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Dec-02-2010 10:35printcommentsVideo

Busting Willie Nelson for Weed Bolsters Cannabis Movement

You can't keep a good man down, especially when he is supported by tens of millions of average Americans.

Willie Nelson
Willie Nelson is a world renowned pro-cannabis public figure. And he's a nice guy.

(SALEM, Ore.) - If he wasn’t a freedom fighter, a warrior, a martyr before, Willie Nelson certainly is now. Posing absolutely no threat to society, those that arrested Willie Nelson have created the perfect cannabis poster boy- and that’s what people are talking about around kitchen tables and in living rooms all over the world.

“Why are they picking on Willie?” even the most conservative people are asking.

Willie in Oregon, 2008. BK

They might have done the cannabis community the biggest favor since, well, a very long time. People are listening- to Willie- and he makes a lot of sense.

After decades of being a vocal advocate of cannabis re-legalization and a current advisory board member for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), Willie Nelson’s stance on the subject is widely known. And so is the reputation of his bus, the Honeysuckle Rose III.

His tour bus would be considered “low hanging fruit” for the robo-cops looking to make their quota for non-risk busts. The subject of talk show monologues and song lyrics to beat the band, Willie and cannabis and his bus go hand in hand. That anyone would profess to not know Nelson’s position on pot simply means they are horribly ignorant, or lying.

Friday at 9:00 a.m., Willie Nelson’s tour bus came to a border control checkpoint, in Sierra Blanca, Texas, 30 miles from the Mexico border.

Willie's tour bus, the Honeysuckle Rose III

The special attention his bus received is being described as “routine” by officials, though Nelson himself questioned the reasoning behind the search when he spoke to on Monday.

“Well, we were going through a checkpoint and for some reason they singled us out and pulled us over. And they found a little weed on the bus and that’s all they needed,” he told Rick Cusick of High Times.

A border patrol officer allegedly smelled what he believed to be marijuana smoke through the bus’s open door, giving them the green light to enter the singer’s home on wheels and discovered six ounces of marijuana.

Nelson and two others were arrested. Willie Nelson said the pot belonged to him and was taken to Hudspeth County jail. He was briefly held on a $2,500 bond before being released.

Although Nelson posted bail, the Sheriff says he may return for a longer stay behind bars, and a criminal defense attorney told TMZ that he could spend up to six months in the clink. The Sheriff used the arrest to fantasize about how he might punish the 77-year old musician.

"He could get 180 days in county jail," said Hudspeth County Sheriff Arvin West. "If he does, I'm going to make him cook and clean."

When Willie spoke to, he told Rick Cusick that jail time was unlikely.

“I don’t think so,” Nelson answered. “It’s Class – What is it called? Class A misdemeanor is what I think they called it.”

He turned over everything to his attorney to follow through with the courts at this time.

Kinky Friedman, Texas personality, said he believes agents overstepped their bounds. "The real crime here is that it occurred in a county that is one of the headquarters of the Zetas," he says, referring to the Mexican criminal drug cartel. "These guys don't have bigger fish to fry? The Zetas are taking over their county and they're busting Willie Nelson. That shows a real lack of priorities."

"I'll never smoke weed with Willie again"

However, Nelson’s history with the law may work against him, and even a small amount of jail time is probable.

It’s well known that this wasn't Willie Nelson’s first drug arrest. In 2006, Nelson was arrested in Louisiana with one-and-a-half pounds of marijuana and three ounces of magic mushrooms for which he was sentenced to six months’ probation.

"Both bus drivers were over 50 years old," Nelson said at the time. "The other guys were 60 years old. My sister is 75, I'm 73, so it's like they busted an old folks' home."

Nine years earlier, in 1995, he was arrested in Waco, Texas after police spotted half a joint in his car's ash tray.

And in January, 2010, six members of Nelson's band were charged with possession of moonshine and marijuana in North Carolina.

