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Mindset Warfare

The U.S. is slipping into a debt-induced recession from which we’re assured that more debt is the remedy. Only when Americans grasp the internalized source of this subtle warfare can we prevail over this enemy within.

(TEMPE, Az.) - wikileaks At the close of World War II, the U.S. was home to 50% of the world’s productive power.

That economic strength assured America’s dominant financial position for at least two decades. That strength included the ability to issue the world’s top-rated bonds.

Read Full Article (Dec-07-2010 22:38)

Wikileaks Reprised - A Whiff of What?

From what the press is reporting about this Wikileaks “dump,” perhaps 10% are Secret or Confidential, the rest Unclassified, and nothing is Top Secret or above.

(JACKSON, Miss.) - wikileaks I have followed the unfolding teapot-tempest drama of the latest Wikileaks release with a certain bemusement, accompanied by a growing suspicion shared with others that all is not as it seems with these supposed revelations.

But my initial impression, based of course on what I am reading in the mainstream and alternative media and not in the cables themselves, is that it is surprising how little damaging material is there about much of the world.

Read Full Article (Dec-07-2010 22:37)

Israel was Right All Along

There never was a threat against Israel. Instead, all the nations in the region have always been ready to attack Iran, led by Israel and the United States.

(CINCINNATI ) - Forever, Israel told us that the Arab nations couldn’t be trusted, that they were ruled by duplicitous back stabbers.

Now, Wikileaks has proven that right beyond question. It turns out, the Arab world, all those nations that we thought were preparing to attack Israel, you know, the ones whose tanks were getting ready to close in on Tel Aviv, were actually on Israel’s side.

Read Full Article (Dec-05-2010 23:55)

Could Israel Be Using Wikileaks to Prepare US for Air Strike Against Iran?

Most Americans were duped into supporting the Bush war strategy in 2003.

(CHICAGO) - Could Israel be using Wikileaks to prepare the US for an Israeli air strike against Iran?

This nation is moving toward a repeat of the US rush to invade Iraq in 2003. Mass media coverage of the Wikileaks story is performing the same function the media played to make the case for the 2003 US invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq.

Read Full Article (Dec-03-2010 15:04)

WikiLeaks and Gaza Links

“It seems to us that the country which is not mentioned much, especially in the Middle East, or which this development seems to favor is Israel. This is how we see it in a way when we look in the context of who is benefiting and who is being harmed.”

(CLERMONT, Fla.) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, champion for freedom of speech, may be facing investigation in the US.

In question is whether he violated espionage laws by hiding out after being charged by the international public prosecution office with "sex by surprise" for violating an obscure Swedish law against having sex without a condom.

Read Full Article (Dec-03-2010 14:24)

WikiLeaks and The Sound of Silence

The U.S. military is not without considerable knowledge confirming the common source of the fixed intelligence that induced America to invade Iraq.

(TEMPE, Az.) - Wikileaks scandal The scope and scale of WikiLeaks is a marvel to behold. Some praise it as the ultimate form of democracy. Others as the epitome of the most sacred of liberty’s principles: the right to know.

Yet the real story here is not what’s revealed but what’s withheld. The marvel is not what we now know but what is already known that is left unsaid. And what’s given an interpretive spin by those newspapers granted priority access.

Read Full Article (Dec-03-2010 13:58)

Secrets no Longer

As the truth became obvious, Republican propaganda in favor of “winning” the war changed from a determination to “defeat an enemy” to justifying the Christian intrusion to bring “Freedom”.

(PASO ROBLES, Calif.) - Wikileaks WikiLeaks has done it again. And in doing so has made the U.S. look foolish.

The cause stems from an attitude of the last administration, which President Obama inherited, that believes its opinions are superior to those of other governments, and even American citizens: it is not!

Read Full Article (Dec-02-2010 21:12)

WikiLeaks and Espionage Israeli Style

Is WikiLeaks the visible face of an Israeli disinformation campaign?

(TEMPE, Az.) - The U.S. is under attack by an enemy within. Skilled at game theory warfare, this foe targets the most sensitive realm of U.S. national security: its relations with other nations.

The online publication of a quarter-million documents chronicling diplomatic exchanges is notable both for what’s omitted and what’s included.

Read Full Article (Dec-02-2010 15:16)

Theft of Bread Daily and the Worst Circuses In World History

Fools Conned by Knaves...

(PHILADELPHIA, Pa.) - The Roman Empire dispensed bread and circuses to its citizenry to distract them from the criminality that had taken over Rome c.46BC.

America c.2010 confiscates it's citizenry bread daily and perpetuates phony and artificial circuses to the masses who have no clue as to where to storm let alone where the gates are located.

Read Full Article (Dec-01-2010 16:05)

The Folly of the Israeli AND Arab Approach to Iran
Is Wikileaks Being Manipulated by an Intelligence Service?

If Iran does becomes a nuclear-armed state, it will be because of Israeli threats and Arab leadership’s endorsement of them.

(LONDON) - Obama and plans for war in Iran The Wikileaks revelation that some Persian Gulf Arab leaders wanted (and still want?) America to attack Iran is confirmation of what some of us thought we knew - that Arab leaders are not merely impotent but as dangerously deluded as their Israeli counterparts.

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