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About Wikileaks articles Page 9

Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Nov-30-2010 18:09)

U.N. Fails to Protect Sexual Minorities

Homosexuality is criminalized in dozens of countries across the world—and a source of violence in many more.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Gay bashing Recently, the U.N. removed a critical protection for sexual minorities. Homosexuality is criminalized in dozens of countries across the world. Homophobic violence is rampant in many more.

What's going on?

Read Full Article (Nov-30-2010 16:21)

A Surge of Truth

For most of us, it is plainly clear that Wikileaks is not just an act of pure journalism -- it is also the ultimate form of true democracy...

(LONDON) - Hillary Clinton It is an "attack on the international community," said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in reference to the release of 250.000 secret cables by Wikileaks.

Clinton is correct, this is indeed a long overdue, necessary attack on an ‘international community’ of war mongers and war criminals.

Read Full Article (Nov-29-2010 23:17)

Wikileaks and The Tel Aviv Connection

Obama has behaved as anticipated by those who produced his presidency.

(TEMPE, Az.) - Wikileaks What is Tel Aviv to do now that it’s known Israelis and pro-Israelis ‘fixed’ the intelligence that induced the U.S. to war in Iraq?

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Con me consistently for six decades and the relationship is over, as is Israel’s credibility as a legitimate nation state.

Read Full Article (Nov-28-2010 23:30)

Iranian Nuclear Scientist Killed, Two Injured

Recently released Wikileaks documents show not just Israel, but Saudi Arabia also, could pose a threat to Iran's nuclear program.

(TEHRAN PRESS TV) - Iran An Iranian academic has been killed and another university professor and his wife wounded in two separate car explosions in Tehran.

Yet unknown terrorists exploded the cars of the two academics in separate places on Monday morning, Fars news agency reported.

Read Full Article (Nov-28-2010 15:10)

Wikileaks Document Suggests that Mossad Chief Wanted to Topple Iranian Regime

(LONDON) - Iran green revolution I have learned tonight fromYnetnews that Secret US embassy cables leaked by WikiLeaks suggested that Mossad chief, Meir Dagan, advised the US make use of local fringe groups to try and topple the Iranian regime.

“According to a memo from August 2007, Dagan described to Under-Secretary of State Nicholas Burns the five pillars of Israel's Iran policy, among them the desire to spark a revolution.

Read Full Article (Oct-27-2010 00:14)

Wikileaks for Dummies

(LONDON) - U.S. soldier in patrol in Iraq A number of media outlets seem to go out of their way to make the best of a bad situation (for Pentagon officials) by derailing the essence of the message that comes out of the classified documents released by WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange.

They are desperate to downplay the scandalous actions perpetrated by the American forces with the green lights that go high up the chain of command, and try to divert the focus on the Iraqi side alone.

Read Full Article (Oct-24-2010 14:25)

Gadahn Call to Attack Americans Comes from Israel

Gadahn works for the Israeli government, end of story.

(CINCINNATI) - Nuke bomb blast “Israeli terrorist “clones” are responsible for most hard line rhetoric, threats and have actually recruited terrorists and directly inspired, if not planned and executed, attacks on Americans…Gadahn is part of it, so is Wikileaks”

A call to arms, demanding Muslims in America and elsewhere begin a terror campaign, was spread around the world.

Read Full Article (Oct-13-2010 12:40)

A Retrospective Analysis of the `Wikileaks Crisis`

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Wikileaks controversy On 25 July 2010, the New York Times carried an explosive story by Mark Mazzetti, Jane Perlez, Eric Schmitt and Andrew W. Lehren about some 92,000 classified Pentagon documents which had passed into the hands of Wikileaks, a Sweden-based whistleblower website headed by Julian Assange.

Ostensibly, the leak sent shock waves through the US Administration – not just for the sheer volume of the leaked material but also because the revelations could significantly affect the course of the war in Afghanistan.

Read Full Article (Aug-16-2010 19:28)

Public Enemy Number One: the American Press

Stealing America's freedoms like a thief in the night...

(CINCINNATI) - Press public enemy It’s 2010 and a few members of congress have noted that we have a corruption problem in Afghanistan. Over a period of 9 years. $2.4 trillion dollars has been stolen with a dozen enquiries, dozens of reports, audits, all saying the same thing.

The “war on terror” was more “pickpocketing” and not so much “Osama bin Waldo.” It’s 2010 and reports are trickling in that, just maybe, terrorist mastermind Osama has been dead for years and years.

Read Full Article (Aug-14-2010 21:17)

The Ground Zero Mosque Lies

Let’s get some facts straight.

(CINCINNATI ) - Proposed Mosque site in NY City There never were plans for a mosque at “ground zero.” The entire story is made up by a public relations agency working with the Israeli government and the GOP. There are plans for an Islamic center in an old Burlington Coat Factory store blocks away. That far down the island of Manhattan, a couple blocks away is “across town.”

The idea that Israel is financing the “Ground Zero Mosque” controversy when Mossad agents were arrested, dancing in the streets on 9/11, is an obscenity.

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