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Mar-22-2012 17:21printcomments

Why Trayvon Martin's Death Should Matter to You

Anyone bold enough to talk about George Zimmerman and his rights to be presumed innocent until proven guilty needs to remember something very important. Trayvon Martin did not get the opportunity.

Trayvon Martin
Trayvon Martin photo courtesy:

(SANFORD, FL) - All of the facts in the tragic case of Trayvon Martin have yet to come to the surface, but there are two important facts we do know.

1. Trayvon Martin is dead and

2. George Zimmerman admitted to killing a defenseless young man.

What upsets me and most rational people the most is how the case has been handled by the Sanford Police Department. Here is one of many questions presented in this piece for thought: How do you allow a person to walk away from a killing by simply claiming self-defense after admitting to shooting an unarmed teenager? Self-defense after he tells the 9-1-1 operator that Trayvon is running? Seriously? It’s easy for Zimmerman to claim self-defense when Trayvon cannot repudiate the assertion because he is dead.

Hypothetically speaking, imagine a scenario in which you have a lion and a hunter. The hunter does everything he can to agitate the lion, chases him down and forces the lion to defend himself. Once the lion reacts to the hunter’s aggression, the hunter then pulls out a gun, and kills the lion in “self-defense.” The lion isn’t around to tell his side of the story and the myth of lion’s violent nature against humans continues to grow. I’ll let you decide who the lion is and who the hunter is in this hypothetical scenario.

Anyone bold enough to talk about George Zimmerman and his rights to be presumed innocent until proven guilty needs to remember something very important. Trayvon Martin did not get the opportunity to prove that walking down a sidewalk, wearing a hoodie in a gated community, while being Black, IS LEGAL. As a matter of fact, he did not need to prove anything to a stranger who followed him through the neighborhood. Parents normally teach their children not to talk to strangers and what authority did this self-appointed neighborhood watch guy have over Trayvon or anyone else walking around that community? What would you do if you were walking home and were being followed by an aggressive stranger, who could potentially be a pedophile, kidnapper, or murderer? Running away from a situation like this is the natural thing for a child to do.

What are the parents of young African Americans supposed to tell their children when unfortunate situations like this happen? Are they supposed to tell them that in addition to being extra careful when dealing with the police, you now must be extra careful when any random person wants to stop you and ask you questions? Better yet, maybe parents should tell their children if a stranger starts chasing you for no reason at all, do not run or try to defend yourself; just lay down and allow that person to be the judge, jury, and executioner of your life. If you try to defend yourself they will kill you, claim self-defense and be allowed to go free. It’s hard to think race isn't an issue here because if the shoes were on the other foot and Trayvon shot and killed Zimmerman, and was standing there with a gun when the police arrived, the odds of him being arrested or shot immediately are pretty damn good.

I read a great book about a year ago called Emancipation Betrayed: The Hidden History of Black Organizing and White Violence in Florida from Reconstruction to the Bloody Election of 1920 written by Paul Ortiz. As soon as I heard the sad news about the killing of young Trayvon Martin, I immediately pulled this book off the shelf. Chapter 3 of the book particularly stands out to me because it discusses how African Americans had to fight racial terrorism during this timeframe, yet 100 years later the same type of vigilante injustice that was practiced back then is still happening today.

There were so many cases mentioned in Emancipation Betrayed that are eerily similar to this one. Here are two excerpts from the book that helps me understand how the justice system in Florida works from a historical standpoint and why Trayvon’s death matters to me.

Ortiz went on to say that “the lynching of black men in segregated Florida was frequently extolled as a civic virtue.” At times it is hard explaining to non-African Americans why situations like the killing of young Trayvon Martin will cause people to react the way they have reacted. It is hard to explain, butas W.E.B. Du Bois notably spoke of an often fluttered around, unasked question in The Souls of Black Folks, “How does it feel to be born a problem? It is hard to explain to people who do not believe, or will not except the fact that racism is still alive and thriving in America in 2012.

