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Sep-17-2009 14:22printcomments

Jack Herer Continues to Fight for His Life -- Donation Fund Formed

Rumors circulating Friday afternoon about Jack's passing are not correct. We verified at 4:10 p.m. pacific time that Jack Herer remains in critical condition.

Jack Herer
Special thanks to for this photo of Jack Herer.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Author and activist Jack Herer suffered a heart attack Saturday after stepping down from the stage at Hempfest, an event celebrating cannabis in Oregon.

Jack has been very busy in recent years republishing his book, and he was also planning to leave soon on a European tour.

Herer is the author of "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" and it is fair to say he is known and loved by millions who are part of, or associated with, the cannabis culture. He is quite possibly the single most important and well known figure in the entire movement.

Jack's heart attack followed his delivery of an impassioned speech to the thousands attending Hempstalk.

The event is described by some friends of Jack's as a "mild heart attack", but's Dr. Phillip Leveque, says no heart attacks are mild.

We want to be able to give accurate information and we have received many emails from people who care and want to know how Jack, his wife Jeannie, and his son Mark are doing, along with their long list of supporters.

Alabama Compassionate Care reported on Facebook that the latest UNCONFIRMED word is that Jack may have suffered damage to 70% of his brain.

Organizers of Hempstalk had asked the city of Portland to station an ambulance near the event but city officials refused, according to Oregon NORML Executive Director Madeline Martinez.

Dr. Leveque says Jack did go a long time without oxygen. It actually took between twenty and twenty five minutes for ambulance crews to reach Jack after he collapsed. called the Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland and were told as of 2:10 p.m. west coast time, by a spokesperson, that Jack Herer is still in critical condition. He is in the hospital's Cardiac ICU.

JACK HERER FUND: There is an immediate need for help with finances for Jack Herer. They ask for you to please spread the word. Donations may be deposited at any US BANK under the JACK HERER DONATION FUND.

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Nelson June 8, 2012 12:14 pm (Pacific time)

Kari!!! I came over here thinking you might have had the ltitle one by now and couldn't be happier for you guys. Thea is an absolute love. Wrinkly, gorgeous, perfect ltitle love. Congratulations to your beautiful family.And PS those images. Very dangerous. Having me thinking all sorts of thoughts about baby #3.

October 19, 2009 10:59 am (Pacific time)

may god bless u to get better

Anonymous October 19, 2009 11:00 am (Pacific time)

god bless u get better

fluffynugs420 October 8, 2009 1:00 pm (Pacific time)

thats a damn shame, i hope he gets better

G. Morales October 6, 2009 3:24 pm (Pacific time)

I am hoping Jack makes a full recovery or that at least he remains cognitive. He is a great man and whatever the outcome we must remember to keep fighting for our right to legalize.

TOM October 5, 2009 11:18 am (Pacific time)

"Jack's awake and out of ICU," reports Jeannie Herer about her husband, the iconic marijuana activist who suffered a heart attack on Sept. 12. "He's not talking yet or moving around much. He's starting physical therapy. I just want to thank everyone so much for all the prayers and good wishes. They really seem to be working. Progress will probably be slow, so please keep it up." Jeannie asks that donations be made to U.S. Bank at: Emanuel Hospital Office 220 N. Stanton Portland, OR 97227 503-275-7280 Just tell them you would like to donate to Jack Herer.

b-girl October 2, 2009 6:30 pm (Pacific time)

my prayer are with Jack and his family. I have heard a lot about Jack from my brother and uncles

Green Jeans October 2, 2009 1:56 am (Pacific time)

Wishing you would just get out of that bed Jack, hoping like heck that you wake up lets say 4:20 and light up~~ Wishing You and Your Family The Best! **people out there stop with the hounding of the Great Dr. Leveque on the oxygen, Doc L's like almost 90, BE MAD At THE Numbnuts who would not allow an ambulance on the property...thats WRONG! ~lawyers get ready~

Fish October 1, 2009 1:26 pm (Pacific time)

Just got an email from Jeannie. Jack is out of ICU but NOT awake.

Daryl Irwin October 1, 2009 12:32 pm (Pacific time)


Nick September 22, 2009 2:46 pm (Pacific time)

maybe he had no 0xygen on him.

ImStoned September 19, 2009 12:59 pm (Pacific time)

I met have Jack Herer on a few occasions while shooting THC Film Festival where we medicated in his room and I was allowed to shoot a couple pics then. Jack is a man that takes you for what you are, another human being. Jack bro, Im hoping the best for you bro. Bill West

M&H September 19, 2009 11:03 am (Pacific time)

Just to stop a few rumors…. My husband was one of the first responders to Jack. As soon as Jack went down, people were trying to help him as best they knew how. When my husband got there approx 2 minutes later, he took over as he has advanced CPR training for medical providers. He was providing one man CPR when one of our paid security officers arrived. Then they switched to two man CPR. As they worked on Jack, his color started to return and Jack coughed a few times. The ambulance arrived and the EMT’s worked on him. He was transported out of the park by ambulance and they met Life Flight out on the main road. Life Flight then flew him to Emanuel Hospital. As we stated previously, as of 9/19 this morning, Jack is still in critical but stable condition. Additionally, the fund is legit. We helped Jeannie set it up at US BANK. Go to any US BANK branch or call them. Tell them you want to donate to the JACK HERER DONATION ACCOUNT. They can verify for you that the fund was set up at the Emanuel Hospital branch and is legitimate.

