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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Aug-01-2011 15:58)

Time to Say a Resounding `No` to Government

No More Second Chances...

(CINCINNATI) - Say No The “Tea Party” has spoken, using their congressional bludgeon. America’s working class has to pick up the bill for decades of waste, corruption, illegal wars, payoffs to Israel and massive tax cuts to the richest 1%.

When we are done, the average retiree will receive benefits, frozen for years due to rigging COLA (Cost of Living Allowance), Social Security for less than 2 years before dying.

Read Full Article (Jun-20-2011 15:22)

Oh Dude!` - Video Shows American Slaughter of Civilians in Fallujah

These are American tax dollars; American soldiers fighting in your name.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Attack in Fallujah, Iraq At we constantly report the dark side of war, with countries like Israel, Sri Lanka, Bahrain and so many others slaughtering people for unjustifiable reasons.

This video; dropping A 500 pound bomb On Iraqi Civilians in the street ~ shows Iraqis killed in a tremendous explosion, followed by an aviator's voice saying, 'Oh dude'.

Read Full Article (Mar-29-2011 21:17)

Daniel Assange Never Thought WikiLeaks Would Succeed

“His actions as a personal individual and his actions in a grand political sense are completely disconnected things, and they should be considered in that sense.” - Daniel Assange

(MELBOURNE) - Daniel Assange When Daniel Assange was 16, his father Julian asked him to be a part of WikiLeaks, the controversial group of internet freedom fighters that was then in its infancy.

Sceptical of the project’s likelihood of success, and not on the best of terms with his father, Daniel said no.

Read Full Article (Mar-27-2011 17:31)

Who Deserves Death?

Are we all, by our silence, guilty of being accessories to murder?

(JAMESTOWN, R.I.) - Bradley Manning Should Bradley Manning die for allegedly leaking documents to the US public?

He is now charged with aiding the enemy, but the government cannot tell you who the enemy is. Are you OK with this logic?

Read Full Article (Mar-16-2011 18:37)

Afghanistan: The `Great Game` of Deceit

The list goes on and on for all the failures that Afghanistan has endured...

(SEATTLE) - The Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon, at the beginning of the 20th century aptly described Afghanistan as “a piece on the chessboard on which is being played out the game for domination of the world.”

At that time, the Great Game was being played between Czarist Russia and Imperialist Britain. At the end of the 20th century, however, the contestants were the USSR, and the USA.

Read Full Article (Mar-14-2011 01:01)

Crowley Forced to Resign Following Ethical Comment

"Speaking out against that abuse is a firing offense. Good to know..." - Salon’s Glenn Greenwald

(ISTANBUL) - Former-U.S. State Department spokesman PJ Crowley Suddenly ex-U.S. State Dept. spokesman PJ Crowley's resignation was forced over a recent comment he made about the inhumane treatment of US Army Private Bradley Manning.

Manning's in solitary confinement in Quantico, for allegedly leaking classified government cables to WikiLeaks.

Read Full Article (Mar-01-2011 03:10)

The Tea Party and America`s Return to the `Good Ole Days`

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” — Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

(CINCINNATI) - 1936 America, housing for families of coal miners. In Wisconsin, State Police cars are searching for missing legislators. The fist pounding on the door in the middle of the night, reminders of Germany, 1936.

A state governor is tape recorded taking orders from an Israeli billionaire. Children in state after state are being packed like cordwood into crowded classrooms as schools close.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2011 14:13)

Palestine Papers Under the Spotlight

"The United States should not block Palestinian unity but facilitate it" -Oliver McTernan

(LONDON) - Palestine Papers A seminar planned to put the "Palestine Papers under the spotlight" has been held in the Senate House of the University of London.

Organised by the Middle East Monitor in conjunction with the Federation of Students Islamic Societies, the event sought to draw attention back to the important leaked documents and the fact that the publication of the papers was overshadowed by the turbulent political situation in Egypt and elsewhere across the Middle East.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2011 18:37)

The Skanner NewsBlast

The Skanner News Group has advanced the cause of the Black Press in the North Western United States since 1975; brings our visitors their latest headlines.

(PORTLAND, Ore,) - Buffalo soldiers and Assange Of all the remarkable stories told about the U.S. Army’s all-Black cavalries known as the Buffalo Soldiers, the most remarkable of all is surely that of the 25th Infantry Brigade Bicycle Corps soldiers who rode bicycles cross-country to see if they could be used instead of horses...

A judge says allegations of rape and sexual molestation by two women are extraditable offenses and a Swedish warrant was issued for Julian Assange; he has seven days to appeal the ruling to the High Court.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2011 14:02)

Julian Assange and Raymond A. Davis America Wants them Both -Who Should be Released?

Christopher King considers the cases of two men the USA wants to extradite, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and CIA spy “Raymond A. David”, on remand in Pakistan for murder. He argues that the murky case of “Davis” underlines the need for whistleblowers like Assange.

(LONDON) - Julian Assange and Raymond A. Davis The US desperately wants to extradite both Julian Assange and Raymond A. Davis but for different reasons.

Julian Assange has not broken any laws. He has assisted democratic debate by transmitting material showing how the US terrorizes other countries and routinely murders people in course of its illegal wars.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
