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Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 42 - Steam King Unbound (Part 3 of 3)

This is the forty-second installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Tango 21) - Nota Bene #42 Steam King Unbound The citizens of Earth-Tango 21 have been stunned by the horrid attacks on such celebrities as Britney Sears and Johnny Deep by paparazzi infected with a virus which turns them into zombies (see Nota Bene #39 for details). As horrible as that might appear, there are dangers which make these attacks pale in significance.

Join me as I sharpen the focus of the Multiverse Browser into terrifying clarity. Prepare yourself for the tale of "Steam King Unbound."

Read Full Article (May-09-2007 07:04)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 41 - Van Himmelsing Forever! (Part 2 of 3)

This is the forty-first installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Tango 21) - Nota Bene #41 Can a human thinking machine and a genius at creating steam-powered androids defeat the blight of zombies which has infected everything from the entertainment business to politics?

And if that weren't enough there are others who would find other uses for the talents and abilities of Peter Carlson, Steam King. Join me as we watch the unfolding drama in Van Himmelsing Forever!--part 2 of 3.

Read Full Article (May-02-2007 07:26)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 40 - Van Himmelsing, Detective! (Part 1 of 3)

This is the fortieth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Tango 21) - Nota Bene #40 Van Himmelsing, Detective With the Multiverse crawling with Zombies, one may well look for protectors. We have to look no further than Earth-Tango 21 (although it takes a bit to find if you don't know where to look) for the heroes we need. With Nota Bene No. 40 readers meet Dr. Martin Van Himmelsing and his trusty companion Peter Carlson--known better to the citizens of Earth-Tango 21 as Steam King. Those Zombies better head back to the crypt with Van Himmelsing on the scene!

Read Full Article (Apr-25-2007 07:25)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 39 - Zombarazzi!

This is the thirty-ninth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Tango 21) - Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 39 - Zombarazzi! Life in the fast lane can't be fun. Super-stars from across the Multiverse are hounded by the paparazzi from across the Multiverse. Oh sure, we may think that pop stars have it made, but in truth in the glare of constant publicity their lives lead them to the brink of insanity.

Let us point our Multiverse Browser at Earth-Tango 21--not much different than our own Earth Prime. But on this world we will witness the horror when the two most dreaded creatures in the infinite Multiverse infect each other to become "Zombarazzi!"

Read Full Article (Apr-18-2007 05:20)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 38 - The Ban of Human Clothing

This is the thirty-eighth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-RNC) - Nota Bene #38  Ban of Human Clothing For hours I stare at the Multiverse Browser until my vision blurs. I sometimes mistake a headline of our own world for one in another. Take for example the recent House Bill proposed by Representative Donna Nelson to ban human cloning. (Will she also try to ban our alternate earth counterparts?) I misread it to say "Ban on Human Clothing." At first thought she had perhaps read the previous three installments of Nota Bene: "Nude Anatomy," "The Naked Hitchhiker," and "Skin Deep" and was inspired to write legislation to reveal the beauty of the human form to one and all in our great state. But after a brief glance at the text, I saw I was mistaken.

Read Full Article (Apr-11-2007 05:55)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 37 - Skin Deep Part 3 of 3

This is the thirty-seventh installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Tensor Fascia Latae) -  Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 37 - Skin Deep Part 3 of 3 Think about it. Light emits in all directions from a source be it the sun or a desk lamp.

The light travels and encounters a human body. Some of the light is absorbed, the rest is reflected back. Which frequencies of light are absorbed will determine if the model appears tanned or baby pink. Some of the reflected light is caught by a human eye and the image is imperfectly transmitted to the brain. Besides being upside down there are other errors which the brain sorts out and creates a corrected image.

Read Full Article (Apr-04-2007 07:28)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 36 - The Naked Hitchhiker Part 2 of 3

This is the thirty-sixth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Tensor Fascia Latae) - Nota Bene #36 In a parallel Salem there is an establishment whose business it is to display undraped female bodies. This activity, however, raises no eyebrows and draws no objections from its neighbors. Elvis's Life Drawing & Pizzeria is, in fact, considered a sanctum for the serious study of human anatomy for the artist. Dan Rubens, a young man whose interests in the female figure are perhaps less than scholarly, is rejected from its studios in spite of his incessant applications for admittance.

But Dan Rubens's life is about to change after he chances to pick up a hitch-hiker.

Read Full Article (Mar-28-2007 08:06)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 35 - Nude Anatomy Part 1 of 3

This is the thirty-fifth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(Earth-Tensor Fascia Latae) - Nota Bene 35 Nude Anatomy Part 1 of 3 It is not necessary to draw back far from the Multiverse Browser to find drama. Within the very website which hosts these chronicles there is plenty--for example, the opening of the adult venue club here in Salem which has invoked anger in some and catcalls from others.

The issue is not whether such a business should be allowed to exist, but instead where. But, of course, at issue is this business's product: the lust-provoking sight of the undraped female body.

Read Full Article (Mar-21-2007 08:05)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 34 - The Evil Twin

This is the thirty-fourth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

((Salem-Earth Prime)) - Nota Bene #34 Probably you've read books or seen movies in which an evil twin plays a mysterious role in a criminal puzzle. Just when you thought it was a mere plot device for cheap fiction, you find out that it is indeed the solution to a grave puzzle on Earth-1776.

This parallel earth is a world a little closer to our own than you, dear reader, may feel comfortable with. But perhaps it provides a clue to the seemingly endless lies and scandals of the current administration. Of course, this episode is completely speculative as a solution to the mystery on our world. But maybe--
just maybe....

Read Full Article (Mar-13-2007 15:06)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 33 - Blackjack and the Zombies!

This is the thirty-third installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Nota Bene episode 33 While I was momentarily distracted by the diet secrets of the stars and other schlock-cultural detritus, the multiverse continues its drama.

A series of fascinating events unfold on Earth- Zed where the radical enemies of the Union of American States have resorted to zombies to attack the security of the free world. Who, you may well ask, can protect democracy from the undead? I, Leonardo, can and will give you a straight answer (for once): Blackjack.

This installment introduces a new hero to join the ranks of White Hat, FDR XIII and many others. Before you delve in, be certain that you are in a well lit room. You wouldn't wish to meet a zombie in the dark...

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