The day after Thanksgiving, 2010, Willie Nelson was on the final leg of his journey home to his ranch near Austin, Texas traveling from California- the first of 15 U.S. states that have legal medicinal marijuana. Perhaps the weed was just left on the bus accidentally, as LA attorney Bruce Margolin mentioned could have happened, and considering harvest time just passed, it was probably even California-grown. The weed never meant to go to Texas. Could be.

In all seriousness, Willie Nelson has been more than a singer to many Americans for a very long time.

Most remember and appreciate the effort and vision of Willie Nelson, Neil Young and John Mellencamp back in 1985, when they organized the first Farm Aid concert to raise awareness about the loss of family farms and to raise funds to keep farm families on their land. Since then, Farm Aid has raised more than $37 million to help keep family farms alive and strong.

"The Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute believes in the Promise of Peace on Earth in Our Lifetime as the Birthright of Our Global Human Family"

It has been suggested that Willie be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work on sustainable agriculture, alternative fuels, and world peace initiatives.

And he may well be. His name is definitely being batted around in some enlightened circles. And people love Willie.

Two days after he was arrested, Willie Nelson made a joke via a statement to, and called on the United States to start a new political party based on the legalization of marijuana. What began lightheartedly soon became a serious idea.

"There's the Tea Party," Nelson wrote. "How about the Teapot Party? Our motto: We lean a little to the left... Tax it, regulate it and legalize it."

“It”, of course, is cannabis- better known in the United States as marijuana.

The inspiration took off, and a Facebook page for the Teapot Party was quickly created. At presstime, the page had already attracted 32,420 followers.

"Stop the border wars over drugs," Nelson wrote. "Why should the drug lords make all the money? Thousands of lives will be saved."

"It's a matter of time," he said in 2008, "a matter of education, a matter of people finding out what cannabis, marijuana is for, why it grows out of the ground and why it's prescribed as one of the greatest stress medicines on the planet."

Hudspeth County police released a copy of Nelson's detention report which details that he was “sober and unarmed” at the time of his arrest and that he went “willingly”, and also a mugshot that shows one tired music maker.

It was a trying day. Even so, Mickey Raphael, Nelson's longtime harmonica player, told Rolling Stone that Willie Nelson is in good spirits.

"He said he feels great — he lost six ounces."

A great attitude comes along with the tour, it appears. It remains to be seen if a few ounces will be all Willie Nelson loses in this ongoing battle for freedom from prohibition. His court date has not yet been set.

Bonnie King has been with since August '04, when she became Publisher. Bonnie has served in a number of positions in the broadcast industry; TV Production Manager at KVWB (Las Vegas WB) and Producer/Director for the TV series "Hot Wheels in Las Vegas", posts as TV Promotion Director for KYMA (NBC), and KFBT (Ind.), Asst. Marketing Director (SUPERSHOPPER MAGAZINE), Director/Co-Host (Coast Entertainment Show), Radio Promotion Director (KBCH/KCRF), and Newspapers In Education/Circulation Sales Manager (STATESMAN JOURNAL NEWSPAPER). Bonnie has a depth of understanding that reaches further than just behind the scenes, and that thoroughness is demonstrated in the perseverance to correctly present each story with the wit and wisdom necessary to compel and captivate viewers. View articles written by Bonnie King

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gary prout September 30, 2012 10:22 am (Pacific time)

My Dad had 20 plus more good years of life by quitting alcohol and going to weed, it works well for about half the people.

Anonymous February 12, 2011 5:49 am (Pacific time)

Im a native Texan. Roots that can be traced from Texas conception. I love Willie,and I love my state.It's the seperation of our gouverment from the people that prohibition has created. Stop the madness, I'm lossing faith in our country more and more every day.

Joe December 12, 2010 8:41 pm (Pacific time)

So the goons busted into Willie Nelson's house (on wheels) without a warrant. They took some of a plant that they know is illegal for the wrong reasons. They know Willie will buy more pot and they know he'll keep smoking it every day. But charging him with a crime and threatening to have the man incarcerated? Is that supposed to be OK? I am sick and tired of seeing the police as enemies of freedom. We are supposed to be on the same side. But the folks who violate people's rights (including, yes, the right to smoke as much weed as we damn well please) need to have their ammunition relocated internally.

