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Jul-30-2007 03:30printcomments

Medical Marijuana: Is Kevin Mannix a Bigot?

He’s trying to kill the marijuana program.

Medical marijuana patient abuse cartoon
Image courtesy:

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - The Oregon Medical Marijuana program was voted into law in 1998 by a substantial margin. Despite frequent newspaper stories and editorials demonstrating misleading misinformation that it was addicting and dangerous and was used only by “low-lifes”.

After eight years, Oregon’s program has turned into one of the most successful Medical Marijuana programs in the United States and is a model for most of the other ten states with similar laws. It now has about 15,000 patients and 2,200 physicians supporting the program.

In the face of all this, it appears that the two-time rejected Candidate for Governor, Mr. Mannix, has filed a petition which will repeal the current MEDICAL MARIJUANA LAW but the wording of the petition looks like it was put together by the scotch drinking firm of Sleezy, Slymy and Krupt, which is well known for this kind of deception. The petition indicates a pathetic lack of truth and fact.

The petition says that it will reduce “abuse of the system”. The 2,200 participating physicians will be surprised to learn that they are being duped into signing applications by clever, distrustful marijuana users.

Kevin Mannix doesn’t know that the synthetic drugs Marinol®, Casumet® and others, frequently cause very unpleasant panic attacks and are strongly avoided by most patients.

He seems to think Nurse Practitioners are allowed to sign applications. Wrong. Only M.D. and Osteopathic doctors can do this.

He does promote the plan that the Department of Health Services will help pay the cost of doctor visits and pay for medication. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS. Many patients are disabled and destitute.

He wants the physicians and/or Nurse Practitioners to monitor the patients. He doesn’t know that most, nearly all, of the patients have been using marijuana for years and are getting along very well coming in once a year for renewal.

He wants to stop the present legal system as of March 31, 2009. This will place 15,000 patients and 5,000 caregivers in an impossible legal situation. The 2,200 covering physicians will be in worse shape. It takes a whole year of “doctor time” to renew the 15,000 patients’ permit. The State Medical Marijuana Office is working at their maximum efficiency right now and is barely keeping up. The program is adding, at least, 100 new patients per week in additional to the 15,000 patients requiring renewal. There is no way they could handle this total fiasco.

Mr. Mannix needs far more factual medical information than he demonstrates in this strongly bigoted diatribe. VOTERS, YOU MUST REJECT THIS LAW – Initiative 104.

You can email your questions to the doctor:

More information on the history of Leveque can be found in his book, General Patton's Dogface Soldier of Phil Leveque about his experiences in WWII. Order the book by mail by following this link:

If you are a World War Two history fan, you don't want to miss it.

Watch for Dr. Phil Leveque's video question and answer segments about medical marijuana with Bonnie King.

Other articles and video segments about medical marijuana on

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Henry Ruark August 6, 2007 3:39 pm (Pacific time)

To all: It is wellknown part of plan by some elite forces to keep citizens in thrall to such inanities, thus making sure serfs never realize how well manipulated they are. (Documentation on request.)

Anthony Johnson August 6, 2007 11:53 am (Pacific time)

Thank you so much for educating people about Kevin Mannix's boondoggle, Dr. Leveque. It is a shame that Kevin Mannix is hoping to treat sick and disabled patients as criminals. His initiative will not reduce crime, it will only cost us millions and make otherwise law-abiding citizens criminals. Please join Voter Power and other reform organizations and help us stop this terrible initiative.

Jay August 4, 2007 6:59 pm (Pacific time)

You bet he's a bigot! And yes indeed, a Banty rooster! Now that he's screwed our prisons by boondoggling the public into thinking measure 11 was even close to a good idea, let's make the nice people using marijuana into criminals too. How else could he keep his pocket-padders happy? He absolutely discriminates against POOR people, WOMEN, and the DISABLED. Even first-time offenders deserve SOME compassion, but not from this sell-out. In his white-bread world, he can sleep well just dreaming of his personal cashflow.

Alex Stoner August 4, 2007 4:04 pm (Pacific time)

Mannix is a threat to everyone who cares about what is right... pardon the pun. He is a square's square and there is major dirt on him soon to hit the streets too, better put your seatbelt on, I'll tell you that much!

