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Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the End of World War I

Coos Bay-North Bend commemorates the end of WWI: A Tribute to our Heroes

(NORTH BEND, Ore.) - Merci Railcar On November 11, 1918, the guns went silent on the Western front, ending World War I.

In commemoration of that momentous event, Coos Bay and North Bend Veterans will hold a celebration at the Forty & Eight Boxcar (Merci Railcar) in Simpson Park at 11:00 a.m. on November 11, 2018.

Read Full Article (Aug-02-2018 01:45)

For The Few, Not The Many

The IHRA confirms that the Jewish State is not a state like all other states; no other state bothers to restrict criticism of its politics by others.

(LONDON) - Gilad Atzmon The relationship between Zionism and the Jews has been the source of confusion for many years. Both Zionists and the so called ‘anti’ have preached to us that ‘not all Jews are Zionists’ and ‘Judaism is not Zionism.’

But we are confused no more. Two weeks ago, the chief rabbi of Britain together with 68 other rabbis mounted pressure on the Labour party to change its ‘antisemitsm code.’

Read Full Article (Jul-17-2018 19:17)

Silencing Diversity in the Name of Diversity

I am opposed to any form of bigotry, hatred of Muslims is no exception.

(LONDON) - For the last three decades this genocidal war against Muslims and Arabs has intensified and become an official Western policy. This transition is the achievement of the Neocon school, who have attempted to redefine Zionism as the struggle for a promised planet instead of just a promised land.

Within the context of the global war we have declared on Muslims and Arabs on behalf of Zion, in the name of Coca Cola and Gay Rights, it is rational to expect that at some point Muslims may retaliate.

Read Full Article (Jul-02-2018 17:22)

Burial at Sea

"Mister, I wouldn't have your job for a million dollars." I shook his hand and said, "Neither would I."

(USA) - United States flags War is the seminal event in the life of everyone that has endured it. Though I fought in Korea and the Dominican Republic and was wounded there, Vietnam was my war.

Now 42 years have passed and, thankfully, I rarely think of those days in Cambodia, Laos, and the panhandle of North Vietnam where small teams of Americans and Montangards fought much larger elements of the North Vietnamese Army. Instead I see vignettes: some exotic, some mundane...

Read Full Article (May-09-2018 01:50)

Is Israel Leading the U.S. to War?

Trump is set to do what his Zionist handlers want him to do: confront Iran and cancel the deal.

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - USS Liberty An Israeli newspaper (Haaretz) had an opinion piece titled "Trump Tells World to Drop Dead as Netanyahu Dictates His Nixing of Iran Deal". But it is not just Netanyahu.

No, it is the whole Zionist establishment that took the decision to challenge a deal agreed to by much of the world and continue to try to start new wars and sacrificing gullible gentiles on the alter of Zionism.

Read Full Article (Apr-24-2018 14:25)

Goodbye, OREGON MY OREGON: Long-Running Oregon Historical Exhibit Closes Sunday

Construction begins May 1 on new permanent exhibition, opening February 14, 2019 (Oregon's Birthday)

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Oregon Historical Society After fourteen years, the Oregon Historical Society’s beloved Oregon My Oregon (OMO) exhibition will close as construction begins on a brand new state-of the art permanent exhibition, Experience Oregon.

Since opening in 2004, this artifact-rich journey through Oregon’s history has delighted hundreds of thousands of students and visitors of all ages. Oregon My Oregon’s final day on view will be Sunday, April 29, and all are invited to visit OMO for free on Saturday, April 28, as well as view renderings and get a sneak peek at some of the interactive games that will be featured in Experience Oregon.

Read Full Article (Apr-02-2018 16:06)

Debunking Israel`s Talking Points on Deadly Gaza Protests

Civilian Gazans’ willingness to walk to that fence is not a measure of their support for Hamas, it measures their yearning to express themselves as humans and claim their freedom, even at immediate risk.

(NEW ZEALAND) - Palestinians running from Israeli army Even before the protest began, Israeli spokespeople framed it preemptively as a Hamas production. If the march is merely Hamas’ political positioning, they imply, there is no need to seek a deeper understanding.

However, Hamas is not Gaza and Gaza is not Hamas. Civilian Gazans’ willingness to walk to that fence is not a measure of their support for Hamas. It measures their yearning to express themselves as humans and claim their freedom, even at immediate risk.

Read Full Article (Mar-02-2018 13:45)

Iran Ordered To Pay $920 Million to 1983 Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing Victims

Judgment is among the largest ever issued against a foreign state under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - Beirut bombing The Beirut Marine Barracks bombing, which killed 241 American servicemembers and injured numerous others, was the deadliest state-sponsored terrorist attack against United States citizens before September 11, 2001.

A judgment of $920 million has been obtained against the Iranian government on behalf of more than 80 family members of Marines/soldiers who were killed or injured in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, as well as Marines/soldiers who were injured in the attack themselves.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2018 22:24)

PALESTINE is All of Palestine Not to be Disputed

Christian Churches in Jerusalem closed their doors in protest of pressure from Israel.

(OCCUPIED PALESTINE) - It remains a remarkable era that we live in and it is getting more “interesting” every day. Take for example the poke in the eye that the Zionists did through their vassal president Donald Trump in deciding that the date to move the US Embassy to occupied Jerusalem will be May 15.

This is very significant because that date is Nakba Commemoration day when against the wishes of the vast majority of inhabitants, a Jewish apartheid state was created by force of arms. Before and after that date, the largest post-WWII ethnic cleansing happened.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2018 15:20)

Oregon Archives Exhibit Black in Oregon, 1840-1870

This first-of-its-kind exhibit focusing on African-American families who were part of Oregon’s pioneer heritage.

(SALEM, Ore.) - oregon black history When each of us give the Pledge of Allegiance, we place our hand over our heart and promise, “liberty and justice for all.” As your Secretary of State, I have accepted the challenge to promote liberty and justice for all Oregonians.

To obtain liberty and justice for all Oregonians requires a recognition and clear understanding of the history of Oregon minority populations, who have suffered repression, discrimination, and persecution throughout Oregon’s history.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
