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Dec-03-2008 23:39printcommentsVideo

Oregon Doctor Answers Reader's Questions on Medical Marijuana and PTSD (VIDEO)

This is a special question and answer segment featuring's Bonnie King and Dr. Phillip Leveque.

Dr. Phil Leveque and Bonnie King from
Dr. Phil Leveque and Bonnie King from
Photo by Tim King

(SALEM, Ore.) - Dr. Phillip Leveque has treated over 4,000 patients throughout his career as a Physician, Pharmacologist and Toxicologist. Prior to that, he served in General Patton's Army in WWII as an infantry soldier fighting The Nazi's in Europe.

This intimate connection with the soldier's combat experience in war, led to Phil Leveque treating hundreds of veterans as an Osteopathic Doctor during his practice, many of whom suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Consequently, he became one of the world's most experienced physicians in dealing with this complex disorder.

He has known many veterans who use cannabis as a therapy for PTSD and he writes frequently about their high rate of success, and ability to stay off hard drugs and alcohol, both of which are killers. Marijuana has never led to a single death.

As the years passed, Dr. Leveque has become one of the most outspoken advocates for medical marijuana and he was instrumental in helping Oregon achieve its status as a legal medical cannabis state.

Medical Marijuana Victory

This week, the U.S. Supreme Court stated once and for all, that police and sheriff agencies in states where medical marijuana is legal, have no right attempting to enforce an out of date federal law that prohibits marijuana altogether.

Dr. Leveque has advocated for this for years, and it is a victory week for people who use cannabis as a safe and sane medicine to treat a variety of illnesses and diseases.

In this video segment, Bonnie King shares a number of reader-generated questions with Dr. Leveque. One person asked if medical marijuana is helpful for people who suffer from epilepsy. Leveque says it is, and he also explains why medical marijuana is helpful for epileptics.

Another viewer asked if cannabis can help skin conditions like scleroderma.

A former Marine who served in Lebanon during the Beirut crisis asks how medical marijuana might help him deal with PTSD and ongoing headaches.

Watch the video segment and don't hesitate to send your own questions to Dr. Phil Leveque. We will either send you a written reply, or answer the question during one of our upcoming video segments. You can also leave your question as a comment at the bottom of the story, and the doctor will post a reply in following comment.


Got a question or comment for Dr. Leveque?
Email him:

More information on the history of Leveque can be found in his book, General Patton's Dogface Soldier of Phil Leveque about his experiences in WWII.
Order the book by mail by following this link: Dogface Soldier.
If you are a World War II history buff, you don't want to miss it.

Watch for more streaming video question and answer segments about medical marijuana with Bonnie King and Dr. Phil Leveque.

Click on this link for other articles and video segments about PTSD and medical marijuana on Dr. Leveque INTERVIEWS & ARTICLES

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wozenheimer September 26, 2010 12:45 pm (Pacific time)

Ten years of wild-land fire fighting has left my joints and back in distress. Is the fact of my chiropractic bills and chronic aches enough to qualify for a green card?

AROMATHERAPY HELP February 20, 2010 12:48 pm (Pacific time)

Dr Leveque, Recently I met a young man who had recently returned home to Central Oregon from Iraq. I had the privalige to meet him and his brother when they came to buy a our supped up Nova. In the course of the hour or so he was at my home, he quietly told me that in the near future he would be deployed again. As he spoke his countenence changed and he became quiet. I am not sure how to put it down into words. But I still see that young man in my "minds and hearts eye". I could see his body and spirit change before me. I recognized deep, confusing sorrow. And pain. And fear. I would like to work with someone who is working with our soldiers. I am an aromatherapist. But I don't know who to contact.

Tim King: Thanks for writing to Dr. Leveque, he will no doubt find this interesting, and we have a documentary on PTSD under production, feel free to write to me at and we can talk about how things might fit together, many thanks.

HowToForget September 13, 2009 5:17 pm (Pacific time)

I Have Horible PTSD that wakes me up in cold sweats crying an not remembering my dreams/nightmares i lost my two good friends in a car wreck in the middle of nowhere and had to give CPR for what seemed like 4 hours. I cant sleep unless i have sombody to hold, i have little apitite an cant gain any wieght also my hair is starting to fall out. im 20yrs old and my religion is aggainst over or under the counter drugs, i have been attending couciling sessions although they seem to be helping me Vent and Talk about the Trauma the sessions still dont help my Apitite or the nightmares cold sweat and sleep loss. i would like to get back to my life befor the crash. i need to know where is the best place to get a Green card in my area or state. I live in Southern Oregon and Cant Afford not to Grow. PLEASE HELP A BROTHA OUT!

B. Fox September 12, 2009 6:06 am (Pacific time)

Thank you so much Dr. Levenque for your inspiring work. Most people form your generation have had their heads so filled with falsehoods and propaganda that they wont even consider that this natural and safe drug might just help to heal many of us who suffer from chronic illnesses. I myself suffer from PTSD and Crohn's disease. Unfortunately the state that I live in, to my knowledge, isn't even considering MJ for medical use. This means that in the mean time I have to go about the procurement of my medication illegaly. Sad thing that I could possibly get in trouble for simply trying to help myself.

Crystal April 7, 2009 7:27 pm (Pacific time)

very nice info at this post thanks!!! No Prescription Needed

24yroldvet February 11, 2009 3:07 pm (Pacific time)

i suffer from PTSD, severe anxiety, and manic deppression all because of the war, i live in illinois and there supposed to legalize the use of medical marijuana, does anyone know if any of those symptoms would qualify me for medical marijuana, i've tried multiple medicines, everyday i feel suicidal and the only thing that brings me back dow to reality is marijuana

TheProphet January 14, 2009 8:43 am (Pacific time)

Dr. Leveque I live in central oregon and suffer from both loss of appetite(cannot gain weight) and esophageal spasms. I have been told that these are acceptable conditions for medical marijuana. What and where is the easiest way/place to get this done? I haven't heard of a quality Dr. Leveque in central oregon!!!

rastaman December 4, 2008 5:43 pm (Pacific time)

The best way to take the medicine is the Essential Oil most of the healing properties go up in smoke when lit
look at the work of Rick Simpson in Nova Scotia and his fabulous film, Run From The Cure

He has successfully treated and cured many terminal cancers and other conditions with Cannabis - the safest medicine in the world

HippocampusHelp December 4, 2008 1:26 pm (Pacific time)

I have PTSD from an absurd number of car accidents (some near fatal, none my fault). I have tried just about everything on the market. For me, no FDA-approved medication has been anywhere near as effective as Medical Cannabis. Plus, Medical Cannabis helps manage my pain, spasms and nausea (side effects of other medications) as well. I can't even imagine how disabling combat-related PTSD could be, as my much-less-severe accident-related PTSD is disabling enough. Thank God there are physicians like Dr. Leveque who can think outside of the box and are not spellbound by propaganda. I hope we treat this generation of soldiers better than our Nam Vets and give them all the options to help with their injuries and their PTSD. They deserve THE BEST!!

MrFixit December 4, 2008 6:56 am (Pacific time)

Dr Leveque is an inspiration to many people as a patriot and Dr. His work in support of medical marijuana is admirable. He truly cares about the sick and dying.

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