M&H September 19, 2009 10:59 am (Pacific time)

Just to stop a few rumors…. My husband was one of the first responders to Jack. As soon as Jack went down, people were trying to help him as best they knew how. When my husband got there approx 2 minutes later, he took over as he has advanced CPR training for medical providers. He was providing one man CPR when one of our paid security officers arrived. Then they switched to two man CPR. As they worked on Jack, his color started to return and Jack coughed a few times. The ambulance arrived and the EMT’s worked on him. He was transported out of the park by ambulance and they met Life Flight out on the main road. Life Flight then flew him to Emanuel Hospital. As we stated previously, as of 9/19 this morning, Jack is still in critical but stable condition. Additionally, the fund is legit. We helped Jeannie set it up at US BANK. Go to any US BANK branch or call them. Tell them you want to donate to the JACK HERER DONATION ACCOUNT. They can verify for you that the fund was set up at the Emanuel Hospital branch and is legitimate.

M&H September 19, 2009 10:31 am (Pacific time)

I spoke to Jeannie this morning. As of this morning, 9/19 Jack is still in critical but stable condition. I personally worked with Jeannie to set up a donation fund with US BANK. So, yes, it is legitimate. Please call or go to any US BANK branch. Tell them you are donating to the JACK HERER DONATION ACCOUNT. This account is for the mounting medical bills and other expenses Jeannie is dealing with. Thank you all for caring so very much!!!

Seeva September 19, 2009 9:48 am (Pacific time)

I just spoke with Chuck and Jack is still with us and I am so glad that he is hanging on. He is a strong man and mentor to so many. Please keep praying for Jack as he gave his promise to Capt. Ed we ned to promise to keep praying for al he has done for the moveent as well as educating the world about Cannabis. PRAYING ON MY KNEES~ With Love, Seeva and Family

Qew September 19, 2009 3:05 am (Pacific time)

Why did Dr. Leveque let him go w/out oxygen? He forgot to pack his extra cannister and regulator? To quote another famous Dr. "Damnit Jim, I'm a Dr. not a miracle worker!" What do you think they just carry spare oxygen around with them in the trunk of their car or backpack? As sad as it is there is nobody to hold to account, shxx happens. Pray for Jack, send positive vibes instead of looking for something/someone to blame.

kingkewl September 19, 2009 1:17 am (Pacific time)

jack was 70. as for doc'Leveque ( who signed my first card) jack had just told him he felt beter than he had in 10 years.. there is a fund set up for him... please.. i know they can use it...

kingkewl September 19, 2009 1:12 am (Pacific time)

herbgirl.....Family can feel Family we'll known Jack for 30+ years

Julie September 19, 2009 12:15 am (Pacific time)

"Reports of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated" - Mark Twain (and Jack Herer)

~Seeva September 18, 2009 3:33 pm (Pacific time)

I am still speechless~ Jack is my mentor , friend and confidante. He has taught me so much and I and my family love him. My Daughter is his God Daughter Summer Raine this world will be a sad place w/o him- My Love to all of us as to Jack we are most are all FAMILY!!!!We know it andfeel so much for his kids and ex and loves from all!!

Fred September 18, 2009 11:35 pm (Pacific time)

20-25 minutes to reach him? How far outside the city was the event? 911 is a joke in your town, Portland.

Cathy September 18, 2009 8:26 pm (Pacific time)

Jack is a fighter! I think he will wake up and be okay again! I hung out with him 3 or 4 weeks ago, he looked great and told he felt really good. Stay positive!

LAURENCE CHERNIAK September 18, 2009 8:15 pm (Pacific time)

Curious me? Does anyone know how come a coma was induced and if it was induced is it really so difficult to bring him out of it and if it is so difficult to bring him out of it, why was it induced in the first place? Very, very curious?

Hippie Joe September 18, 2009 3:41 pm (Pacific time)

I just Got the News Mr. Jack Herer has died... He will be missed

EDITOR: This is NOT true. We just confirmed with Emanuel Hospital that Jack is still with us. 4:12 pm

Aiko September 18, 2009 2:27 pm (Pacific time)

We Love You Jack!

Steve Fischler September 18, 2009 12:52 pm (Pacific time)

I just called up to Chuck at Jack's. The donation fund is UNCONFIRMED at this point. Eve is going to try to find out from Mark.

So be careful.

From Bonnie: Matt and Holly sent us this information, after meeting with Jeannie to set up the fund. I believe all is good.

fishy sounding donation fund? September 18, 2009 11:33 am (Pacific time)

We're praying for our friend Jack and his family. But something sounds fishy about a
donation fund that "may be deposited at any US BANK under the JACK HERER DONATION FUND."
Say what?!?!?!

