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Mar-22-2012 15:18printcomments

Trayvon Martin RIP As U R Not Alone

What excuses exist for what is taking place over a Black teen's tragic shooting death.

Trayvon Martin
Trayvon Martin Courtesy:

(CLEVELAND) - Tragically gunned down in front of his own family home, Trayvon Martin's story leaves Americans reaching for answers- to questions that should never have to be asked.

Regional trends dictate the spirit of a community. Until we are able to grasp this simple fact, we don't have a chance of turning problems around.

Lest Americans forget, Florida once was a traitor state that once turned its back and broke away in succession, to become part of a force determined to wipe out the free United States and exist within the slave-owning Confederacy.

The denial of this simple fact removes the very foundation of the discussion. The average Black American family today evolves from slavery; their families were held in ownership; human servitude on steroids, less than 150 years ago.

Pick-up trucks with Confederate flags in the rear window are a common site in this state.

Attitudes toward black people are different in the south than in other parts of the country.
- Tim King

Trayvon Martin RIP As U R Not Alone

Justice For Trayvon Martin is it long overdue?
Yes! According to those attempting to pursue,
A FBI investigation & resignation of the chief,
Rightly so as these are words of heartfelt grief.

Yet, Black kids in Chicago are killed 1 per week,
Add Detroit, South Central, NYC, etc, at its peak,
4 to 5 are gunned down and the crime is not hate,
Inner city neighborhoods aren’t protected by gates.

African Americans kill each other & no public outcry,
Are they not just as innocent so the question is why?
Why is there such an outpouring of national outrage?
Kids under 5 killed in drive-bys so it’s not about age.

There is a famous old adage, “charity begins at home,”
How do we justify a less concentrated effort let alone?
Gang violence where thousands are victims every year,
Sanford Florida family isn’t the only one to shed tears.

Black kids are gunned down for making the honor roll,
So, while Black gangsters refer to Black girls as, “ho’s,”
Should we not focus first on problems contained within?
Before outrage outside inner-city neighborhoods begins?

No other race sells drugs to the community on our streets,
Neither does another ethnic group grab & viciously beat,
The African American females because they try to refuse,
To allow themselves to be sold for sexual favors and used.

This is by no means an attempt to minimize the tragedy of loss,
Felt by the Martin family but should we not ask at what cost?
Why is it the mayor and police so callously thrust justice aside?
Can it be at our own hands many others like Trayvon have died?

Another innocent victim of senseless violence but is it not like?
Imminent death brought on by turf wars regarding gang fights?
As Blacks killed by Blacks professing different colors rot in jail,
Do not let this incident evaporate w/o victory forever to prevail.

By Luke Easter


Luke Easter is a poet who writes about things that are very close to the heart of Another former U.S. Marine, Luke heals the world with an approach that reaches people on a different level, one known for centuries, yet too often forgotten in the one we live in.

We live in a world of social & economic injustice. The main reason for founding America in the first place was to relieve the oppression of the King of England. Patrick Henry said it best, “give me liberty or give me death.” And yet, all too often death seems to be the only way out. Why is there such a high suicide rate especially among teens, in the land of the free & the home of the brave? What makes headlines? Good news? Ha! More depressing stories than anything else. I feel poetry takes an edge off the hurt of bad news while still delivering it but in a, “glitzy” sort of way. Giving a different perspective. Kind of like slap in the face as opposed to a knife in the back. At least with the slap you’ll live to see another day and you will know whom it’s from. I wasn’t here for the beginning of the world but at 59, I just might be here for the end.

Even though it’s still a knife, rhyme poetry helps to dull the blade. And that’s my job. You can write to Luke Easter at:

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Anonymous March 28, 2012 6:15 pm (Pacific time)

I think people with racist mindsets forgot to take the meds their doctors addicted them to. Racists have lower IQ's and actually don't bathe as often; (statistical data), they are far more likely to molest their own kids (more statical data), and this explains so much is wrong in Alabama, Mississippi and other redneck confederate traitor states. White men with racist attitudes should be placed in reeducation camps and held to blame for what is taking place, forced to accept responsibly for these acts. Every time a Black person is murdered, a thousand racists should be placed in these camps. Then, you toss the racist perp in the mix, and tell the rest that this is the guy who got them locked up. Then, they will kill the original criminal, and we can prosecute a dozen for murder and the rest within a hundred feet of being accessories. We can teach them that there are backlashes for their whacky and sick perversions.

Luke Easter March 23, 2012 1:23 am (Pacific time)

Zimmerman is actually Hispanic not White. Which makes it all the more strange as his race is catching hell in California, Arizona and Texas and look at the murders of Mexicans by Mexicans in Mexico.

Anonymous March 22, 2012 6:40 pm (Pacific time)

People are not the same. Just talk to the far left Hollywood liberals to verify that. Or ask Al Sharpton...according to him we whites were living in cave while blacks were doing advanced mathematics. Hahahaha. No Tim, all people are different, and I have never allowed some types to even do my gardening or domestic chores. I will never eat in a black owned busines or where a black is cooking. I do not hate anyone, I just prefer to be around my kind of people. The majority of blacks do the same thing, so what's the problem? Blacks simply are out of place in polite society. Go to Africa, take away all western artifacts, and you clearly see what they are.

All racists who actually want to have their comments stated, also have their information posted: IP   Have fun with this little brain.

March 22, 2012 4:43 pm (Pacific time)

Make sure that the whole world knows that it was a black kid shot by a white man. If it were the other way around i would not even make it in the paper. At least I did not see an outcry o. The shooting of for little jewish kids and an adult in France by a black Muslim. Or a Muslim execute many soldiers in Ft Hood. Where was the ACLU, the NAACP or the Nation of Islam ( who are in my eyes nothing but terrorists)? Where is the outcry and the ralley for justice? Oh no just swep it under the table like it didnt happen. What really happened? I did not hear any story only that the so called suspect was bleeding from the nose and the back of the head. But I guess no big deal maybe he kicked himself in the nose and the back of the head and just shot the black teen because of nothing. Before all these Ci il Rights bullshitter go to the streets and demand justice let the authorities do the investigation first. But I guess these days a black person or a Muslam is always the victim. Strange world we live in. And o. The end always make sure you mention slavery. It's over with they are free now. Blacks are more racist than any white person I know. Only because you are black does not mean that we have to bow down and kiss your behind. I know that Liberals love to do that always apologize.

Editor: Well let me buy you a box of  Kleenex, will that help?  Try taking a more courageous approach to life, that is my advice, you strike me as a highly misinformed person literally scared of your own shadow.  And when you write words like 'Jewish' and 'Muslim' please spell the words correctly and capitalizethem as they should be.  If you had been fortunate to have Black friends in your life, you would see things very differently, people are all the same.  

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