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Salem-News.com (May-25-2017 01:00)

Oregon: Medical Marijuana Program Numbers Decrease, Patient and Grower Restrictions Increase

Since recreational cannabis sales became legal, the number of people with medical cards has dropped from 77,000 to 67,000

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - OMMP losing numbers Thousands of patients are letting their official Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) card lapse due to the financial cost to obtain the card.

The annual fee is not worth the savings to obtain the medical card, according to several patients.

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Salem-News.com (May-24-2017 16:21)

Scott Christianson, PhD - Renowned Investigative Journalist, Author, Colleague and Friend

His investigative reporting helped to gain the release of 12 wrongfully convicted prisoners and end the death penalty in New York and New Jersey

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Scott Christianson Last week, I was notified of the death of Scott Christianson and once the sheer shock wore off, it was replaced with my deep desire to pay tribute to my unique friend.

One of the newspaper articles regarding Scott's death said his most recent book project looked at the opioid crisis and the contributing role played by drug companies. "He was going to blow the lid off of all of them", it said. Yes Scott, the lid will be blown off all of them.

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Salem-News.com (May-17-2017 15:45)

Surgeon General Murthy Not Facing Addiction in Confusing Report

A bogus report will do nothing to slow down the deaths to prescription opioid "addiction".

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Surgeon General's report Recently, President Trump relieved the Surgeon General of his prestigious position. Many supporters of Dr. Murthy were unhappy with Trump's decision. After all, a report had been issued entitled "Facing Addiction in America - The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health".

Considering that the Obama administration all but ignored the massive prescription opioid epidemic in the country, Murthy actually issuing a report was monumental.

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Salem-News.com (May-17-2017 00:38)

Medical Cannabis Growers Win Big in Jackson County

Cannabis farmers will be allowed to once again grow in rural residential Jackson County.

(JACKSON COUNTY, Ore.) - Right to Grow, U.S.A. Tuesday, the Jackson County Hearings Officer Panel issued a decision which approved a “non-conforming use application” to grow medical marijuana on RR-5 lands. This is considered a huge win for medical growers.

If you were growing on RR-5 land prior to March of 2016, your non-conforming use application now has a good chance of finding approval. Any grow that started after that date will be under the new rules: 6 medical (OMMP) and 4 rec plants (21+).

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Salem-News.com (May-12-2017 11:24)

Oregon Reminds Cannabis Growers of Compliance Updates

There are many details to stay on top of in the cannabis industry...especially in Oregon.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Salem-News.com There are several current rules and upcoming compliance inspections that OMMP registrants need to be aware of.

Patients who designate a grower must provide the address of the grow site. The address being provided must include a street number and name. The OMMP will no longer accept other property identifiers such as P.O. Boxes, tax lot numbers, map numbers, longitude and latitude, townships or GPS coordinates as a grow site address.

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Salem-News.com (May-11-2017 23:10)

Good Move: Trump Withdraws Rep. Tom Marino of Pennsylvania as Drug Czar

Those contributing to the deaths of future generations via the prescription opioid epidemic must be stopped.

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Congressman Tom Marino In October 2014, I wrote an article for Salem-News.com and Global News Centre regarding Congressman Tom Marino of Pennsylvania and his background as related to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and their attempts to crackdown on pharmacy pill mills -- along with other biographical issues concerning Mr. Marino.

Several weeks ago, President Trump announced that Marino was being slotted as "drug czar" for the administration.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-30-2017 23:30)

OREGON: As of May 1 Worker Permits Needed to Continue Working in Cannabis Industry

Licensees Required to Enter Permit Employee Information into Metrc to be Compliant

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - cannabis dispensary All licensees are required to have current employees entered into the Metrc Cannabis Tracking System with valid OLCC Marijuana Worker permits before Monday May 1, 2017.

It is the licensee’s responsibility to ensure all its current employees who are required to, have a valid worker permit and that the worker permit information is entered into CTS.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-30-2017 22:47)

Oregon Passes Cannabis Consumer Privacy Bill to Protect Shop Customers

The new bill puts Oregon very much on par with other states that support marijuana legalization in the USA.

(SALEM, Ore.) - oregon capitol Lawmakers in a number of states are currently concerned about the increasing risks of marijuana enforcement by federal agents.

The current Trump administration, as well as Jeff Sessions who is currently leading the Justice Department, are showing signs of uncertainty when it comes to their attitude towards weed, causing the concern among legalized states’ lawmakers in the first place, and increasing the contradictions between the law at the federal and state level.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-29-2017 00:26)

OLCC Approves Medical Bump-Up Canopy for Marijuana Producers

Establishes Sharing Framework between Producers and Patients

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - cannabis The Oregon Liquor Control Commission today approved rules allowing growers licensed in Oregon’s Recreational Marijuana Program to grow marijuana specifically for Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) cardholders.

Under this “medical bump-up” arrangement recreational producers will be allowed to grow additional canopy above what is allowed in their OLCC license.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-25-2017 19:20)

Henry Rollins Key-Note Speaker at Oregon Marijuana Business Conference in Eugene

Learn about cannabis trends and changing regulations, including cannabis testing, tech and branding, taxes and more.

(SALEM, Ore.) - cannabis The Oregon Marijuana Business Conference (OMBC) on April 28th is shaping up to be a great conference that will give you the latest information you need about cannabis laws and regulations in the Beaver State.

In addition to the conference agenda, the parties on Thursday (April 27th) and Friday night, are going to be OFF THE HOOK...

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