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Sep-17-2010 09:19printcomments

Cannabis Comedy Club: Where do they Get this Misinformation?

Mark Ware studied 20 adults with severe chronic pain from surgery, accidents, or other trauma.

Medical marijuana

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - I acquired a recent document titled, Study: Smoking Pot May Ease Chronic Pain authored by Amanda Gardner,, August 20, 2010.

I was overjoyed to see the title as I have been writing and posting about this for at least three years and I had 5000 Medical Marijuana patients of whom 70% were patients for chronic severe pain and they told me that it worked better with less adverse side effects, including addiction, than any of the Morphine-like drugs.

I was elated to read of someone with my own point of view.

This article was supposed to be the first “real world” study and report of the advantages of Marijuana over the synthetic Marijuana drug called Marinol. The lead researcher, Mark Ware, MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine = MB; Bachelor of Science = BS), the British Medical degree. He is director of clinical research on pain at McGill University in Montreal, where they call Marijuana JANE.

His study included 20 adults with severe chronic pain from surgery, accidents, or other trauma. I HAD 5000 PATIENTS OF THE SAME CATEGORIES. Both groups had used Marijuana before, mine were current users. All were not satisfied with current narcotic treatment.

His smoked 4 levels of JANE at Zero to 9.4%. Surprising to no one the 9.4% gave the best relief. My patients used whatever they could get. His results were published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. None of us American Medical Marijuana Doctors have been able to get anything favorable published since Dr. Lester Grinspon.

Dr. Wares’ article was apparently reviewed by several other doctors whose ignorance is pathetically showing. I call them F.B.I. (Foolish Beyond Ignorance). Dr. Andre McDavid in Temple, Texas says “Marijuana isn’t ready to become mainstream chronic pain treatment”.

The Hemp and Cannabis clinic has 70,000 patients in 9 states using it effectively for chronic severe pain. He discounts its effectiveness against Neurontin®, a severely stupefying analgesic.

Dr. Christofer Gharibo of New York City says Dr. Wares study doesn’t address whether patients could do everyday activities. Neuroutin® patients are virtually paralyzed with stupidity. He adds the long-term effects of Marijuana could prove problematic. Some of my patients have used for 50 years. The average is about 25 years for our average patient at 47 years old. He says some patients have weight gain. This is ok for those with HIV/AIDS and Chemotherapy.

Dr. McDavid says some patients could over do it (MJ). Most patients consider a HIGH to be an adverse side effect.


Got a question or comment for Dr. Leveque?
Email him:

More information on the history of Leveque can be found in his book, General Patton's Dogface Soldier of Phil Leveque about his experiences in WWII.
Order the book by mail by following this link: Dogface Soldier.

If you are a World War II history buff, you don't want to miss it.

Watch for more streaming video question and answer segments about medical marijuana with Bonnie King Dr. Phil Leveque.

Click on this link for other articles and video segments about PTSD and medical marijuana on Dr. Leveque INTERVIEWS & ARTICLES

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carrie September 26, 2010 4:54 pm (Pacific time)

we will stand strong to fight for medical use in ohio on oct 16th at the state house in columbus hopefully some may see this post and join us! i know many many people including with mental disablity that say it helps with the pain and mood swings other medications has cause. now it was either they sit for awhile in jail or a physc ward or smoke and feel better. personally to the medication they wish to feed you i would rather have snot on my upper lip than elvis in the fridge anyday!

