have turned the dangerously polluted base into an upper end housing community and public park.

Construction ground to a halt and the base is now being used to store automobiles.

Read Full Article (Jan-13-2009 12:38)

Iraq Veterans Poisoned: War Contractors Knew But Concealed

A story making headlines today in the Oregonian was originally reported here almost two months ago.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Indiana National Guard The Oregonian Newspaper headlined Oregon Troops exposed to toxic chemicals by Julie Sullivan January 9th 2009.

She wrote that KBR, a Haliburton company, disregarded and downplayed the extreme danger especially of lung cancer.

Read Full Article (Jan-13-2009 10:52)

Iraq and Afghanistan (VIDEO)

Comparing the differences between America's two war zones as casualties in Afghanistan spike.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Afghanistan and Iraq are disctincly different places, yet they have plenty in common in the minds of American families. Every emotion in the universe can be attached to the wars in these faraway places.

The deaths of five U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan and one in Iraq in recent days, remind us that the cost of our military mission is steep.

If allied forces can find eventual success in Afghanistan, then there would be a measurable accomplishment for the sacrifice of the last several years.

Read Full Article (Dec-17-2008 18:30)

Medical Marijuana Question and Answer Segment with Dr. Phil Leveque (VIDEO)

A new special question and answer segment featuring's Bonnie King and Dr. Phillip Leveque.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Scientist in Europe researches medicinal values of the marijuana plant. Dr. Phil Leveque in Oregon is one of the world's leading authorities on the subject of medical marijuana. In addition to a lifetime devoted to helping patients with chronic pain, Dr. Leveque is a Pharmacologist, Toxicologist and a WWII combat veteran.

This is the latest video in a continuing series on with the doctor and reporter Bonnie King.

Read Full Article (Dec-12-2008 11:35)

A Disturbing Night in Iraq: Witnessing the Abuse of `Insurgent` Detainees

An eyewitness account of U.S. contractors, possibly Blackwater, administering highly questionable treatment of prisoners in Iraq.

(FALLUJAH, Iraq) - Reporter/Photojournalist Tim King in Iraq This story was written in the early days of September, 2008; about the night that I encountered questionable treatment of Iraqi prisoners, while flying in a U.S. Army CH-47 helicopter from Fallujah, to Balad, Iraq.

I delayed publishing it, but more revelations about the authorized torture and abuse of prisoners in Iraq by Bush Administration officials, led to the decision to release this information.

Read Full Article (Dec-12-2008 01:10)

Marijuana Legalization Tops List of Questions for Obama in Online Poll

"We're tremendously excited about the promise of tools like this that offer Americans a level of access that has historically been hard to come by."- Obama Team

(SALEM, Ore.) - Barack Obama I am not surprised that the number one thing Americans are asking President-elect Barack Obama is whether or not he is going to legalize marijuana. Generations are changing and evolving and the taboos around cannabis are slowly falling away.

Read Full Article (Dec-09-2008 19:21)

Oregon Governor Responds to Anti-Deployment Vigil and Fast

Governor Ted Kulongoski tells Michele Darr from Operation Homebound that he will meet with her group Wednesday.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Michele Darr of Operation Homebound In a developing story, Oregon's Governor says he will meet with the woman who started the peace vigil and fast on Oregon's capitol steps called Camp Homebound.

Michele Darr says she was sitting at the state library today checking her email, when someone tapped on her shoulder. It was Paul Evans and Danny Santos from Governor Kulongoski's office.

Evans said, "The Governor is up the hall and he would like to have a few words with you." Darr said she was pleasantly surprised and followed the two aids into an office in the state library. Darr said the Governor was friendly and warm and asked her, "What are you bringing forward today?"

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