Editor: that was sent to us by a party that we are familiar with, but as in all things like this, it is good to be sure.  I think a visit or call to a U.S. Bank can probably lead to a quick and easy answer.  But again, just to clarify, these comments are all approved by living people, thanks.

ninja nubbs September 17, 2009 10:43 pm (Pacific time)

stupid f*%#ing city officiaals anot respecting stoners and theyre health. WERE ALLLL HUMANS one of the same. Whys this world so hateful, why caant we just all live in U.N.I.T.Y. HAng in the Jaack, we aall love you.

Kid Kenny September 17, 2009 9:55 pm (Pacific time)

Tim, Dr. Leveque didn't have access to oxygen, and the city refuse to station an ambulance at the park. He was given mouth to mouth moments after he collapsed. So it wasn't that the good Dr. "let him go" without oxygen, there just wasn't any available. If by chance Jack DOES go, i think city may need to be giving some answers...

Tim King: Thanks for writing Kenny, Doc Leveque had actually left the event before this happened, but there were people right there doing all they could for Jack.  Doc and I spoke on the phone shortly after it happened, and he did stress that it is very hard on a person to go twenty minutes or longer without that oxygen, we're sure holding a good thought in the meanwhile, thanks! 

Linda Sturdivant September 17, 2009 9:13 pm (Pacific time)

This man is the most important man in our fight. He is our leader. He has to wake up, and come back to half the world praying for him He has to wake up, and be Jack as we know and love him. Hes so funny. I have so many great memories, and The last time I saw him, he gave me the biggest hug, and kiss on the cheek .I am so thankful for that hug. Please god, let him be alright. We love you Jack. Linda and Terry and Seeva too.

ElectroPig September 17, 2009 8:12 pm (Pacific time)

I agree, keep your best thoughts in your conscious thoughts, and let's all hope that Jack gets back on his feet QUICKLY. I sent him an email letting him know that I fully intend to get a SIGNED copy of the 12th edition of "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" and I'm holding him to it!

Eve Lentz September 17, 2009 6:31 pm (Pacific time)

Note: Jack's doctor told Chuck Jacobs and I, personally, Sunday morning, Sept. 13th around 11 a.m. in the Cardiac I.C.U. , that Jack suffered a "small" heart attack, and he described all of the procedures Jack was to go through until they could bring him out of the induced coma several days later. I was with Jack and all of the wonderful nurses caring for him, for several hours until Chuck arrived. Later Jack's son, Mark Herer and Jack's wife Jeannie arrived, and Chuck, Suemon (who was with Jack when he collapsed) and I went back to the Portland Hempstalk to run Jack's Hemp Booth for the last day. Jack's family has kept Chuck informed on Jack's condition as Chuck had to return to California to Jack's home where Chuck has lived. I agree with Dr. Leveque that no heart attack is "mild", and that the main thing Jack is dealing with, now, is any brain damage he may have gotten waiting for the ambulance to arrive. God bless all of the people who worked on him to keep him alive. Let us all expect miracles! Please wake up, Jack! We all love you so!

Miracle Herb September 17, 2009 6:21 pm (Pacific time)

Hang in there Jack,the World is Praying for you.We Love u Jack and Jeannie.

Mir September 17, 2009 6:20 pm (Pacific time)

Hang in there Jack,the World is Praying for you.We Love u Jack and Jeannie!

Eve Lentz September 17, 2009 6:13 pm (Pacific time)

Note: Jack's doctor told Chuck Jacobs and I, personally, Sunday morning, Sept. 13th around 11 a.m. in the Cardiac I.C.U. , that Jack suffered a "small" heart attack, and he described all of the procedures Jack was to go through until they could bring him out of the induced coma several days later. I was with Jack and all of the wonderful nurses caring for him, for several hours until Chuck arrived. Later Jack's son, Mark Herer and Jack's wife Jeannie arrived, and Chuck, Suemon (who was with Jack when he collapsed) and I went back to the Portland Hempstalk to run Jack's Hemp Booth for the last day. Jack's family has kept Chuck informed on Jack's condition as Chuck had to return to California to Jack's home where Chuck has lived. I agree with Dr. Leveque that no heart attack is "mild", and that the main thing Jack is dealing with, now, is any brain damage he may have gotten waiting for the ambulance to arrive. God bless all of the people who worked on him to keep him alive. Let us all expect miracles! Please wake up, Jack! We all love you so!

Darral Good September 17, 2009 5:11 pm (Pacific time)

all over the world people arepraying for oue friend Jack the emperor of hemp! legalize hemp and marijuana

Daniel Johnson September 17, 2009 4:00 pm (Pacific time)

Unless I missed it in one of the other stories, what's his age?

Jack is 70 years old.

Tom September 17, 2009 2:52 pm (Pacific time)

Why did Dr. Leveque let him go w/out oxygen? He was right there next to him and he is a medical doctor. Just wondering???

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