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Jan-16-2011 16:51printcommentsVideo

Tunisia- Up to the Minute Intelligence

Tunisia may be the first nation to be overthrown with Wikileaks playing an active part, this time in support of Israel, the CIA and a group claiming to be Al Qaeda.

Flag of Tunisia
Flag of Tunisia

(PARIS, France) - All the fingerprints point to Israel’s apparatus in Washington and Zionist networks in North Africa.

As brilliantly explained by Jeff Gates, Wikileaks Game Theory Warfare are serving multiples purposes and multiples target. Are Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, and Egypt ones of them in 2011?

Important dates in Tunisia

In 2000, President Ben Ali, believed to be protected by Israeli Mossad and French security services (French Zionist Networks in North Africa), broke all diplomatic ties with Israel after the second intifada.

In 2009Tunisia signed an big economic and technical cooperation pact with China

October 2010 – Sakhr El Materi, chairman of the Tunisia-US Parliamentary Friendship Group, and in law of Ben Ali (Materi is married to one of the Ben Ali’s daughter Nessrin) had talks with top Americans in the Pentagon and the State Department.

November 2010A cable from the US embassy in Tunis released by ‘wikileaks’ (describes Tunisia’s President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s family entourage as a “quasi Mafia” because of its “organized corruption”.

Mohamed Bouazizi. He “set himself on fire outside the governor’s office”. ( Mohamed Bouazizi.) Or he “set fire to himself at the bus station ? “ “He had apparently decided to go to Tunis and talk to the president…


(he) arrived at the bus station.” It is believed that he did not died the 5th January but someone else died with the same family name.

17 December – Mohamed Bouazizi, a 26-year-old university graduate, reportedly set himself alight in the central Tunisian town of Sidi Bouzid in a protest over unemployment.

He reportedly died on January 5 from burns.

In Islam, suicide is considered a sin. It is forbidden.

There have been rumours that Mohamed Bouazizi is still alive

24 December 2010 – an important Washington think tank (Institute for Policy Studies) had an article about a possible change of regime in Tunisia (http://www.fpif.org/blog/immolations_draw_attention_to_wikileaks_tunisia_cables_part_4):

“It would do Tunisians, even (Tunisian President) Ben Ali, well to recall how many US allies different American administrations have discarded…”

7 January 2011the Council on Foreign Relations’s Elliott Abrams (Elliott Abrams: Is Tunisia Next?: http://blogs.cfr.org/abrams/2011/01/07/is-tunisia-next/) seems to suggest that the fall of Ben Ali would be a good thing.

“Tunisians are clearly sick of looking at all the giant photos and paintings of Ben Ali that appear on walls, posters, and billboards all over the country…

“If Tunisia can move toward democracy, Algerians and Egyptians and even Libyans will wonder why they cannot.”

8-10 January – More people die in three days of rioting. Mysterious rooftop snipers are at work.

13 JanuaryThe army withdraws from Tunis, which remains occupied by special forces.

The leaders of the North African branch of Al-Qaeda/CIA call for the overthrow of Ben Ali.

14 January – Ben Ali leaves the country.

Think of the NATO/CIA’s Operation Gladio

15 January

“Ben Ali … gave you security. Now that he’s gone, look at the destruction,” said Mohamed, a worker in a transport company as he surveyed a looted and burnt out appliances shop. (President’s exile leaves security vacuum)

“The main train station in Tunis has been torched, while gunfire was heard as soldiers intervened in attempts to stop looting in the city…

“The Reuters news agency reported that squads of men in civilian clothes were driving through Tunis at high speed, shooting randomly at buildings and people.” (Army on streets amid Tunisia unrest)

“In the capital of Tunis and other areas of the country, residents reported knife-wielding and balaclava-clad gangs attacking apartments and homes.

“Organised groups were said to be attacking shops, hospitals and factories.

“Many had piled into stolen hire cars and careered around the city and suburbs, stopping only to smash and burn.”

“The feel is very much that of a military takeover. It’s hard to catch a whiff of what is being called the Jasmine Revolution.” (Wedeman: Tunisia’s military putting boot on ‘Jasmine Revolution’) (source www.aangirfan.blogspot.com).

