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| Next Page (Feb-20-2014 23:58)

Cry Cyber Terrorism is the New Cry Wolf

Hacking has proven to be a reliable way of digging out the truth.

(LONDON) - Hackers Times are changing in this so called land of the free, driven by political correctness that is strictly governed by think tanks from government and congress groups, that decide what is right or wrong on our behalf.

Free thoughts, free speech and free behavior are now scrutinized emphatically by nanny state controlled agencies who thrive on changing the world around them.

Read Full Article (Feb-01-2014 11:42)

Snowing With Snowden... Obama Snoops To Conquer?

Most men look at the white egret, as it stalks through a lagoon, and ask: "Why?" I look at it and say: "Why not?"

(DAYTONA BEACH) - Edward Snowden I'm suspicious of band wagons, not only those goosed by governments but also those scrambled upon by mindful dissidents.

In both cases, the rank and file musician tends to have a tin ear; a tone-deaf ignoring of the still, small voice of common sense, and rarely set to music.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2014 10:55)

Snowden Reveals More Info, if tried: Analyst

The US “convinced us all that Russia was spying on us and that America was the kind gentle pussy cat, now it turns out it’s the other way around,” - Anna O'Leary (Video is set to auto play)

(TEHRAN / DUBLIN) - Anna O’Leary believes that Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency’s whistleblower, will reveal more confidential information if he is put on trial. Political Commentator Anna O’Leary believes that Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency’s whistleblower, is revealing more confidential information if he is put on trial.

“If he ever goes to trial, and his legal experts say that if he does go to trial, he will expose even more classified information,” O’Leary told Press TV on Sunday.

Read Full Article (Jan-19-2014 14:28)

No Escape from Surveillance

Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. --George Orwell

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - NSA surveillance Judging from all the reports, America’s National Security Agency (NSA) can do just about anything involving the communication of just about anyone.

They can tell who you've been calling by phone; and if they suspect you've been calling the wrong people, they can get an automatic secret permission from the secret FISA court to dig into the content of your secret calls.

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2014 13:45)

Snowden Documents Proving `US-Alien` Link Stun Russia

Former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer, who was given access to all of Snowden’s documents by Russian intelligence services, stated they were, indeed, “accurate.”

(TEHRAN FNA) - Former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden says documents provide incontrovertible proof that an alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda is driving US domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945

A stunning Federal Security Services report on the nearly two million highly classified top-secret documents obtained from the NSA by the American ex-patriot Edward Snowden states that this information is providing “incontrovertible proof” that an “alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda” is driving US domestic and international policy...

Read Full Article (Jan-02-2014 10:28)

Is Anything Left?
Privacy Rights

There are many provisions in the constitution and in the history of court rulings that prescribe privacy for individuals from government intrusion.

(BEIRUT) - Privacy The answer to this question is being pondered across America in light to the two seeming mutually contradictory US Federal Court decisions handed down this month from Courts in Washington DC and New York.

The legal issue of what rights are left to American citizens that can prevent governmental intrusions into their privacy and also governmental invasions using heavy handed searches and seizures following the launching of the Bush administrations ‘war of terrorism’...

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2014 12:46)

FOX NEWS: Apple Denies Knowledge of NSA`s `Complete` Access to iPhone

Bombshell delivered by independent computer security researcher and hacker known for representing Wikileaks at the 2010 HOPE conference

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Jacob Appelbaum Apple on Tuesday vehemently denied suggestions from a security analyst that the company may have helped the NSA to develop backdoor access to the iPhone.

The statement came from security research Jacob Appelbaum, who revealed the existence of a secret program code-named DROPOUTJEEP by which the National Security Agency (NSA) appears to have nearly total access to the Apple iPhone.

Read Full Article (Dec-31-2013 11:53)

CNN: NSA Team Spies, Hacks to Gather Intelligence on Targets, Report Says

The hackers focus on foreign militaries, governments and corporations...

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Hacker CNN reports that a top-secret National Security Agency team uses spyware and hacking to gather intelligence on targets, according to a new report based on internal agency documents.

According to Der Spiegel, a German magazine that published some of the documents, the unit's interception techniques are worthy of James Bond: intercepting a computer being shipped to a target and installing spyware before it is delivered; supplying an altered monitor cable that transmits everything on a computer's screen to the NSA; or planting a USB plug with a secret radio transmitter.

Read Full Article (Dec-29-2013 18:51)

Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement-- A Deal with the Devil

Julian Assange, editor of WiKiLeaks, broke the story about the secret agreement that only a few members of Congress have seen parts of in November 2013.

(SOMERDALE, NJ) - Trans-Pacific Partnership The secret Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement gives real meaning to the legend of Faust and the figure of Mephistopheles; it is a deal with the devil.

The TPP gives corporations “intellectual property rights...unprecedented power over prescription drug rights, internet access, and free speech.” Don’t look to the major media for this story.

Read Full Article (Dec-26-2013 19:25)

Edward Snowden: Alternative Christmas Message 2013

Snowden lays out his vision for why privacy matters and why he believes mass indiscriminate surveillance by governments of their people is wrong.

(LONDON Channel 4) - Whistleblower Edward Snowden Whistleblower Edward Snowden, who revealed the mass surveillance programmes organised by the US and other governments, gives this year's The Alternative Christmas Message.

Six months ago, Snowden, a computer analyst turned whistleblower, brought to global attention top-secret National Security Agency (NSA) documents leading to revelations about widespread United States surveillance on phone and internet communications.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