Anonymous December 6, 2010 8:51 pm (Pacific time)

The song, "should be legalized" The first person he names was "Willie Nelson, Snoop Dog, those are obvious ones" If you haven't seen the video; google it on you tube. What they did to Willie was bullying. If you are serious that you want to do something; write your tx governor Rick Perry. I wrote my letter already. Now, its your turn.

Christine December 6, 2010 8:46 pm (Pacific time)

Texas! Willie woke us all up and has driven us to go forward with this movement.

C'estmoi December 4, 2010 9:56 pm (Pacific time)

@Rita: Lol!!! @bob: Oh, how enlightened! We all know why he was arrested. The issue is that the prohibition of marijuana is unjust, silly! THINK about the REAL problem...yes...get real, bob!

littlbit December 4, 2010 4:54 pm (Pacific time)

Around the world we need to join forces to fight these laws. They breach human rights, they even breach the single treaty on narcotics, not to mention every constitution, of all our so called, democratic countries. Then again look at what they are trying to do to free speech and wickileaks, all because they are embarrassed at having to face their own words coming back at them. They may very well try to make an example of Willie, ensuring he faces every charge they can throw at him. He needs the best legal team, one's who are not afraid of the government, because they need to genuinely fight the laws not the charges. Using the Constitution, the bill of rights, human rights and the Geneva convention, remembering we are all living in a war zone and they must abide by war rules. God bless you all, especially Willie and his family as they prepare to face this battle.

Richard December 4, 2010 4:29 pm (Pacific time)

You go Willie. Get the Sheriff a job application, he's going to need one come election time.

Butch Cassidy December 4, 2010 2:48 pm (Pacific time)

I will NEVER spend my hard earned money on Texas, ever again. Sounds like they HATE FREEDOM there. They'll be annexed by Mexico and the drug cartels anyway. They are an embarrassment to Free America.

bob December 4, 2010 12:58 pm (Pacific time)

willie is a symptom. btw, i'm a moderate and i know why he got busted, he willfully broke the law.

Rita December 4, 2010 8:44 am (Pacific time)

Arrest the Zetas? Are you people crazy? The Zetas have GUNS! They might SHOOT! They might hurt one of those brave police officers!

Ian Harris December 4, 2010 4:23 am (Pacific time)

Mucha kudos for Willie; he has tens of thousands of World-Wide fans. Fight like hell Willie. i

ripsnortinroy December 3, 2010 6:43 pm (Pacific time)

I'd join the teapot party.  wouldn't be like the Grand Old Tea Party; a Frankenstein's monster created by its namesake for the benefit of the well-to-do, the same crew that benefits from keeping hemp and mmj illegal.

Amanda December 3, 2010 6:47 pm (Pacific time)

Ridiculous - That sheriff is just trying to make a name for himself. Get rid of him, because he made the entire State of Texas a laughing stock.

stormytexxxas December 3, 2010 4:44 pm (Pacific time)

GO WILLIE!!! it does SUCK OUT LOUD, that the cops here in texas, r allowing the drug cartells get away with murder, ..literally, and spending their time arresting us old farts, just because they know we wont fight em!! ....too damn old to!! seems to me that willie can fight this, since the bus is technically his "home". i live in an RV myself, in texas. hopefully his atty will kick @ss for him, so he can go do the work he is needed to do for NORML!! go willie!! love from texas!!

Brad December 3, 2010 4:43 pm (Pacific time)

The Marijuana movement has grown substantially in the past few months and will continue to do so in the near future, legalization is a salient issue here in Colorado. Willie did nothing wrong and deserves no punishment.

Anne Tebeau December 3, 2010 4:24 pm (Pacific time)

I am sure that most people in Texas are saddened and ashamed ...I'm sure they will make short work of that sherif...

Luigi Corcoran Bathescaph December 3, 2010 2:06 pm (Pacific time)

It is a great stress reducer. Try some today!