How can I help someone understand how it feels to be followed, stopped, and frisked by police who profile African American males while driving down the street without committing a traffic violation? How can I help someone understand why an African American female is stopped by police and told that she looked “suspicious” because she has dreadlocks? How can I help someone understand how it feels to be stared at in a retail store, stereotyped, marginalized, or scrutinized for no other reason than the “suspicious” color of my skin? How can I help someone understand how it feels when I walk into an elevator with a woman while wearing my Marine service uniform and instead of her saying “thank you for your service to our country,” she turns her head, moves closer to the door, and clutches her purse as if I was going to rob her? I must have looked suspicious to her because I am a scary looking, 5’11, 195 pound, bald, dark skinned, African American male.

The questions presented above are real and happen to African Americans every day. There is an entire generation of Americans who have been misled into thinking that racism is in the past, but sadly, it is very much so in the present. This is not a political issue and I do not want to hear the cliché, talking point concerning Black on Black crime, because people from all ethnic backgrounds kill one another every day. This is about doing the right thing for a young man and his family.

The killing of Trayvon Martin is very similar to the thousands of African Americans who have been unjustly killed in this country simply because of the color of their skin. The historical information presented in Emancipation Betrayed and books about America’s violent past are not written to stir the “race pot.” They are written so that we know and understand the events of the past and hopefully we will recognize current and future events that fit the mold of atrocities that were upheld under the law to protect people of all colors who are denied the common rights of a citizen of this nation.

Your child or maybe even a person that looks just like me could be the next Trayvon Martin, Sean Bell, or Emmett Till. This is why the killing of Trayvon Martin should matter to you.

Shalom from a concerned African American citizen

I will be joining many others today at a rally in Sanford, FL to stand with the family in their cry for justice. I also want to be able to tell my children that I didn’t sit on the sideline and do nothing. This case is so important to me because at one time, I was a 17 year old kid and I'm thankful that some self-appointed law enforcement official didn't decide to take me out because I looked "suspicious." Please share this article with your friends and continue to pray for the strength of the family through these strenuous times.

Shalom and God Bless,

MSgt Steve 'Stu' Maynor Jr.


"Steve 'Stu' Maynor Jr., USMC is an active duty Marine. You can learn more about Steve Maynor Jr. by visiting

'Stu' Maynor says he does his best to approach each topic with an open mind and from a sarcastic/funny, yet common sense point of view. "My writing style is independent, thoughtful, energetic, motivating and sometimes rebellious to traditional writing standards. Throughout my articles you will find that I discuss issues with a simplistic, yet understandable opinion that I hope you will enjoy and appreciate."

One of his favorite sayings, is "Plan Ahead, It Wasn't Raining When Noah Built the Ark!" The writings of Steve 'Stu' Maynor Jr., USMC, are a valuable addition to"

Steve "Stu" Maynor Jr.

"Plan Ahead, it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark"

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Anonymous March 28, 2012 6:03 pm (Pacific time)

Coral, I think people with racist mindsets forgot to take the meds their doctors addicted them to.  Racists are like retards and they actually don't bathe as often; (statistical data), they are far more likely to molest their own kids (more statical data), and this explains so much is wrong in Alabama, Mississippi and other redneck confederate traitor states.  White men with racist attitudes should be placed in reeducation camps and held to blame for what is taking place, forced to accept responsibly for these acts. Every time a Black person is murdered, a thousand racists should be placed in these camps.  Then, you toss the racist perp in the mix, and tell the rest that this is the guy who got them locked up.  Then, they will kill his the original criminal, and we can prosecute a dozen for murder and the rest within a hundred feet of being accessories.  We can teach them that there are backlashes for their whacky and sick perversions. Sounds like we are working from the same plane Coral, even if I sound a bit touched for my remarks, all of us working in this regard are soulmates who travel the highway of kooks, dodging racism and all forms of hate that rot this nation from the inside out.  

