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Politician Lies, Wars, and Atrocities vs. Local Action

To work for justice is to work for peace.

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - Ahed Tamimi Life moves on, grinding, sometimes nice and sometimes painful. We saw Israeli regime’s aggression on Syria which went unanswered for years and “Israel” continues to illegally occupy the Syrian Golan.

That was unanswered until Saturday morning when Syrian air defenses shot down an Israeli F-16 jet (paid for by US taxpayers) and crippled an F-15. This is shocking the establishment in the apartheid state and changing the rules of engagement. It is also a message to the US which used its F-16s to bomb Syrians fighting the US backed terrorist group called ISIS.

Read Full Article (Jan-07-2018 23:43)

Nothing Like a Wacky Fatwa to Begin the New Year

Could the flurry of hate mail from a variety of supposedly Zionist/Muslim/Christian sources be the work of one sad and very disturbed individual?

(LONDON) - fatwa This is word-for-word the same bollox as fatwas sent to other pro-Palestinians including prominent churchman Dr Stephen Sizer by the World Muslim Zionist Organization in Dhaka.

So, is the Muslim League for Yahud Alliance (whoever they are) cyber-scribbling for the WMZO? And I don't see them on any International Criminal Court NGO list, nor do they seem to have a web presence.

Read Full Article (Sep-27-2017 14:20)

Remembering the Vietnam War

It seems a lot of Americans, French, and Australians come back to the scene of their misadventures.

(SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.) - Vietnam documentary Watching the compelling documentary, The Vietnam War by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, brought back memories of my time in Vietnam in 1967-1968. The Tet Offensive occurred during my service there; it was a defining event in the Vietnam War. Tet, by the way, is the Vietnamese New Year.

I was a U.S. Army Transportation captain stationed in Saigon, now Ho Chi Minh City.

Read Full Article (Jul-24-2017 17:34)

National Forum for Scientists Reveals Palestinian Innovators

Build partnerships to create the environment for innovation and excellence.

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - Palestine Museum of Natural History We just completed the second National Forum for Scientists organized by the Palestinian Higher Council for Innovation and Excellence.

On another note, while Congress does nothing to help US citizens drowning in debt including student debts, it also wants to punish them (us) if they (we) speak out for human rights and international law.

Read Full Article (May-30-2017 01:35)

Documentary Follows America`s Efforts to Find MIA

A first hand understanding of the cost of war in human lives.

(SAN DIEGO, Calif.) - A Solemn Promise, America’s Missing in Action This film is the end result of his searching for a way to help in America’s search for those "still missing”.

Impressive considering America is the only country that continues to search for its fallen warriors around the world to return for an honorable burial at home.

Read Full Article (Apr-17-2017 20:30)

The 5 Safest Cities in Oregon

Oregon is a very appealing place to live, and the safety of its cities only adds to the draw.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Brookings Oregon Ask someone about Oregon, and they'll probably paint you a rosy picture of cheery, shorts-wearing hikers hustling up a mountain, munching on granola, and collecting banana peels for compost.

Maybe that's because compared to many Midwestern locales, Oregon's lush forests, rushing rivers, and towering mountains really do seem like another world.

Read Full Article (Apr-17-2017 15:15)

Free Admission This Weekend to All National Parks

Take advantage of the Centennial and enjoy some new sights!

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Cape Disappointment This week is National Park Week, which means admission is free to all 417 parks and cultural sites this weekend.

The National Park Service celebrated its 100th birthday last fall, and advocates for the parks are pressing Congress to pass a bill to start working down a massive maintenance backlog.

Read Full Article (Apr-15-2017 21:55)

Lebanon`s Outlawing of Palestinian Civil Rights

Update on the fighting at Ein al-Hilwe Palestinian camp in Lebanon

(Ein el Helweh Camp, Saida, Lebanon) - It’s half a century overdue for Lebanon to grant Palestinian refugees, now the fourth post-Nakba generation, the most elementary civil rights to work and home ownership.

Both fundamental rights are mandated by international law and enjoyed by every refugee on our planet. Sauf Lebanon.

Read Full Article (Apr-07-2017 11:25)

The Attack on Syria in 4 Basic Facts

War is immoral, illogical, and criminal and has no “good side” or “bad side”.

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - bombing Syria The attack on Syria by the United States while illegal per international law (not sanctioned by the UN Security Council and opposed by Russia and China) comes to remind as all of five basic facts of geopolitics:

1: US Presidents no matter how “unconventional” must always obey the rules set for them. Trump came to office opposing intervention in Syria and is now directly siding with the “rebels” and has accepted the 1990s neocon strategy of regime changes across Western Asia that are supposed to benefit "Israel".

Read Full Article (Mar-21-2017 19:20)

Guns and Cocaine and the Murders of U.S. Military

The drug pipeline from Central America fueled the crack cocaine epidemic, resulting in the deaths, addictions and imprisonment of thousands of Americans.

(SOMERDALE, NJ) - Arrow Air Flight 1285 Congress needs to conduct an investigation into the murder of Marine Colonel James E. Sabow at Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, CA, and 101st Airborne troops on Arrow Air 1285 in Gander, Newfoundland, Canada, and the deaths of 256 Americans.

The common thread between Colonel Sabow's violent death (1991) and those on Arrow Air 1285 (1985) is Iran/Contra. The forensic evidence supports the murder of Colonel Sabow and the sabotage of Arrow Air 1285.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