Vic August 2, 2007 8:13 am (Pacific time)

Mannix is a little man with a supersized ego..reminds me of a Banty rooster I had once..insignificant, but noisy and annoying. Coyotes finally got that rooster ... maybe we should deliver a few to Mannix's klavern.

S.LaMarche; July 31, 2007 7:00 pm (Pacific time)

Huh???; I know you are really Kevin Mannix behind the clever moniker! I wasn't born this morning. So take a toke a chill out, it won't help your toe but will increase synaptic activity in a curious way, found to benefit around 70,000,000 nationwide. Or, dont' try it. It used to be a "free" country. The "Doc" is there to help people. The only reason it's a provlem is because it's "illegal", a law dating back to 1912 foisted on the govt. by an elite self serving group of beurocrats tied to alcohol production and there own quest for power. It's out of date by a hundred years Kevin, and so are you. If you want to take a drink that's up to you. If you want to have a cannibanol milkshake, I'll join you!, in fact, I'll buy the first round!

Chong; July 31, 2007 6:39 pm (Pacific time)

Cheech,your toe nail is a fungus and the herb won't address it. But you can legally get a fifth of J.D. and a carton of Camels while recouping. I'm going to twist one up and wait till you get over the hangover.

Anonymous July 31, 2007 1:52 pm (Pacific time)

Kevy is dog poop - No, I take that back - that would be an insult to dog poop. He is a tiny little thing with a Napoleonic complex - a dirty slut for special interests. His bitch, Loren Parks, was run out of town in disgrace. Measure 11 is a serious crime that Kevy is responsible for. He will do anything that he thinks he can get political mileage from - like the anti medical marijuana action he is currently involved in. Nevermind that, if successful, it would result in the needless suffering of innocent human beings.

cecil July 31, 2007 1:49 pm (Pacific time)

hey cheech, my land, my plants. wtf is it a concern of yours?

cheech July 31, 2007 8:02 am (Pacific time)

Hey doc, My little toe nail has yellowed slightly and it has me really depressed. Can I get a permit to grow large amounts of marijuana that I can sell to all my friends? Oh yeah, can you make the law so vague and cover it by HIPPA so that it will be totally unregulated. Thanks a bunch!

Ted K. July 31, 2007 12:40 am (Pacific time)

Kevin Mannix will not get this one through; his political aspirations like this piece of legislation, is a joke.

Henry Ruark July 30, 2007 9:08 am (Pacific time)

Neal et al: Parks is one of several billionaires long funding the Norquist et al cabal ever since Reagan-days. See "Republican Noise Machine" by David Brock; also "Up From Conservatism" by Michael Lind, former Editor of NATIONAL REVIEW, with sub-title "Why The Right Is Wrong for America". He should surely know --longtime leader of real conservatism.

Henry Ruark July 30, 2007 8:08 am (Pacific time)

To all: Mannix is long discredited since he has adamantly refused to acknowledge his close allegiance to the Norquist cabal in D.C. You'll recall the notorious Norquist statement re "dragging government into the bathtub and drowning it." This action is simply more malign mischief at the same level, worth only your denial on his known well-paid-for perversions of public will.

Neal Feldman July 30, 2007 7:57 am (Pacific time)

Mannix is a scumbag self-promoter who does not care a whit about anything other than his own ego. He puts out these nonsensical political pap smears to keep his name in the papers and because they are arch-conservative wingnut red meat. Nothing more. He also does not think through his proposals such as where the FUNDING is to come from. Senior and disabled services have had their budgets slashed already to pay for the massive expenses of Measure 11 (I support Measure 11's goals but not in its unfunded mandate form) and now he wants the property/identity crime Son of 11? Where is the money going to come from? Any suggestion of raising taxes to pay for it will just get Machine Mannix to clank and howl even more, won't it? Then he will run to his out-of-state Sugar Daddy Loren Parks for another suitcase of cash. Why doesn't Parks pay for the costs of these measures if he loves them and Mannix so much, hmmmmm? Ah well...

S.LaMarche; July 30, 2007 5:46 am (Pacific time)

thank you Dr. Leveque. Mr. Mannix obviously has nothing to do and maybe some "vested interests" helped him form this opinion? I know most politicians are totally honest and wouldn't dare let this practice influence their votes., but occaisionally I've read there is ..,dishonesty, corruption and power brokers vying for attention. So thanks again for cluing us in.

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.


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