Coral Anika Theill March 27, 2012 1:14 pm (Pacific time)

Thank you Steve, for writing an insightful article and for showing up as an advocate and voice for Trayvon Martin. Your personal experiences empower your writings. I look forward to reading your future articles. I have followed the developments of this case and listened to the 911 tapes. The tapes, which reveal Mr. Zimmerman's state of mind, are very disturbing. I am saddened but not surprised by the far right now demonizing the victim (Trayvon Martin). For the past decade, I have experienced the same by my pseudo Christian ex husband, Mr. Marty Warner, of Independence, Oregon, his religious, fundamental Christian friends, attorneys, pastors, elders, (Bridgeport Community Church, Dallas, Oregon), my adult children and son-in-law. Insecure, spiritually impoverished individuals do not want to know the truth. They don't have the courage to face the raw truth and admit to supporting and participating in extreme inhumane, cruel acts against me. They prefer their own made up "propaganda revisionist history" and their "huddled fear" - whether that be family bonds or church meetings. I believe Trayvon Martin's civil rights were violated. I know that if the tables were turned regarding this crime, and Trayvon Martin was claiming "Stand Your Ground," Trayvon would have been arrested - NO QUESTION. I hope the outrage over the death of Travyon Martin continues to escalate and that there will be a prolonged effort to evaluate the criminal justice system, from top to bottom, including police brutality, racial profiling, unfair sentencing and mass incarceration. There are thousands of cases of men, women and children who met a similar tragic end and no one ever told their story. Your article speaks for them, too. I am hopeful there will be true justice in this case in more ways than one, beginning with a thorough investigation of the police and the police department that failed Trayvon and other victims before him. The consciousness of injustice never goes away. I hope others will follow your example. "Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul." - Edward Abbey

Steve March 26, 2012 7:22 pm (Pacific time)

While I respect the comparisons some of you have chosen to make, the major difference here is the fact that police know who the shooter is and didn't arrest him. In the other cases mentioned, the people who committed those crimes are just as evil as the killer in Trayvon's case. Had the police done a complete investigation and handled the situation better, we would not be having this discussion. I knew it wouldn't be long before the attempts to demonize a dead, unarmed teenage would come out in an attempt to make him look bad. Media bias? Be careful because the sly Fox news channel and extreme conservative talk radio is a magnet for people who won't bother to check the facts, or critically think about things for themselves. i.e. “Ditto Heads”. Watch closely as the spin cycle in this case gets worse as more details come out about what truly happened that night.

Anonymous March 24, 2012 1:07 pm (Pacific time)

To editor and anon at 10:49..neither of you get it..Did either of you look up who owns daily news? No, you did not...Did either of you try and verify this story? No you did not...Well, "I" did and your one track news story comes from a manipulated mainstream media that not only wants to control you, but get you fighting in regards to racism.. They have ruined the economy, and our education system, so now they distract by racsism...barry soretoro is doing the same..dividing us thru racism, so we dont see the bankster robbery of our entire lives...enjoy.

Editor: We were dead set against racism long ago, many people here see fighting it as a life's goal, this argument is a day late, dollar short.  We ABHOR racism and prefer to disrupt the lives of racists rather than allowing them to exist unfettered.  It's not going to happen.

Anonymous March 24, 2012 10:49 am (Pacific time)

This just happened two weeks ago...not a peep.

Black Teens set kid on fire for being ‘white boy’

Shawn Tyson murdered two British tourists after first humiliating them by making them pull their pants down and beg for their lives and then killing them. Didn’t even bother to rob them. "...Just wanted to kill'em..." Shawn was 17 at the time and had just been released from a detention center.

Is sharpton, jackson, farakhan or wright going down there to say besides blacks, the British are under attack also? Let's deal with the whole enchilada people. Unless you have all communities discussing these racial attacks, we are just heading for a major national riot. And there will be just one victor, the zionists. This on them, they control the media, they whip people up, they must be removed, pronto.

Editor: Are you actually citing a crime in the UK and comparing it to the murder of Trayvon Martin?  Even if not, why?  Why don't you try accepting responsibility for this?  If it is the fault of Black leaders, then it is your fault too. You can't spend your life waving fingers and bitching about it.  

