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Addressing the Lies Spread about Gilad

Direct from the source: Gilad Atzmon takes on his critics.

(LONDON) - Gilad Atzmon For more than a decade and a half I have been subjected to a relentless and sometimes violent smear campaign. I have been accused of all sorts of ‘hate crimes’ including the totally ludicrous claim that I advocate the ‘burning of synagogues', 'incitements of violence', and have routinely been labelled, among other slurs, a ‘notorious anti-semite’ and a ‘Holocaust denier’.

Of course, if any of these accusations had merit, I would have spent time behind bars.

Read Full Article (Feb-04-2020 19:04)

How to Sleep Soundly and Naturally Every Night

Optimize your sleep without using tech or supplements

(SALEM, Ore.) - sleep routine Getting enough quality sleep is a vital component of everyone’s daily life, contributing massively to health and well-being among humans.

Sleep deprivation has been proven to increase the risk of dementia, impact negatively on heart health, contribute to mental health issues and much more.

Read Full Article (Feb-01-2020 14:05)

U.S.-Iran Relations: From Mosaddegh to Trump

Diplomacy with Iran is much more productive than sabre-rattling

(SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.) - U.S. and Iranian flags Not all Muslims are Arabs and not all Arabs are Muslims. Only about 20% of practicing Muslims live in Arab countries. However, Iranians prefer not to be called Arabs. They are Persians. The Persian language is Indo-European; it is barely related to Arabic. The official language of Iran is Persian (Farsi).

The country’s economic system is extremely inefficient largely because of corruption and mismanagement.

Read Full Article (Jan-31-2020 16:00)

Public Charge Rule May Withhold Green Cards for Immigrants in Need

Supreme Court decided to allow the new "public charge" rule to take effect affecting legal immigrants across the United States.

(SALEM, Ore.) - green card Federal appeals courts had previously issued injunctions blocking the rule. Monday's ruling means the policy can go into effect in Oregon and every state, except for Illinois which is covered by a separate injunction.

The new public charge rule expands the list of benefits that the federal government may consider when determining whether someone is a public charge, which would make it more difficult for them to get a green card.

Read Full Article (Jan-30-2020 12:52)

Which NBA Team Will Take the Top Spot in 2020?

The Clippers, Lakers, and Bucks are all on their way to a possible NBA final and Championship. Which team will take the glory and be crowned the 2020 NBA champion?

(SALEM, Ore.) - NBA With 2019 in the bag, 2020 is shaping up to be an exciting year for the NBA title run. The team that most people are currently favoring would have to be the Clippers.

Recently, however, they have dropped off the pace with the Lakers now sitting on top of the Western Conference.

Read Full Article (Jan-30-2020 12:04)

A Closer Look At The Gambling Laws In Oregon

Oregon isn’t the first state to come to mind when you talk about gambling, but read on to find out the variety of games and machine the Beaver State has to offer.

(SALEM, Ore.) - gaming technology Oregon has a state-sanctioned lottery, horse racing tracks, as well as Indian Casinos spread across the State.

Although Oregon isn’t home to the biggest casinos or biggest names in gambling, their Indian Casinos have everything including blackjack, roulette, and slots. Online and mobile sports betting was also launched in 2019.

Read Full Article (Jan-24-2020 18:34)

Dr. Romano Filed ICC Complaint vs. Netanyahu for War Crimes

Romano stayed in Palestine, undercover, for several months before he was captured by Israeli police.

(PARIS, France) - Netanyahu Dr. Romano filed 66-page complaint against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Minister of Defense Avigdor Lieberman before the International Criminal Court (ICC), in Holland, for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity, etc. committed against Palestinians in the West Bank.

The charges in the complaint include, but are not limited to, the following violations of international law...

Read Full Article (Jan-21-2020 01:42)

Best Career Opportunities for Senior Citizens

Tackling new goals has many health benefits

(SALEM, Ore.) - senior citizen Reaching retirement age is an important landmark for people, opening the door for them to choose whatever they want to do with their lives.

Many see it as the ideal opportunity to finally enjoy some freedom, while others view it as a chance to try something completely different in life.

Read Full Article (Jan-17-2020 12:32)

BLM Releases Final Western Oregon Tribal Fairness Act Decision

The reclassification does not change the management of the land

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Oregon Today the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released the Decision Record for the reclassification of public domain lands as part in one of the final steps of the implementation of the Western Oregon Tribal Fairness Act. The Act, signed into law by President Trump on January 8, 2018.

In addition to transferring these lands into trust for the Tribes, the Act also required the BLM to identify and convert public domain lands to replace the conveyed O&C lands. Reclassifying these lands as O&C lands will allow 18 western Oregon counties to share in a portion of receipts from timber sales on these lands.

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2020 23:43)

FAQs: Starting a Trucking Business

Small businesses like trucking are the backbone of America.

(SALEM, Ore.) - trucking When a person talks about starting a trucking business, it often means they will be the owner and operator of the company. As the name suggests, this type of business is usually a one-person enterprise.

Getting started in this industry is not easy, but quite manageable if you ask the right questions of those who have been operating a similar business for years.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
