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Will India`s Vote Drive Sri Lanka Closer to China?

A.S. Kalkat cautions that India needs to proactively engage Sri Lanka to ensure that the Chinese don’t gain an upper hand there.

(New Delhi IANS) - China and Sri Lanka flags India has made it clear to Sri Lanka that its vote on the US-backed resolution was aimed at s
peeding up the reconciliation process in the island nation.

However the move has sparked speculation whether it was a strategic misstep that could drive Colombo closer to Beijing

Read Full Article (Mar-24-2012 17:38)

Urgent Response to Racism: Police Screening Needed

Obviously screening of both neighborhood watch personnel and police in many cases, needs to be reexamined.

(SALEM) - Rally for Trayvon Martin There may or may not be parallels between the killing of an innocent Black teen recently in Sanford, FL and the massacre of 16 Muslim innocents in an Afghan village at the hands of a sergeant from Ft. Lewis, WA who apparently went berserk.

Legislative action could result in reducing similar tragedies.

Read Full Article (Mar-24-2012 12:55)

Trayvon Martin`s Parents Speak Out Over Son`s Death

Our son Trayvon Martin was killed because he looked "suspicious." His confessed killer is still free. Join 900,000 people to call on Florida law enforcement officials to prosecute the man who took away our son.

(SANFORD, FL) - Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton; parents of Trayvon Martin Our son didn't deserve to die. Trayvon Martin was just 17 years old when he was shot and killed by George Zimmerman.

Trayvon wasn't doing anything besides walking home with a bag of Skittles and some iced tea in his hands.

Read Full Article (Mar-23-2012 18:45)

UN Warns Sri Lanka Against Retaliating Toward Humanitarian Activists

Urgent call also issued to support Bishop Rayappu Josep in Sri Lanka.

(SALEM / COLOMBO) - The Bishop and The President Whispers blog there is a suggestion that we are witnessing tension among Church Leaders in Sri Lanka. The tension is now quite public.

There is a vindictive online attack being orchestrated against Msgr Rayappu Josep Bishop of Mannar and his supporters.

Read Full Article (Mar-22-2012 22:07)

USTPAC Welcomes First Step towards Accountability for Sri Lanka`s War by UN Human Rights

The Resolution passed with an absolute majority within the Council and with cross-regional support, including that of India, Nigeria and Mexico.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Tamil child The US Tamil Political Action Council welcomes the Resolution on Sri Lanka passed today by the UN Human Rights Council.

The Council says the Report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission contains constructive recommendations for initiating a process of reconciliation.

Read Full Article (Mar-22-2012 20:42)

Half a Million Americans Prepared to Take Down George Zimmerman

No law should be used to cloak racism and murder.

(SALEM) - George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin I have a feeling that the murder/racism suspect George Zimmerman is going down one way or another. This kid that he killed, was just a boy, he wasn't even 18-years old.

Trayvon Martin was an aspiring A and B student who was interested in flying, and was an athlete, from a solid family with no criminal background.

Read Full Article (Mar-22-2012 17:21)

Why Trayvon Martin`s Death Should Matter to You

Anyone bold enough to talk about George Zimmerman and his rights to be presumed innocent until proven guilty needs to remember something very important. Trayvon Martin did not get the opportunity.

(SANFORD, FL) - Trayvon Martin All of the facts in the tragic case of Trayvon Martin have yet to come to the surface, but there are two important facts we do know. Trayvon Martin is dead and George Zimmerman admitted to killing a defenseless young man.

What upsets me and most rational people the most is how the case has been handled by the Sanford Police Department.

Read Full Article (Mar-22-2012 15:44)

Surprise Yet Uneven Human Rights Council Conclusion: Sri Lanka-Tamils

Resolution implies a lack of confidence in the Sri Lankan government to enact even its own mild investigation.

(LONDON) - Sri Lanka satellite image Human Rights Council voted today, to criticize the Sri Lankan government for “not adequately address[ing] serious allegations of violations of international law”.

It came during its final phases of war against the liberation guerrilla army LTTE (Liberation Tigers for Tamil Eelam), which ended, May 18, 2009, with government-caused massive blood baths.

Read Full Article (Mar-22-2012 15:18)

Trayvon Martin RIP As U R Not Alone

What excuses exist for what is taking place over a Black teen's tragic shooting death.

(CLEVELAND) - Trayvon Martin Trayvon Martin's story leaves Americans reaching for answers- to questions that should never have to be asked. Regional trends dictate the spirit of a community.

Florida is a U.S. state that once turned its back and broke away, to become part of a force determined to wipe out the free United States and exist within the slave-owning Confederacy.

Read Full Article (Mar-22-2012 14:44)

26 Nazi Officers: Sequel

I was a scout, point man, and forward observer more than any other soldier in my Battalion.

(MOLALLA, OR) - Nazi flag My recent story, COMBAT PRIVATE, THE MOST IMPORANT MAN ON THE BATTLEFIELD, mentioned that I had captured 26 Nazi Officers brought two interesting comments.

The first one asked, “What sort of medal were you awarded? Bronze Star? Silver Star?

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