Eve Lentz December 2, 2010 9:54 pm (Pacific time)

I am praying that he doesn't have to do any time! Go Willie1

ConservativeTexan December 2, 2010 7:29 pm (Pacific time)

Willie is a TRUE AMERICAN HERO. If our state locks him up for this, I am moving. I'm even older than Willie, 83, and the fact that people our age are being put in jail by young wiseacres like that sheriff is beyond me. Keep on smokin' Willie boy!

Stephen John December 3, 2010 12:12 pm (Pacific time)

CANADA Loves you Willie... may the teapot party show us the way to true freedom!

Kathy December 3, 2010 12:08 pm (Pacific time)

I would so love to see the legalization of marijuana. I could really use some relief from constant pain. Good luck to Willie and Family. Love the music.

Keith a Texian December 3, 2010 10:35 am (Pacific time)

Texas Law allows for a citation to be issued but apparently Arvin feels he can better serve the Hudspeth County by rousting a 77 year old over the violation of a JimCrow law instead of going after the Zetas or rounding up wetbacks.

Carol December 3, 2010 10:34 am (Pacific time)

Going to Texas this weekend. Hope to see Willie!!! LOL Good luck Willie, hope you don't have to do any time!!! You don't deserve it man. And thanks for all you do!!!

frances December 3, 2010 10:22 am (Pacific time)

its been known for a long time the benefits of medical marijuana its a great pain killer for those with a medical condition but the drug companies want the monopoly on pain killing drugs so that makes them the criminals not willie nelson. so i say hands off our willie nelson

SGT Moore December 3, 2010 9:56 am (Pacific time)

Sure glad that those A holes arrested him. Teapot Party is a huge thing now. Great article, and oh by the way wish i was fighting for the everage persons freedom and not hypocritical american politicians that cant ante up thier sons. GOD BLESS WILLIE

EazyMoney December 3, 2010 8:33 am (Pacific time)

Free Willie!

Daniel December 3, 2010 7:44 am (Pacific time)

Texas its like a whole nutter country !

Charles Hamilton December 3, 2010 6:41 am (Pacific time)

If I had pulled Willie over I'd have asked for his autograph ignored the pot smell, and let him go. But...I couldn't be a mental midget robo cop anyway.

Robert Platshorn December 3, 2010 3:49 am (Pacific time)

Boy..would I love to have Willie with me for the first show of The Silver Tour. The show to teach seniors the benefits of medical marijuana. That would get the attention of a lot of people accross America.

Eve Lentz December 2, 2010 9:53 pm (Pacific time)

I am praying that he doesn't have to do any time! Go Willie1

ConservativeTexan December 2, 2010 7:29 pm (Pacific time)

Willie is a TRUE AMERICAN HERO. If our state locks him up for this, I am moving. I'm even older than Willie, 83, and the fact that people our age are being put in jail by young wiseacres like that sheriff is beyond me. Keep on smokin' Willie boy!

zenith apollo star December 2, 2010 3:33 pm (Pacific time)

Willie Nelson is one of the last great things America has to offer in these days of endless bullshit. That wallstreet and all of its premium insurance LLC s can shake down millions of americans for thier lifetime savings,investments of billions of dollers seems to be lost on every american.Let alone hundreds of thousands of homes and jobs repoed by the american banking systems.THIS is real criminal activitie.What about the new laws where it is against the law to plant your own garden,or be in possesion of any kind of herbal seed or vegatable seed.the politicians and banks are destroying the world. They are satans right hand. In short, LEAVE WILLIE NELSON ALONE!

smoker December 2, 2010 12:03 pm (Pacific time)

Thanks for the celebstoner link great website.Lets hope things work out good for willie on this matter.

Luke Easter December 2, 2010 11:54 am (Pacific time)

Willie, Snoop Dogg, Beatles, Rolling Stones, whomever. Musicians or murderers, where's our priority? Bernie Made-Off and so many others like them but hey, that's billions. Let's get the nickels and dimes first. Still wondering how Wikileaks gets information? Too much Willie Nelson.

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