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Thirty-Five Years after the Sabra-Shatila Massacre: Where is The Resistance?

A massive crime against humanity which has yet to be adjudicated.

(Shatila Palestinian Refugee Camp, BE) - Sabra-Shatila Massacre This week commemorates the 35th anniversary of the Wednesday, Sept. 15 to Saturday, Sept. 18, Sabra-Shatila Massacre in the Fakhani neighborhood of Beirut.

For many of the families and loved ones of the victims, as is certainly the case with this observer, it seems as though the Sabra-Shatila Massacre was committed at most four or five years ago. So vivid still in our memories are the horror images of that orgy of slaughter.

Read Full Article (Aug-30-2017 14:06)

Anti-Racism Donations Spike for ADL Amid Their Own Racism

ADL works to maintain oppression and discrimination against Palestinian Muslims and Christians

(SACRAMENTO, Calif.) - Israeli soldier In the wake of Charlottesville, numerous Americans have come forward to oppose racism in a variety of ways. In some cases this has taken the form of donations.

As a result, some allegedly anti-racist organizations have seen a financial bonanza. The main one seems to be the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which saw a 1,000% spike in donations – more than half by first-time donors.

Read Full Article (Jul-24-2017 17:34)

National Forum for Scientists Reveals Palestinian Innovators

Build partnerships to create the environment for innovation and excellence.

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - Palestine Museum of Natural History We just completed the second National Forum for Scientists organized by the Palestinian Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence.

On another note, while Congress does nothing to help US citizens drowning in debt including student debts, it also wants to punish them (us) if they (we) speak out for human rights and international law.

Read Full Article (Jun-27-2017 23:42)

The Schizophrenic Syrian War

The last six years of terror have resulted in 207,000 civilian deaths (24,000 children).

(SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.) - Syrian war Both Russia and the U.S. want ISIS defeated but then we have U.S.-supported rebels fighting Syrian troops. Supposedly, Russia only attacks ISIS, not the U.S.-supported rebels.

Then throw into the mix, the growing tension between Russia and the U.S., i.e., the allegation that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, and the U.S. sanctions...

Read Full Article (Jun-08-2017 12:40)

USS Liberty Attacked by Israel 50 Years Ago Today

The USS Liberty was a spy ship, keeping tabs on Israel's Arab neighbors and their Soviet advisers.

(SALEM, Ore.) - 1967 USS Liberty attack Fifty years ago today, on June 8, 1967, 34 American servicemen were killed and 174 were wounded when Israel attacked the USS Liberty navy ship in international waters.

It was the highest casualty rate ever inflicted on a U.S. naval vessel. Still, no investigation.

Read Full Article (May-21-2017 23:27)

The Hypocrisy of Trump`s Visit to Bethlehem

The empire is facing resistance and failing.

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - Donald Trump poses President Trump is in Saudi Arabia where he will instruct his puppets, then go to apartheid Israel to get further instructions from his masters.

He will do a token visit to Bethlehem Tuesday. Everyone now knows that the US government, Israel, and the Saudi regime have been the biggest perpetrators of terrorism and genocide in the world. This is to serve one interest and one interest only: money.

Read Full Article (Apr-15-2017 21:55)

Lebanon`s Outlawing of Palestinian Civil Rights

Update on the fighting at Ein al-Hilwe Palestinian camp in Lebanon

(Ein el Helweh Camp, Saida, Lebanon) - It’s half a century overdue for Lebanon to grant Palestinian refugees, now the fourth post-Nakba generation, the most elementary civil rights to work and home ownership.

Both fundamental rights are mandated by international law and enjoyed by every refugee on our planet. Sauf Lebanon.

Read Full Article (Mar-27-2017 13:48)

The Bipartisan Effort against Campaigns for Corporate Responsibility

On March 8, the New York State Senate passed a bill that would prohibit any state university from funding any student organization which directly or indirectly promotes boycotts or divestment against companies operating in “territories controlled by an allied nation.”

(SAN FRANCISCO) - kids in Gaza The Trump Administration’s efforts to legitimize the Israeli occupation and illegal settlements in the Israeli-occupied territories has received surprising bipartisan support.

A series of bills passed or under consideration in Washington and in state capitols seeks to punish companies, religious denominations, academic associations, and other entities which support the use of boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) to challenge the occupation of Palestinian land.

Read Full Article (Mar-22-2017 17:10)

Israel Tries to Block All Aid to Gaza

"IHH will not stop its aid to Palestinians nor will it give up on its efforts for removal of the blockade in Gaza regardless of Israel’s cunning schemes, traps and unfounded allegations."

(ISTANBUL, TR) - Muhammad Murtaja On 12th February 2017 TIKA Gaza Office staff Mohammed Mortaja, who was supposed to participate in a training in Turkey, was detained in Israel at the Erez checkpoint, regardless of his official permits granted by Israel.

Mortaja has been held in custody and interrogated to this day by Israel Intelligence services, while prohibited from seeing his lawyer and from using any kind of communication without any official explanation or comment. Mortaja, who is married with four children, has been working for TIKA since 2012.

Read Full Article (Mar-09-2017 09:48)

Basil of Al-Walaja: RIP

Others will speak of his martyrdom; I will speak of his life and what he told me. Basil would have wanted it told this way.

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - Basil of Al-Walaja In 2009, I met Basil and Shireen and started joining them in demonstrations in Al-Walaja village. On 6 March 2017, Basil was murdered by the Israeli army. He was 31-years old.

"...we had so many problems...the displaced and the refugees, taking our water rights, the wall built on our land, home demolitions, apartheid, residency rights. Resistance is normal reaction [to this]... Palestine is a microcosm of the world, its history that of mankind. What happens here is an indicator of things to come around the world.”

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