M. Dennis Paul, Ph.D. September 18, 2010 4:12 pm (Pacific time)

I suffer from one of the most painful conditions known to man. On the traditionally used pain index, it rates a yard stick higher than childbirth and cancer and is 24/7 pain. Because the Governor of my state (whose wife is a doctor)is so politically afraid of standing up for medical marijuana, the best my specialist can offer is round the clock fentanyl with oxycodone bumps. The result is that I can function about 8 hours a day with continual discomfort. It takes two days a week of inactivity to recover some functionality for the remaining 5 days and I suffer through intermittent non-REM sleep (usually 2-3 hours at a time). When I first contracted this disease, I used marijuana for relief. It was not the perfect answer but it certainly helped (especially in affording me a full night's sleep). My current position would end if I were to test positive for Thc and my specialist would be required to cut me loose for the same reason. Fear and ignorance of those powers that be force me to live in a nightmare of pain and discomfort. Most doctors with whom I have spoken that are advocates of medical marijuana affirm that I would always have need for narcotics even with marijuana use. However, they (almost to a t) believe I would need less than 25% of the narcotics I now use. Unless one lives as I do, I understand how difficult it might be for one to understand what this would mean to me. To those individuals who profess some "knowledge" regarding marijuana as a drug that stunts motivation, I have to add that my pot smoking buddies and I built the first "free" high school in the State of NH which received accreditation the day it opened while the local high school failed and that our many pot smoking students were top picks for the major universities. Further, I earned my Bachelor, Master, Doctorate and Ph.D. all while smoking pot (as have many others). As a former drug counselor in a rehab, I went against protocol when treating PTSD clients (most of them, military), forced into rehab for violations and infractions brought about by their condition, by advocating marijuana use. I have seen first hand how it helps. I applaud Dr. Leveque for his compassion and advocacy and wish there were more like him.

Potheads September 18, 2010 10:34 am (Pacific time)

Don't believe the hype that marijuana is safe. Marijuana use results in dependency on marijuana for many people evident by the number of people using marijuana today. MARIJUANA will CONTROL you and your life, and you cannot do anything about it but push other people to use it with you.
Face it, MARIJUANA is controlling people's lives today that's why there are various propositions on legalizing marijuana.
Admit it, you as a pot user, need to have marijuana because you are dependent on it. Your entire life is a lie and you are spreading this lie to others. Marijuana users generally feel they don't have to worry about anything but themselves. They push others to use pot like them thinking that pot is the answer to their sorry lives that they cannot accept without pot. Don't be deceived by pot users and pushers. There is a reason why pot is called dope. You cannot believe information that is coming from a pot user because he pot user's mind is altered to believe in the drug.

Tim King: I love the fact that you can't even add your name to this gibberishly weak attempt at propaganda.  You should post these somewhere a less educated crowd gathers, maybe that way you could reach somebody.  I will be the first to say that I support non marijuana users, more power to them.  But this is a crowd of kind and decent people who aren't motivated about things like war and greed, in deed they are kind and introspective.  I have been listening to this kind of crap all my life, "You'll never be anything" people would yell when they learned that I was open minded toward pot use.  Well today I own and operate a news agency and we are kicking ass and taking names, fighting for this subject, Marine Corps veterans and all people who live on this planet.  We are well known and here to say that marijuana is a small thing, something people use to find relief.  Is it necessary?  Not for everyone, but it is a pleasant and non dangerous medicine and leads to little harm.  The gateway theory by the way is created by people like this, who WANT the problems from marijiuana that don't exixt, to have a place in the world.  Good luck..  

malcolm kyle September 18, 2010 3:05 am (Pacific time)

Many people, including scientists, believe that dronabinol lacks the beneficial properties of marijuana/cannabis, which contains more than 60 cannabinoids, including cannabidiol (CBD), thought to be the major anticonvulsant that helps multiple sclerosis patients, and cannabichromene (CBC), an anti-inflammatory which may contribute to the pain-killing effect of cannabis. It takes over one hour for Marinol to reach full effect, compared to minutes for smoked or vaporized cannabis. Patients accustomed to inhaling just enough cannabis smoke to manage symptoms have complained of too-intense intoxication from Marinol's predetermined dosages. It’s also difficult to keep a pill down when one is nauseated. Many have also said that Marinol even produces a far more acute psychedelic effect than cannabis. Cannabis vs Marinol Marinol (Dronabinol) = 1344 USD per month Marijuana = free if you grow your own outdoors. Cannabis is safe and the Queen of all herbs, with euphoria-inducing and life-preserving qualities . . . and need “euphoria” be a bad thing?

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