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LAILA al-GHANDOUR -- The Face of Gaza Carnage

Over 60 people were killed by Israeli bullets on the 70th anniversary of the Nakba. Little Laila al-Ghandour was the youngest victim.

(LONDON) - Laila al-Ghandour In Time's Iconography is the glaring testimonial of eight month old Laila al-Ghandour. She was born under occupation in Gaza and died on the 70th Anniversary of Nakba Day.

You can blame God for inducting her into existence only to have the Cartels of Debauchery -- exonerated -- for abducting her from co-existence!

Read Full Article (May-15-2018 14:17)

CAIR Condemns Massacre of Palestinian Protesters

Palestinian civilians were killed while peacefully protesting the move of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and the anniversary of the ethnic cleansing from their homes.

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Palestine “We condemn this massacre of civilian protesters -- including children, medical personnel and the disabled -- who seek to shake the conscience of an international community that has long ignored or excused Israel’s past dispossession of the Palestinian people and its continuing occupation of those few who were able to survive in their ancestral land.

“Perhaps this tragic mass killing – played out in full view of the world’s media – will spark a new call for justice..."

Read Full Article (May-15-2018 00:35)

Jewish Past vs Jewish State

"...designed to sustain the oppression of the indigenous people of the land..."

(LONDON) - Zionism promised to solve the Jewish problem. It vowed to fix Diaspora Jews by means of a ‘homecoming,’ to make the Jews loved, empathic, bond them to the soil; in essence, to make them ‘people like all other people.’

The horrific scenes flooding in from Gaza today demonstrate that Zionism failed miserably. The Jewish State is an embarrassment to its original humanist endeavour and to humanity in general.

Read Full Article (May-10-2018 22:12)

Palestinian Refugees Suffer Setback in Lebanon`s Parliamentary Election

Palestinians in Lebanon continue their struggle to achieve the elementary civil rights to work and to own a home

(Shatila Refugee Camp, BEIRUT) - Palestine Palestinian refugees in Lebanon have no right to vote and that has never been a significant issue with them. As refugees they are not citizens of Lebanon and have never sought naturalization.

Rather, their focus continues to be on acquiring at least some elementary civil rights pending full return to their own country, Palestine.

Read Full Article (May-09-2018 01:50)

Is Israel Leading the U.S. to War?

Trump is set to do what his Zionist handlers want him to do: confront Iran and cancel the deal.

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - USS Liberty An Israeli newspaper (Haaretz) had an opinion piece titled "Trump Tells World to Drop Dead as Netanyahu Dictates His Nixing of Iran Deal". But it is not just Netanyahu.

No, it is the whole Zionist establishment that took the decision to challenge a deal agreed to by much of the world and continue to try to start new wars and sacrificing gullible gentiles on the alter of Zionism.

Read Full Article (Apr-09-2018 15:21)

Deir Yassin Outrage Remembered: 70th Anniversary

"Misled and criminal people" caused 100 innocent civilians murdered, 50 children orphaned in systematic slaughter of peaceful village

(LONDON) - Einstein letter Today is the 70th anniversary of the Deir Yassin massacre, one of many committed in the vicious frenzy of the Zionists' land grab.

The day after the massacre, Albert Einstein penned a letter. In it, Einstein blames responsibility for the coming catastrophe on the British and the terrorist organisation from the Zionist Jews' own ranks, saying he would not see anyone associated with those "misled and criminal people".

Read Full Article (Apr-02-2018 16:06)

Debunking Israel`s Talking Points on Deadly Gaza Protests

Civilian Gazans’ willingness to walk to that fence is not a measure of their support for Hamas, it measures their yearning to express themselves as humans and claim their freedom, even at immediate risk.

(NEW ZEALAND) - Palestinians running from Israeli army Even before the protest began, Israeli spokespeople framed it preemptively as a Hamas production. If the march is merely Hamas’ political positioning, they imply, there is no need to seek a deeper understanding.

However, Hamas is not Gaza and Gaza is not Hamas. Civilian Gazans’ willingness to walk to that fence is not a measure of their support for Hamas. It measures their yearning to express themselves as humans and claim their freedom, even at immediate risk.

Read Full Article (Mar-07-2018 02:17)

Theresa May Recruits Royalty to Thwart BDS

The visit is "at the request of Her Majesty’s Government"

(LONDON) - apartheidweek Prince William, second in line to the throne, is being sent to the Holy Land by the UK Government "to promote diplomatic and cultural ties".

In effect he'll be helping to normalise 70 years of Israeli occupation and sanitise the unimaginable cruelty that has gone with it. His trip cuts across the Boycott Divestment & Sanctions movement's efforts to bring pressure for justice.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2018 22:24)

PALESTINE is All of Palestine Not to be Disputed

Christian Churches in Jerusalem closed their doors in protest of pressure from Israel.

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - It remains a remarkable era that we live in and it is getting more “interesting” every day. Take for example the poke in the eye that the Zionists did through their vassal president Donald Trump in deciding that the date to move the US Embassy to occupied Jerusalem will be May 15.

This is very significant because that date is Nakba Commemoration day when against the wishes of the vast majority of inhabitants, a Jewish apartheid state was created by force of arms. Before and after that date, the largest post-WWII ethnic cleansing happened.

Read Full Article (Feb-24-2018 18:58)

The Crumbling Holocaust: an Israeli Perspective

Within the holocaust ideology, Israel is shielded from criticism

(LONDON) - Palestine The following are segments taken from an outstanding Haaretz commentary titled ‘The Crumbling Consensus that Jews Were the Ultimate Holocaust Victims’ by Ofri Ilani.

The article explores the fundamentals of the global religion of the Holocaust, identifies the international institutions that sustain the doctrine and the political events that indicate that the Goyin are weary of the notion of the primacy of Jewish suffering.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
