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Court Decision Sets Back Reasonable Gun Control Legislation

Pro-gun Judge compares AR-15 rifle to a pocket knife.

(SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.) - assault weapons U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez overturned California’s ban on assault weapons by minimizing their killing power.

He said, “Like the Swiss Army Knife, the popular AR-15 rifle is a perfect combination of home defense weapon and homeland defense equipment.” How absurd. I am not aware of any mass killings where the killer used a Swiss Army Knife.

Read Full Article (Oct-28-2019 22:45)

271 Oregon Firefighters Deployed to California

75 fire engines and 271 firefighters were assembled in a matter of hours

(SALEM, Ore.) - California fires Oregon firefighters mobilized by the Office of State Fire Marshal to join firefighting efforts in California went to work today after arriving in California on Sunday. Crews have been assigned this morning to support efforts to mitigate structure threats and construct control lines.

“It’s very humbling to be a part of a large scale mobilization of resources and see how quickly Oregon can respond in a time of need,” said State Fire Marshal Jim Walker.

Read Full Article (Oct-28-2019 22:22)

California Getty Fire Grows to 618 Acres

INFORMATION UPDATE: As of 10/28/19 at 8:00 PM PDT

(LOS ANGELES, Calif.) - California fires Firefighters and aircraft have made good progress in slowing the spread of the fire, though containment is at only 5% at this time. Firefighters are actively engaged in structure protection throughout the evacuation zone.

Aircraft and dozer teams are continuing to strengthen containment lines.

Read Full Article (Feb-06-2019 12:47)

Carlton Man Suspected Serial Sexual Predator

Bail is $2.5 million for 32 felony counts, nearly all sex crimes.

(YAMHILL COUNTY, Ore.) - Robert Koester 52-year old Robert Koester's residence and outbuildings were used as photography studios, in the 16000 block of NW Meadowlake Road in rural Carlton.

Koester, who has also used the names “Bert Kay”, “Rhake Winter” and “Qitooly”, was arrested by the Carlsbad Police Department on November 13, 2018 on sex related crimes under California criminal code.

Read Full Article (Nov-09-2018 12:44)

Thousand Oaks, California Mass Shooting sure as night follows day...

(SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.) - Ian David Long This marked the 307th mass shooting incident so far this year. Clearly gun violence in America remains an ongoing issue. After these many mass shootings, there has been a noticeable absence of action at the federal level about gun violence in this country and I am not hopeful that there will be any after this latest incident.

I suspect there will be more “thoughts and prayers” and the same discussion -- sorrow, helplessness, outrage, and another futile call for gun control.

Read Full Article (Aug-25-2015 01:08)

Well-Known Northwest Motorcyclist Irish McKinney Killed in Accident

McKinney was a generous soul, known for helping others.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Irish and Marjorie McKinney Longtime community advocate 56-year old Irish McKinney was killed in a tragic motorcycle accident near Needles, California on Monday, Aug. 17.

Irish was well-known to the White Center/Burien-area as both an avid Harley rider as well as a tireless fundraiser for the needy, raising over $26,000 for the White Center Food Bank in the last few years, including $15,000 last year, according to Sean Robinson. “That was his passion people...helping...and the motorcycle community,” Sean told The B-Town Blog.

Read Full Article (Aug-09-2015 23:23)

Cannabis Continues Going Up in Smoke in Emerald Triangle

"They are intentionally letting Trinity Pines, Hyampom, Denny, Mad River and parts of Hayfork burn up in my opinion," commented one cannabis grower.

(COTTAGE GROVE, Ore.) - emerald triangle Well folks, once again, we're seeing marijuana going up in literal smoke within "Cannabis Capitol, California", but this time we have a source from within the flames, cluing us in to the efforts and lack there of, into the extinguishing of the fires raging throughout the Emerald Valley of California with little hope but much smoke in sight.

"Millions of our plants literally have burned up, and the smoke is so thick that those that haven't burned are being choked by the smoke and lack of light."

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2014 22:19)

California Voters Defelonized Nonviolent Drug Possession and Other Low-Level Crimes

Prop 47 passes in California

(SACRAMENTO) - cost of incarcerating nonviolent crimes Proposition 47, the ballot measure to defelonize minor drug possession and other low-level nonviolent crimes passed easily tonight, with the San Francisco Chronicle calling the race within an hour of the polls closing, despite dismal voter turnout in the state.

The initiative will treat certain crimes as simple misdemeanors, reducing the future prison population and authorizing resentencing for those currently incarcerated for these offenses if they prove they are no longer a threat to public safety

Read Full Article (Aug-12-2014 22:20)

California Woman Leads Oregon Police on High Speed Chase

The attempt to elude ended when OSP troopers stopped her vehicle using a tactical vehicle intervention technique.

(CENTRAL POINT, Ore. ) - Oregon High Speed Chase Oregon State Police troopers arrested a 22-year old California woman Tuesday afternoon following her attempt to elude police northbound on Interstate 5 between Central Point and Sunny Valley.

At approximately 12:31 p.m., OSP Southern Command Center dispatch received a citizen's driving complaint of a recklessly driven passenger car northbound on Interstate 5 in the Medford area.

Read Full Article (Aug-11-2014 16:37)

One of America`s Funniest Men, Robin Williams, Dead at 63

Williams received two Emmy Awards, four Golden Globes, two Screen Actors Guild Awards and five Grammy Awards.

(TIBURON, Calif. ) - Robin Williams Actor-comedian Robin Williams was found dead on Monday at his home in Northern California from an apparent suicide, Marin County Sheriff's Office said. He was 63.

The sheriff's coroner's division said it suspects the death was a suicide due to asphyxia, but the cause of death is still under investigation.

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