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Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 32 - O`Hare UFO!

This is the thirty-second installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Salem--Earth Prime) - Nota Bene #32 While some took it to be a joke or a prank, an unidentified flying object was sited over O'Hare airport in Chicago this past November. This was not a mysterious light, but a solid, disk-shaped structure.

During the scant minutes it was visible it was spotted by perhaps dozens of people and at least one pilot who should be trusted to recognize the type of craft usually landing at O'Hare.

When the object left it tore a hole in the cloud layer overhead. The FAA originally told reporters that it had no knowledge of the siting, but a Freedom of Information Act request filed by the Chicago Tribune showed that a United Airlines supervisor contacted an FAA manager at the airport about the phenomenon.

Read Full Article (Feb-27-2007 17:00)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 31 - Signage

This is the thirty-first installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Nota Bene no. 31 by Glen Bledsoe When are the people of this earth going to stand up and demand the Truth?

Our world has long been visited by beings from other worlds, but science (as it should) demands proof. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof. And that proof has long been lacking. That is until now.

After much study and data collection I, Leonardo, am about to reveal to the world the missing piece which will complete the puzzle. I do hope you won't be disappointed.

Read Full Article (Feb-21-2007 00:26)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 30 - Government Conspiracy

This is the thirtieth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Nota Bene by Glen Bledsoe Some readers may feel that Nota Bene descended to its lowest level with reports on celebrity break-ups, diet tips and births. Some will defend it as merely a frothy kind of entertainment--mostly harmless when taken in small doses. Others may view it as a kind of anthropological description of life among the parallel universes as we find it. I must confess, however, that I am none too proud to be such an instrument.

To compensate for this banality I have decided to turn the eye of scrutiny on our own world. I have long considered moving toward a higher art form, and I have at last settled on it. Documentary! I am proud to announce the first such in this series: Government Conspiracy.

Read Full Article (Feb-13-2007 20:06)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 29 - Posedown! (Part 3 of 3)

This is the twenty-ninth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 29 - Posedown This is the grudge match you've all been waiting for. Anyone can command an army, but can you drop seventy pounds of ugly fat in six months? It takes discipline, courage and a diet plan.

Will President Brush defeat terrorist O'Llama bin Satan in the War of the Lean? Join hostess Opera Wintry (who was unable to find a substitute host for the occasion) as the representatives of the West and the East take to the stage for the battle of the cellulite.

Read Full Article (Feb-07-2007 16:24)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 28 - Diet Wars (Part 2 of 3)

This is the twenty-eighth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Nota Bene #28 by Glen Bledsoe Prepare yourself for Earth OSX where the difference between skinny and fat is the difference between love and war. Thin is in. Fat is flat. The watchword is calories. Cellulite City is Hell. And remember: only in the Europe of Earth-Prime (our lovely blue planet) do middle-aged, hairy men wear speedos. I am an American!

Better than any tabloid, Nota Bene takes you where no other rag can. All the stars. All the parallel earths. All the latest gossip about all the Very Important People of the Multiverse--the best (and worst) dressed couples, diet tips, who's spending the night with whom, who's breaking up with whom and of course the perennial favorite: holiday recipes.

Read Full Article (Jan-31-2007 09:11)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 27 - Lunch of Terror (Part 1 of 3)

This is the twenty-seventh installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Nota Bene By Glen Bledsoe Help me out here. I'm standing in the grocery line Sunday night buying food for the week, and I'm trying not to look at the scandal rags staring me in the face. What happened to the good old days when presidents shook hands with bug-eyed aliens? Where are the seven foot babies as fat as sumo wrestlers and as furry as stray dogs?

Read Full Article (Jan-23-2007 22:44)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 26 - I Love Hillary, Part 5

This is the twenty-sixth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Nota Bene By Glen Bledsoe Some have called me a Prophet, but I am not. Don't confuse the Hillary Quentin of Earth-54 with Hillary Clinton of Earth-Prime. But because of the nature of the Multiverse, however, their fates may be linked. Who can say? The future is a soup of possibilities which no one, not even the All-Seeing Eye of Leonardo can predict. Not this world, not Earth-54.

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2007 14:11)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 25 - I Love Hillary, Part 4 of 5

This is the twenty-fifth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 25 - I Love Hillary, Part 4 of 5 It's the classic story: boy meets girl--girl divorces husband--girl runs for president--girl insults boy--boy runs away to the circus. But with a twist, of course. Well, it ain't Shakespeare, but you have to admit it's a lot different than your usual Sunday funnies.

Leonardo of Salem is a writer and artist who focuses on issues local, national and international, on culture, education, and the politics of parallel worlds.

Read Full Article (Jan-09-2007 19:00)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 24 - I Love Hillary, Part 3 of 5

This is the twenty-fourth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Nota Bene 24 I Love Hillary, Part 3 of 5 What a cliff-hanger readers were left with last week! Heart-break, hospitals and car crashes, oh my! Well, there weren't any hospitals or car crashes, but you have to admit that there was plenty of heart break. Poor Hillary.

Will she return to her philandering husband? And really just how good is Jenkins at the drums? What will Hillary's hair-brained scheme be this time? (Have you ever seen anyone with so many hair-brained schemes?)

Read Full Article (Jan-03-2007 14:22)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 23 - I Love Hillary, Part 2 of 5

This is the twenty-third installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Nota Bene 23 Reality comics! Remember, you saw them here first! In our first of five installments of "I Love Hillary" we saw former First Lady Hillary Quentin of Earth-54 save the New Yonk City water supply from poisoning by terrorists. Soon after she finds herself a national hero and is encouraged by her friends and family to run for president. No, wait. That's not right. That's a different Earth.

There are just too many parallel worlds, and I have a hard time remembering which is which. I know the last comic was about Hillary--or someone very much like Hillary. Oh, go back and check it out yourself. I've got better things to do.

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