(Dec-27-2006 07:59)
Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 22 - I Love Hillary, Part 1 of 5
Glen Bledsoe
This is the twenty-second installment of the original
series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.
The multiverse mixes and matches entertainers and politicians in ways which should not surprise us. Reality TV become reality politics on Earth-54. Where on our world millions watch re-runs of "I Love Lucy," on Earth-54 enormous audiences follow the life of former First Lady Hillary Quentin in the reality-comedy-soap-opera smash hit, "I Love Hillary"--which in turn you are now about to read as a reality comic on our Earth. It gets complicated, but hang in there.
Scandalized or merely amused? Just remember, it ain't our world.
Read Full Article (Dec-20-2006 18:00)
Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 21 - There`s a New Santa in Town
Glen Bledsoe
This is the twenty-first installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.
During this holiday season not only should we think of the friends and family of our world, but we should cast our minds to parallel earths and their Santas.
Does the Santa of Earth-Zeta Rotundo say "Ho! Ho! Ho!" or instead produce a high-pitched sound which would shatter the windows of a four-story building. Does the nose of Rudolph of Earth 727-SE flash red or produce any useful luminance in the visible spectrum? Have little doubt that Nota Bene will take you to the X-treme Earths of the Multi-verse where you will be struck with awe at the oddities of time, space and Santa Claus.
Read Full Article (Dec-13-2006 19:14)
Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 20 - The Life and Times of Nicholas NCLB
Glen Bledsoe
This is the twentieth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.
Many arm-chair critics of public education don't understand the difference between "private" schools and "privatized" schools. These curmudgeons who can neither spell nor punctuate are only too happy to scrap a system of education which for generations has given Americans the skills to think and to make good decisions for their families and their nation. Public education is the foundation of America's middle class.
Since we have so many parallel earths at hand, let us look at a flattened world in which public education has been disbanded and replaced by a system in which lessons are served like fast food and teachers compete for test-savvy students like salesmen fighting over wealthy clients. This world could well be our own. Behold "The Life
and TImes of Nicholas NCLB."
Read Full Article (Dec-06-2006 08:00)
Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 19 - Clearing Bush
Glen Bledsoe
This is the nineteenth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.
The President of the United States on our world is not the only variation to have lost both the Senate and the House or Representatives due to an unpopular and unnecessary war, the torture of innocent prisoners, spying on his own citizenry, ignoring global warming and generally making a botched job of everything under his control. We are about to visit Earth B-12 where its American president decides to kick-back for a short break after losing the mid-term elections for his party on his world. A true drugstore cowboy,President George Brush saddles up his mare and heads out onto the range where he meets with more excitement than he had bargained for.
Read Full Article (Nov-30-2006 10:53)
Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 18 - The Ann Colder Story
Glen Bledsoe
This is the eighteenth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe
Many readers have asked to learn more about the world in which FDR XIII wins the election of 2012. Long before the android who channels the spirit of the former president is elected as leader of the Union of American States, the life of a woman is sent a dark direction through an accident. No, she is not a mutant whose parents worked at a nuclear facility, but her fate is nevertheless altered by an event of a different sort. A little more truth can now be revealed
in "The Ann Colder Story" -- the first of the Secret Origins series.
Read Full Article (Nov-22-2006 21:45)
Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 17 - The Way of Truth
Glen Bledsoe
This is the seventeenth installment of the original
series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe
Part 5 "The Way of Truth." In the thrilling conclusion to "The Adventures of White Hat" we find our hero about to be "swift-horsed"--his good name tarnished by false accusations. With his girl friend brain-washed to whom can he turn in a time when Truth is lost, Love is scorned and the world around him is a construct of torture, war and deceit?
Read Full Article (Nov-15-2006 22:05)
Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 16 - A New Commander
Glen Bledsoe
This is the sixteenth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe
Part 4 "A New Commander" of The Adventures of White Hat.
With the hero formerly known as White Hat speaking publicly against the war, the powers-that-be realize he must be replaced. Who will take the place of the masked commander of the Repelican Guard for Vice President Chick Dainey? And will they try to stop the real White Hat from speaking the truth?
Read Full Article (Nov-09-2006 08:42)
Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 15 - Call Me Whitey
Glen Bledsoe
This is the fifteenth installment of the original series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe
(Salem) -
Part 3 "Call Me Whitey" of The Adventures of White Hat. Disillusioned with his superiors White Hat exchanges his cowboy duds for city clothes. Miss Daisy, now only a shadow of her former self after being tortured by Vice President Chick Dainey, is his only concern. Wandering aimlessly in the streets the former national hero is just another masked citizen in Gotham. What will he do for money? Will Miss Daisy ever be her old self? Will he return to his former command? Watch for the answer to these and other burning questions as The Adventures of White Hat continues.
Read Full Article (Oct-31-2006 20:20)
Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 14 - Dark Revelation
Glen Bledsoe
This is the fourteenth installment of the original cartoon series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.
We will leave Earth-Omega to its nuclear (or rather nuke- ular) winter and return to Earth-Beta and "The Adventures of White Hat."
As you may remember in our last episode White Hat, masked cowboy, folk-singer and Commander of Chick Dainey's Repelican Guard Swift Horse, rescues his girl friend Miss Daisy from the torturous clutches of the Vice President.
Read Full Article (Oct-24-2006 16:31)
Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo No. 13 - Another Fine Mess
Glen Bledsoe
This is the thirteenth installment of the original cartoon series "Nota Bene by Leonardo" by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.
Flash! We interrupt our regularly scheduled publication to turn our all-seeing comic-eye on another alternate earth, Earth-Omega -- while we can. Earth Omega is an interesting Earth variation. Ironically people who on our Earth are celebrities, entertainers and actors are on Earth-Omega leaders, politicians and generals. Can you imagine? This unfortunate trend has led their world to a crisis which you are about to examine.
Next week we will return to our regular programming and revisit Earth Beta for Episode 2 "Dark Revelation" of "The Adventures of White Hat."
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