This was had been sent to me through the website during the last days, where deliberate chaos and turmoil is now affecting all the population in Tunisia:

‘We the people of the revolutionary Tunisia would like to share with the people of the world our happiness of the fall of a dictator leviathan by the willingness of the people and witness that the current situation is still unequivocally atrocious:

-          No civil security: people do not feel secured in their own homes as miliciens appeared to have shooted many innocent unarmed civilians. These terrorists seemed to be part of the diminished regime of Ben Ali and are there to spread fear and panic among innocent people. These armed terrorists steal supermarkets and houses.

-          No affordable food and water: we are on the verge of inflation as prices are climbing very high and water has been intoxicated in some parts of the country, the result of which many people are being treated in the hospital of Sahloul in Sousse.

-          No reliable government: the current temporary government has always been an intrinsic part of the falling dictatorship. Although the head of the beast has fled to Saudi-Arabia, the rest of its body is still well alive in our country that is all the ministers and assistants and all the police forces who worked for the benefit of the dictator. We, with the support of all the people around the world who love to spread freedom in our human society, shall work together to extinguish all the forces of evil and spread true democracy and liberty not only in Tunisia but also in the Arab and Islamic countries as well as the whole planet.

This is a true example we give to all humanity that history has never recorded any case of granted freedom to the people, this is a true freedom made by the people and to the people. We are a rich country by the willingness of our people to live free of all kind of other dictatorship be it that of ex-colonizer, the French thievish regime, or the false democratic American system. ‘

Origins of the Zionist Networks in North Africa

The North African countries are ruled by military and police and are true dictatorship. The rulers were put in power by the French, and more specifically, the Arab Jewish administration ruling North Africa for France through the 1870 Decret Cremieux, which allowed the local Jewish population to take the French citizenship and to administrate the countries. I know that VT banned the Wikipedia but that’s the only link I found to explain it. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolphe_Cr%C3%A9mieux)

Behind Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian services, we have French services, there was never any real independence. General Charles De Gaulle gave in fact the political ‘independence’ but kept the full supervision of the ultra rich in oil and gas Algeria, with the help of a special network of administrators.

The North African countries are all ruled by the military or the police and are true dictatorship. The rulers of the three countries were put in power by the French government which is the real governor.

Algeria and Libya has accused Mossad of being behind the riots in Algeria and Tunisia.

The Libyan foreign security agency has accused Mossad and Morocco.


Morocco is said to be an important CIA’s rendition program and a huge Zionist French secret networks operated by French secret services DST/DCRI, Morocco is a recruiting ground (there are several secret prisons where Muslims detained are tortured, and several camps, like the ones set up in Afghanistan and some place in Pakistan entirely managed by the French Zionist networks. One of the famous or ‘infamous’ group was the GIA for ‘Group Islamic Armed’, ancestor of the nowadays ‘Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’. These groups are managed by the Algerian, Moroccan secret services, and supervised from Paris by the French secret police the DCRI (Direction Centrale du Renseignement, formerly DST, Direction de la Surete du Territoire). French DCRI is ruled and controlled by the Arab sefarads mostly European settlers or their sons born in Algeria during the occupation. They are called les ‘Pieds Noirs’ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pied-Noir), most of them are Jewish and were administrating the French colony directly.

According to Libya, the ‘Amazigh movement’ activists, backed by foreign intelligence services (Mossad), are leading a plan to break the Maghreb after succeeding in Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan and Yemen.

Have Mossad arranged the shootings in Tunisia?

In this video, 8 westerners (4 Germans, 2 Swedish), were caught today firing on the Tunisian military  in Central Tunis, they were heavily armed like you can see:


Tunisia’s Communications Minister has said: “Those who have spoken of 40 or 50 dead should produce a list of names…Police never fired on protesters.”

In this video  (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAAn50NlfLA), you can see that the innocent protesters are shoot in the head, the neck and the chest.

Did you see these pictures somewhere else?

Yes! you are right, in Gaza, and occupied Palestine, do you connect the dot now?

Tunisia has oil, like Algeria and Libya and in the same area, near the border of the three countries. What a coincidence?


This map shows you the entire pipelines network at stake in the area


Oil and gas existing pipelines. First they set up the fake ‘Al Qaeda in North Africa’ in 2005, to send troops in Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Burkina Fasso. Then they destabilized Nigeria and now Cote d’Ivoire to secure the routes in the South. Now after Sudan (China is still in control and is building a new pipelines from the south to Kenya). Now, they want to secure the  routes in the North, and seize full control of Algeria, Libya oil and gas fields. Gas is the future, not oil. As the Obama administration is fighting the new gas deal association of Qatar, Russia, Algeria.

