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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Feb-13-2018 16:35)

The Coward`s Way: Make War on the Young

27 Palestinians living in the West Bank were forcibly sent to Gaza last year.

(LONDON) - The Israeli occupation authorities arrested a 14 year-old epileptic Palestinian girl for begging. As punishment they dumped her in the Gaza Strip where she knew no-one and was cut off from her parents.

Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports how the girl was arrested as an “illegal alien” in East Jerusalem (Palestinian territory as everyone knows), her cellular telephone confiscated and a lawyer from the Public Defender’s Office appointed to represent her.

Read Full Article (Feb-13-2018 13:30)

Politician Lies, Wars, and Atrocities vs. Local Action

To work for justice is to work for peace.

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - Ahed Tamimi Life moves on, grinding, sometimes nice and sometimes painful. We saw Israeli regime’s aggression on Syria which went unanswered for years and “Israel” continues to illegally occupy the Syrian Golan.

That was unanswered until Saturday morning when Syrian air defenses shot down an Israeli F-16 jet (paid for by US taxpayers) and crippled an F-15. This is shocking the establishment in the apartheid state and changing the rules of engagement. It is also a message to the US which used its F-16s to bomb Syrians fighting the US backed terrorist group called ISIS.

Read Full Article (Jan-07-2018 23:43)

Nothing Like a Wacky Fatwa to Begin the New Year

Could the flurry of hate mail from a variety of supposedly Zionist/Muslim/Christian sources be the work of one sad and very disturbed individual?

(LONDON) - fatwa This is word-for-word the same bollox as fatwas sent to other pro-Palestinians including prominent churchman Dr Stephen Sizer by the World Muslim Zionist Organization in Dhaka.

So, is the Muslim League for Yahud Alliance (whoever they are) cyber-scribbling for the WMZO? And I don't see them on any International Criminal Court NGO list, nor do they seem to have a web presence.

Read Full Article (Dec-08-2017 16:30)

Both Parties Pushed Trump Toward Reckless Action on Jerusalem

Jerusalem is (and always has been) the commercial, cultural, educational, and religious center for Palestinian life.

(SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.) - Palestine President Trump announced on Wednesday that the United States will formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and that the U.S. embassy would be moved to that multi-ethnic and multi-faith city.

No other government in the world formally recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital or has its embassy there, instead basing their diplomatic offices in Tel Aviv. Observers familiar with this volatile issue agree the decision further reduces the chances of Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Read Full Article (Dec-07-2017 16:33)

Comment on Trump`s Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel`s Capital

For success, Trump would have to commit to the two-state solution.

(SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.) - President Donald Trump Many have concluded that such efforts were doomed to failure because the Trump administration does not have a clear vision for that peace and Trump lacks even the most basic understanding of what he really wants to achieve.

In addition, it is unclear how he would sustain efforts to achieve a peace deal with so much instability in his own office.

Read Full Article (Nov-27-2017 13:22)

Israeli Official says Few Jews Fight for America

"They never send their children to fight for their country" ~Israel Deputy Foreign Minister Hotovely

(LONDON) - Tzipi Hotovely Israel's deputy foreign minister Tzipi Hotovely attacked U.S. Jewry in an interview with i24 News on Wednesday.

Hotovely referred to American Jews as “people that never send their children to fight for their country, most of the Jews don’t have children serving as soldiers, going to the Marines, going to Afghanistan, or to Iraq. Most of them are having quite convenient lives...”

Read Full Article (Nov-02-2017 23:20)

Who Wrote The Balfour Declaration and Why: The World War I Connection

On the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Balfour Declaration.

(SACRAMENTO, Calif.) - The Balfour Declaration Most analysts consider WWI a pointless conflict that resulted from diplomatic entanglements rather than some travesty of justice or aggression. Yet, it was catastrophic to a generation of Europeans, killing 14 million people.

The United States joined this unnecessary war a few years into the hostilities, costing many American lives, even though the U.S. was not party to the alliances that had drawn other nations into the fray.

Read Full Article (Oct-26-2017 21:24)

Journalists Protest Against Israel`s Closure of Media Outlets

The Israeli military raided offices of three major media companies and ordered eight offices and branches shut down for six months.

(NABLUS /WAFA) - Nasser Abu Baker Dozens of journalists gathered at the center of Nablus city, in the northern West Bank, on Tuesday to protest Israel’s crackdown on the Palestinian media and closure of a number of media offices under the pretext of broadcasting inciting material.

The Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate asked the International Federation of Journalists to send a fact-finding commission to investigate Israel’s violations against Palestinian journalists and the media.

Read Full Article (Oct-17-2017 12:45)

Athens vs. Mondoweiss

Mondweiss seems utterly confused by Miko Peled’s momentary endorsement of universal freedom of speech.

(LONDON) - Gilad Atzmon In my new book, Being in Time – A Post Political Manifesto, I delve into the clear distinction between Athens and Jerusalem. Athens is the capitol of philosophy.

In Athens we think things through. Jerusalem, on the other hand, is the city of laws that set the boundaries of correct thinking. In Jerusalem we obey first and think later.

Read Full Article (Oct-13-2017 13:49)

Hamas Can Achieve the Right to Work For Palestinians in Lebanon by Reconciling With Fatah and Iran

Previous reconciliations between Hamas and Fatah have failed to materialize.

(DAMASCUS) - Image by Pedro Fanega A deal has been agreed to by rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah during this month’s Cairo Reconciliation talks.

They announced that details would be announced later, but despite the agreement, it is doubtful that substantive progress will result. Or that this time the results will differ much from the preceding half-dozen still-born ones over the past decade.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
