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Cartoon Strip Nota Bene by Leonardo oon Strip: Episode XII - Torturing Miss Daisy

This is the twelfth installment of the original cartoon series Nota Bene by Leonardo by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Cartoon images by Glen Bledsoe "Tales from Alternate Earth." Scientists speculate on the possibilities of multiple planet earths in parallel universes which are similar to but different from our own.

There are perhaps an infinite number of such worlds. Worlds in which the differences are slight. Worlds in which you ate an extra scoop of green beans at dinner last night but otherwise no different than the one you woke in this morning. Other worlds might diverge more dramatically--worlds in which Dewey was elected president in 1948 and the Confederacy won the Civil War. We will be peeking in on one such world. Call it Earth Beta. Behold Part 1 of 5 of "The Adventures of White Hat" and visit a world which is different than ours, but to what degree?

Read Full Article (Oct-11-2006 00:13)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo Episode XI - When the Cornbelt Moves to Saskatoon

This is the eleventh installment of the original cartoon series Nota Bene by Leonardo by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Cartoon images by Glen Bledsoe You're not going to let a few tree-hugging environmentalists scare you away from displaying your manhood on the road, are you? Doesn't America just take what it wants because it deserves it? Isn't America entitled to highways jammed with gas-guzzling Hummers or any other energy wasteful vehicle Detroit can design?

Read Full Article (Oct-02-2006 21:03)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo Episode X - Welcome to 21st Century -- -- I (Don`t) Spy!

This is the tenth installment of the original cartoon series Nota Bene by Leonardo by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Tired of pumping gas, friend? You say you're not satisfied with minimum wage? Looking for a part-time job? Meet a couple of Americans down on their luck who find there are employment opportunities aplenty--if they don't mind spying on their fellow Americans. But as you'll see there are things that even they won't do.

"The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain . . . control over its government.." -- Franklin Roosevelt.

Read Full Article (Sep-26-2006 10:47)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo Episode V - 21st Century Fireside Chat

This is the ninth installment of the original cartoon series Nota Bene by Leonardo by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - With Episode V, "21st Century Fireside Chat," Leonardo of Salem concludes the compelling, 5-part saga, "FDR XIII -- the Miniseries." Take the phone off the hook and grab a bag of popcorn!

Leonardo of Salem is a writer and artist who focuses on issues local, national and international, on culture, education, and politics. The views expressed in his comics are strictly his own and do not necessarily reflect those of or the powers in the White House. Any similarities between characters depicted in Nota Bene to persons living or dead are strictly paranoid delusions on the part of the viewer.

Read Full Article (Sep-19-2006 18:47)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo - Episode IV A Change in the Wind

This is the eighth installment of the original cartoon series Nota Bene by Leonardo by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Nota Bene Episode IV Episode IV "A Change in the Wind" Nota Bene by Leonardo continues the compelling, 5-part saga. "FDR XIII -- the Miniseries." If you missed Episode I: "Resurrection of a Hero" click here, Episode II: "Alias Dr. Clark Cotton" click here, Episode III "Drool or Rule!" click here.

Leonardo of Salem is a writer and artist who focuses on issues local, national and international, on culture, education, and politics. The views expressed in his comics are strictly his own and do not necessarily reflect those of or his midwestern relatives.

Read Full Article (Sep-16-2006 23:30)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo - Episode III Drool or Rule!

This is the seventh installment of the original cartoon series Nota Bene by Leonardo by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) -  Episode III Drool or Rule! With Episode III "Drool or Rule!" Nota Bene by Leonardo continues the compelling, 5-part thriller. "FDR XIII -- the Miniseries." If you missed Episode I: "Resurrection of a Hero" click here or Episode II: "Alias Dr. Clark Cotton" click here.

Read Full Article (Sep-07-2006 10:45)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo - Episode II: Alias Dr. Clark Cotton

This is the sixth installment of the original cartoon series Nota Bene by Leonardo by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Alias Dr. Clark Cotton With Episode II "Alias Dr. Clark Cotton" Nota Bene by Leonardo continues the compelling, 5-part thriller. "FDR XIII -- the Miniseries."

Leonardo of Salem is a writer and artist who focuses on issues local, national and international, on culture, education, and politics. The views expressed in his comics are strictly his own and do not necessarily reflect those of or his guru Jay Ward.

Read Full Article (Sep-02-2006 00:44)

Cartoon Strip: Nota Bene by Leonardo - Resurrection of a Hero

This is the fifth installment of the original cartoon series Nota Bene by Leonardo by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Nota Bene Resurrection of a Hero With Episode I "Resurrection of a Hero" Nota Bene by Leonardo begins a compelling, new 5-part thriller. Set in the near future "FDR XIII -- the Miniseries" answers the burning question: Does the world really need yet another shape-shifting, android super-hero who channels former presidents of the United States? Especially one who doesn't wear brightly colored tights, a mask or a cape.

Leonardo of Salem is a writer and artist who focuses on issues local, national and international, on culture, education, and politics. The views expressed in his comic are strictly his own and those telepathically communicated to him from his home world and do not necessarily reflect those of Salem-News or Perfect Master of the Universe Thomas Friedman.

Read Full Article (Aug-21-2006 21:12)

Cartoon Strip Nota Bene by Leonardo The Da Vinci Co-Ed.

This is the fourth installment of the original cartoon series Nota Bene by Leonardo by Salem cartoonist Glen Bledsoe.

(SALEM) - Nota Bene Da Vinci Code Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code has stirred controversy since it was first released in 2003. With the release of the movie this summer the controversy continued to simmer and broil.

Read Full Article (Aug-14-2006 17:40)

Cartoon Strip Nota Bene by Leonardo Looks at `The Truth About Low Performing Schools`

Here is installment 3: Nota Bene by Leonardo "The Truth About Low Performing Schools," by Glen Bledsoe on

(SALEM) - nota bene - The Truth About Low Performing Schools It is much easier to put things down when you never really see the subject of your insults up close.

AM radio talk show hosts are one group that loves to target school districts and teachers, portraying them as villains, as they hide behind a “lower taxes” strategy that has no end in sight.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