I mean I thought this was about a guy on a power trip running down some poor black kid and murdering him..  

Anonymous March 23, 2012 1:39 pm (Pacific time)

Never bring skittles to a gun fight. OK, serious question here.....I’ve seen a lot about this story the last few days, but I have yet to see Zimmerman’s version of what happened. I know he’s claiming self defense in general, and I’ve seen the 911 calls that lead up to the “confrontation.” But I haven’t seen any story where Zimmerman tells his version of those last few minutes when he is, I suppose, “attacked” or what have you. Anybody seen this? I realize the police may be sitting on this information until they’ve completed their investigation, but until I see Zimmerman’s version I don’t feel I can really come to any sort of informed opinion....

Anonymous March 23, 2012 12:32 pm (Pacific time)

Dead white kid- black shooter - no big deal, no report in the paper. Dead black kid - white shooter - the whole world goes nuts, every scumbag comes out and screems racism. Another reason for a riot. I dont think that next to the family really don't give a darn but just want a reason to riot. I don't see no whites in the streets rioting when a white kid got shot.

Indiana National Guard March 23, 2012 8:04 am (Pacific time)

Tim King, so does the Salem-news organization provide an objective analysis with regards to available information, or is this a witch hunt based on hate?

SANFORD, Florida -- Current and former neighbors call George Zimmerman caring, passionate and polite, a regular guy they enjoyed being around...
police report describes Zimmerman as white; his family says he is Hispanic and he has wrongly been described as a racist...
former high school classmate painted a different picture of Zimmerman.

"A race thing? That is definitely not the case," Eric Gross of Greenville, South Carolina, said on Thursday. "He is by far not anywhere near a racist...
Zimmerman has remained quiet over the shooting. His father (a Judge) said Zimmerman moved out of his home after receiving death threats...
The death has sparked allegations that Zimmerman took Florida's "stand your ground" law too far by chasing after the teen. Police added that while it was suggested Zimmerman not chase him, it is "not a lawful order that Mr. Zimmerman would be required to follow."

"Mr. Zimmerman was not acting outside the legal boundaries of Florida Statute by carrying his weapon when this incident occurred," Lee said recently. "He was in fact on a personal errand in his vehicle when he observed Mr. Martin." Tim King if Mr. Zimmerman is injured in anyway, those in the media will be held responsible. You are lucky in that you have a very tiny audience. So be thankful for that Tim.

Tim King: First, is a #6 ranked Website on the world scale, that is like telling a guy with a Corvette that his car is slow, we do not have a tiny audience, anyone can easily verify this, on weekdays we rarely see less than 1000 people an hour.  Next, and it is a funny thing and a small world, I sat across from one of your fellow racist Indiana guard soldiers in Iraq at Balad one night for evening chow, and the Indiana guy, spotting me as a reporter he had seen on base, asked who I was going to vote for, knowing I'm sure that I would say 'Obama'.  He proceeded to start this racist rant, 'he's a nigger' and 'none of my fellow guardsmen from Indiana will vote for him' and when I called him out for being from a state that was part of the Union in the Civil War, he told me he was from 'southern Indiana'. Then a Black soldier sat down right next to him, and he suddenly became very silent, as you would if you were talking smack and a Black guy suddenly appeared, you would shut the hell up, because that's how guys like you are.

So anyway man, I can see you guys from a mile off, you don't even sound like an American as you write this thing.  This poor kid was murdered, screw Zimmerman, may he end up in a prison where people will treat him the way he treated Trayvon Martin, and by that I don't hope he is killed mercilessly, but that he learns what it feels like to have the power turned around and to be sitting on the other side of the fence.  He's halfway there already.

Luke Easter March 23, 2012 1:30 am (Pacific time)

Should it matter more than LeVena Lynn Johnson? She wore the uniform. This is nowhere near as tragic as that. This is just one fallen domino somewhere in a chain of too many before it.

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