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Dec-20-2011 13:38printcomments

Medical Marijuana Patient's Worst Enemy: Gil Kerlikozoske (G.K.), the Drug Czar

His stepson has been arrested and jailed for Cannabis use and sales; oh the irony!

Gil Kerlikowske courtesy: Toke of the Town

(MOLALLA, Ore.) -       I wrote a weird story about this dude a couple of weeks ago. I was so intrigued by his ignorant arrogance regarding the benefits of Marijuana as medicine that I “hit the computer” to see what he was about. I was astonished at how bigoted he was about the whole subject. My reference is a copy of his speech to the California Police Chiefs Association on March 4, 2010. The title of the article in celebstoner.com is Gil Kerlikowske’s Reefer Madness which seems singularly appropriate. I will pass on some of his words of “wisdom” transmitted to the Chiefs of Police:

      He speaks about the negative effect of MJ among youth. A recent Christian Science Monitor December 14, 2011 prints High School seniors smoke Marijuana more than cigarettes. Actually tobacco and alcohol are far more dangerous! He pontificates about the “dangerous gangs”. He must be talking about the Mexican Mafia. He whines about he Marijuana dispensaries which are about as close to legal businesses as we have just yet. He says “science should determine what medicine is and not popular vote”. He doesn’t seem to know that Cannabis is the safest, most useful and most effective medicine ever discovered and that kids smoke it because it is called medicine. How weird, where did he come from??
      He states the Netherlands are closing down “coffee shops”. This is not really true. They are closing some! He states “Marijuana is harmful because it causes dependence, respiratory and mental illness, poor motor performance (like the swimmer who won 8 gold medals) and cognitive impairment”. I thought he might have mistaken it for alcohol, Oxycontin, meth, or heroin. He also says it causes “withdrawl and compulsive behavior”. Even the High School kids are hysterical about that. It also causes lower test scores and lower educational attainment during INTOXICATION. That remark really blows my mind. He seems to equate Cannabis with alcohol and Oxycontin. That is really “farout”.       He berates Cannabis as a “cure all” while actually it is the best all around medicine EVER found.       He decries the social costs of Cannabis police control against the income from taxing it like alcohol or tobacco. Ridiculous, it could erase the tax shortage in every state and the U.S. if it were legalized. The War on Drugs does use up billions of dollars. That war is totally foolish and a failure. Wake up Gil!       His article produced 14 derisive comments that were right on target.

      A few little side notes found in the comments. His stepson has been arrested and jailed for Cannabis use and sales. Secondly, he has been offered Chief of Police in Chicago. He should take it and quit embarrassing President Obama who selected him as drug czar.


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Jillian Galloway January 12, 2012 7:12 am (Pacific time)

Chardonnay, Cabernet, Merlot, Cannabis - only ONE of these lacks the ability to kill you. Alcohol consumers deserve the right to switch to the FAR safer recreational drug, Cannabis.

billy boner January 12, 2012 6:50 am (Pacific time)

why isent there anything about why people smoke weed cause i kno alot about weed and why i smoke it.

Jillian Galloway January 4, 2012 1:16 pm (Pacific time)

Every year millions of people around the world use alcohol to celebrate in the New Year, and every year many people are killed as a result of this. Cannabis is far safer than alcohol and many lives will be saved when people are allowed to choose cannabis instead of alcohol. People like Mr. Kerlikozoske are allowing unnecessary death and suffering to occur due to their irrational opposition to cannabis. Laws should be based on logic, fact and science and NOT on preconceived ideology and unsubstantiated fears! Legalize adult cannabis sales.

George December 24, 2011 7:57 am (Pacific time)

The government and law enforcement continues to perpetuate an outdated prohibition that kills and incarcerates hundreds of thousands people every year. This war on the American citizens is one of the biggest crimes against humanity in history. If you add up all the deaths caused by the US drug laws in all countries and the number of people incarcerated by these outdated draconian drug laws you get something akin to a holocaust, were large numbers of people are killed and imprisoned for what? smoking a plant? Obama, the House and Senate supporters of prohibition, the DOJ and Drug Czar should all be held accountable for the murders and suffering caused by the US drug laws. A trial in a world court would be appropriate for these mass murderers. They keep trying to put the blame on the cartels, the citizens who smoke marijuana when the real culprit is the laws and the people who support them. End prohibition now, save lives around the world. Write your representative and tell them you want them to stop this insanity or you will vote them out. Inaction by any of us means we will continue to allow people to be killed and incarcerated by the ignorance of our elected leaders and the outdated laws they support. Finally, the media that continues to run sensationalist stories about the drug war without highlighting the tragedy caused by the US drug laws is also complicit in the horrendous suffering and deatch that results from our governments continued pursuit of prohibition.

muzzylu December 21, 2011 1:34 am (Pacific time)

Great e-book on medical marijuana: MARIJUANA - Guide to Buying, Growing, Harvesting, and Making Medical Marijuana Oil and Delicious Chocolates to Treat Pain and Ailments by Mary Bendis. This book has great recipe for marijuana oil and tasty, yummy chocolates! http://bit.ly/obHfCy http://bit.ly/oYO1N6

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