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About Wikileaks articles Page 7

Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Feb-19-2011 13:02)

Truth in Stuttgart

For Justice to prevail, truth must be told.

(LONDON) - Three months ago, I briefly participated in a Palestinian solidarity conference in Stuttgart. The event was dedicated to the 'One State Solution'.

As it happened, I was touring in Germany at the time, and thus accepted an invitation by the organiser to say a few words.

Read Full Article (Feb-18-2011 13:53)

`Courage to Resist` Honors Bradley Manning, Wikileaks and Other Whistleblowers

Bradley Manning is an American hero.

(SALEM, Ore.) - RESIST war Vic Sadot says 'A tribute to GI Resistance in 2011' was especially inspired by the 22-year old Army private named Bradley Manning who languishes behind bars for telling the truth as an American about his own nation' lawbreaking.

The song also credits the mission of Julian Assange's Wikileaks.

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2011 16:51)

Tunisia- Up to the Minute Intelligence

Tunisia may be the first nation to be overthrown with Wikileaks playing an active part, this time in support of Israel, the CIA and a group claiming to be Al Qaeda.

(PARIS, France) - Flag of Tunisia All the fingerprints point to Israel’s apparatus in Washington and Zionist networks in North Africa.

As brilliantly explained by Jeff Gates, Wikileaks Game Theory Warfare are serving multiples purposes and multiples target. Are Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, and Egypt ones of them in 2011?

Read Full Article (Jan-02-2011 20:00)

Phony UFO Scare Wikileak`s `Coup de Grace`

“…it is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.”

(CINCINNATI ) - When CFR Director, Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the most feared power brokers in Washington or anywhere else, openly attacked Wikileaks as an intelligence operation, siding so many others of the independent alternative media, Wikileak’s days were numbered.

The failed UFO scare, whatever it was supposed to do, has backfired, putting a bullet in the heart of Wikileaks.

Read Full Article (Dec-25-2010 13:30)

WikiLeaks and the Press

Paul J. Balles argues that, ultimately, the whistleblower Julian Assange's website’s exposure of cover-ups and promotion of transparency justifies its actions.

(BAHRAIN) - Julian Assange The press is down on WikiLeaks and Julian Assange for all the wrong reasons.

They ought to be after Assange for giving governments reasons for censorship – just the opposite effect of the transparency he presumably wanted to promote.

Read Full Article (Dec-23-2010 13:19)

Wikileaks and Israel

'WikiLeaks to publish Israel files on Second Lebanon War, Dubai assassination'

(LONDON) - Julian Assange Julian Assange said today that thousands of documents related to Israel are due to be released over next six months.

Assange admitted also that so far only 2% of the Wikileaks released documents related to Israel were picked by the Western mainstream media, something to do with ‘sensitivities’ of the Jewish communities in France, Germany, Britain and the USA.

Read Full Article (Dec-19-2010 20:42)

Wikileaks Document Shows EPA Knowingly Allowed Use of Pesticide that Kills Honeybees

The pesticide is already illegal in Germany, Italy & France.

(SAN FRANCISCO / WASHINGTON D.C.) - honeybee Beekeepers and environmentalists today called on EPA to remove a pesticide linked to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), citing a leaked EPA memo that discloses a critically flawed scientific support study.

The November 2nd memo identifies a core study underpinning the registration of the insecticide clothianidin as unsound after EPA quietly re-evaluated the pesticide just as it was getting ready to allow a further expansion of its use.

Read Full Article (Dec-18-2010 17:33)

Australia Rejects Israeli Ordered Media Censorship on Al-Manar

In issuing its findings of fact and conclusions of law ACMA found that Al Manar did not violate Australian law, and was free to broadcast in the country.

(BEIRUT) - Al Manar in Australia Australia’s Parliament and main stream media may not differ all that much from other western countries when it comes to chronic groveling to its Zionist lobby.

But like citizens in many countries, Australians sometimes courageously exhibit admirable independence and respect for their society’s own values.

Read Full Article (Dec-17-2010 14:56)

A Message from Anonymous

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." -George Orwell

(WORLDWIDE) - Greetings. We are Anonymous. A lot has been said over the last few days, however, not all of it was fair or accurate. We would like to set the record straight.

Anonymous is not unanimous. We use the Internet as a tool to congregate, communicate, and articulate; but we speak and act with many different voices, and in many different places. As the net has evolved, so have we and our methods.

Read Full Article (Dec-07-2010 22:40)

Wikileaks: What Really is the Problem?

“Is Iran really the threat to the region and the world it is alleged to be by Israeli and Arab leaders?”

(LONDON) - Wikileaks Some commentators, bloggers and other writers, were quick to jump to the conclusion that the avalanche of documents being released by WikiLeaks is part and parcel of an Israeli/Mossad deception strategy.

One implication being that WikiLeaks’ founder, Julian Assange is, knowingly or not, manipulated by Zionism.

Read Full Article
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