Best place to do it is…. Tunisia (at the border of the three countries, very rich in oil and gas) and where the US Anadarko is already prospecting for new huge fields.

Initial production from the Hassi Berkine area is estimated at about 30,000 barrels of oil per day. As agreements are reached to develop additional discoveries made by the partners and pipeline capacity from the area is expanded, the partnership’s oil production from Algeria is expected to increase significantly after 1997. At the end of 1996 Lasmo announced a new discovery, together with the successful appraisal of a previous find. The EKT-1 well, located 20km north of the EME field, could hold reserves of between 100m – 250m barrels of oil. Other partners include US oil independent Anadarko and Maersk Oil. Based on current forecasts it is anticipated that by the turn of the century gross production from HBNS and BBN should reach around 250,000 bopd (approximately 30,000 bopd net to Lasmo).


In this European report (http://ec.europa.eu/energy/international/studies/doc/2010_11_supplying_eu_gas_market.pdf), you can see the new plans for the extension of the existing pipelines and new pipelines and new gas oil fields in prospection in Algeria and Libya to be seized by Israelis through American NATO troops.

Remind you of somewhere? Afghanistan where the Israeli TAPI pipeline is to be built form very rich gas fields production in Turkmenistan to India.

Do you connect the dots?

Libyan Kaddafi, who is believed to be the son of a French army pilot (http://www.bakchich.info/spip.php?page=imprimir_articulo&id_article=2718) and Algerian Bouteflika military regimes are on the brink of collapse.  French-Israelis network in North Africa and American are behind the ‘Revolutions’, they are implementing chaos to turn the will of the people towards the so called ‘western forces’.

Why Tunisian general Rachid Ammar, the new man in power, left an exit door to Ben Ali. Ben Ali out, the Bourguiba mafia system (former president of Tunisia in the 1980s) is still in place, and now the NATO military command is coming in the North (naval base) and South of Tunisia (aerial base). The bases are to be build by the American contractors companies, to ‘secure’ as well the western front of Israel.

European Gas Demand, new pipelines to be built (2008)


There is a belief that the US through NATO, Israel “have crafted a long-term joint security program in the Middle East and North Africa to downsize the world of Islam and disintegrate the countries there.”

“Attacks on churches in Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and Tunisia can be analyzed in the context of a Zionist scenario aimed at driving a wedge between Muslims and Arab Christians.”

General Rachid Ammar, the new man in power

General Rachid Ammar

General Rachid Ammar is the new ruler of the country, he is backed by the Israeli apparatus in Washington and he is very close to NATO and the Africom command led by General Ward.

General Rachid Ammar, special relation to Israel and NATO-Africom command.

Zionists are now trying to set up and open NATO military bases through the new general in charge, Rachid Ammar in Tunisia, very close to NATO command and the Israelis he meets regularly in the NATO ‘ Military Mediterranean Dialogue Contact Committee; (http://www.nato.int/multi/photos/2006/m061116b.htm).

What do you make of this?

In 2011, this is the first big move in North Africa to establish the Greater Middle East Plan to divide and seize the ultra rich oil and gas resources area in Algeria, Tunisia and Lybia, exactly like they did to Sudan, (Somalia and Yemen are terminals points to export the hydrocarbures from Africa and strategic places for the route of the oil and gas transportation).

Both countries are in the brink of collapse, the Islamic parties will take power which means energetic security threats to Europe (France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and Greece) and Israel.

This would undermine Zionist Mubarak Egypt regime as well, as a new Western North African Muslim united political front against Israel will be able to send troops to Gaza in case of war, like they did in 1956 when Algerian were sent to help the Nasser’s Egyptian army against the French, British and Israel who seized the ‘Canal of Suez’. This puts an enormous pressure on Israel and will definitively destabilize Egypt.

Tunisia is a strategic place in North Africa and this is ‘a chance’, for the Israelis to take the full control of all these upcoming popular Revolutions in the Muslim world.

As the Zionist apparatus in Washington and Europe (NATO) is believed to be behind the plan, but they can easily loose the control of their dominant position in the Arabic world, their future is  at stake.

A real change, coming from the oppressed Arab people signifies the end of Israel in short term.

Abu Suleyman

Islamic Intelligence

Can be reached at desertman23@yahoo.fr

This story was originally published by: VeteransToday

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