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May-11-2010 17:30printcomments

Ethan Natelmann Critiques Obama's New Drug War Strategy

This administration is headed in a new direction on drug policy - but too slowly, too timidly...

Ethan Natelmann
Ethan Natelmann

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - The White House's 2010 National Drug Control Strategy, released this morning by President Obama and drug czar Gil Kerlikowske, is both encouraging and discouraging. There's no question that it points in a different direction and embraces specific policy options counter to those of the past thirty years. But it differs little on the fundamental issues of budget and drug policy paradigm, retaining the overwhelming emphasis on law enforcement and supply control strategies that doomed the policies of its predecessors.

First, to give credit where credit is due: The Obama administration has taken important steps to undo some of the damage of past administrations' drug policies. The Justice Department has played an important role in trying to reduce the absurdly harsh, and racially discriminatory, crack/powder mandatory minimum drug laws; Congress is likely to approve a major reform this year. DOJ also changed course on medical marijuana, letting state governments know that federal authorities would defer to their efforts to legally regulate medical marijuana under state law. And they approved the repeal of the ban on federal funding of syringe exchange programs to reduce HIV/AIDS, thereby indicating that science would at last be allowed to trump politics and prejudice even in the domain of drug policy.

The new strategy goes further. It calls for reforming federal policies that prohibit people with criminal convictions and in recovery from accessing housing, employment, student loans and driver's licenses. It also endorses a variety of harm reduction strategies (even as it remains allergic to using the actual language of "harm reduction"), endorsing specific initiatives to reduce fatal overdoses, better integration of drug treatment into ordinary medical care, and alternatives to incarceration for people struggling with addiction. All of this diverges from the drug policies of the Reagan, Clinton and two Bush administrations.

Director Kerlikowske told the Wall Street Journal last year that he doesn't like to use the term "war on drugs" because "[w]e're not at war with people in this country." Yet 64% of their budget - virtually the same as under the Bush Administration and its predecessors - focuses on largely futile interdiction efforts as well as arresting, prosecuting and incarcerating extraordinary numbers of people. Only 36% is earmarked for demand reduction - and even that proportion is inflated because the ONDCP "budget" no longer includes costs such as the $2 billion expended annually to incarcerate people who violate federal drug laws.

There's little doubt that this administration seriously wants to distance itself from the rhetoric of the drug war, but its new plan makes clear that it is still addicted to the reality of the drug war. Still missing is the full throttle commitment to treating drug misuse as a public health issue, and to harm reduction innovations that have proven so successful in Europe and Canada. Still present is the old rhetoric about marijuana's great dangers and the need to keep current prohibitionist policies in place, with no mention of the fact or consequences of arresting roughly 750,000 people each year for possession of small amounts of marijuana.

I had the pleasure of testifying a few weeks ago before the Congressional subcommittee charged with oversight of the drug czar's office. The subcommittee chair, Dennis Kucinich, broke new ground on Capitol Hill by challenging the drug czar, whose testimony preceded mine, on his continuing commitment to supply control strategies notwithstanding their persistent failure, and on his resistance to embracing the language of harm reduction notwithstanding its growing acceptance by governments elsewhere. In my testimony, I asked the subcommittee to reform the ways that federal drug policy is evaluated by de-emphasizing the past emphasis on reducing drug use per se and focusing instead on reducing the death, disease, crime and suffering associated with both drug misuse and counter-productive drug policies.

So, yes, this administration is headed in a new direction on drug policy - but too slowly, too timidly, and with little vision of a fundamentally different way of dealing with drugs in the U.S. or global society. The strategy released today offers nothing that will reduce the prohibition-related violence in Mexico, Central America and Colombia, or seriously address the challenges in Afghanistan. It dares not take on the embarrassment of America's record breaking and world leading rate of incarceration, especially of non-violent drug offenders. And it effectively acknowledges that politics will continue to trump science whenever the latter points toward politically controversial solutions.

We still have a long way to go.



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meggafish May 13, 2010 6:39 pm (Pacific time)

* We must stay the course in the war on drugs. What is a trillion dollars when you measure it against the evil of people smoking marijuana? If we spend double the $15 billion we spend today surely we will have better results. What we need is a drug surge, commit more money, more resources, more troops there will be light at the end of the tunnel, it worked in Iraq and it is working in Afghanistan. When the troops come home from those wars they should be assigned jobs in the war on drugs. House to house searches, neighborhood lockdowns, rock concert suppression and augmenting airport and border security are a few of the jobs that our highly trained military can easily handle. The vast majority of Americans must be convinced that drugs are evil, fund terrorism, lead to a decline in our moral character as a nation and put democracy at risk. We need stronger penalties from our courts as a deterrent; the longer we keep drug users in jail the greater the deterrent factor and after 25 years in prison many of those released will certainly think more than once about picking up a marijuana cigarette again. We can also change the law so parents of those who take drugs are liable for court costs and can be forced to do time with their children. We could also establish a reward system, like neighborhood watch, where neighbors can be rewarded for turning people in in cash, scholarships, mortgage buy-downs, health-care or vacations within the good ole USA. The number of new prisons built and the jobs created will be a boon to our economy and may lead us out of the recession and into a drug free America, strong and free.

Lisa May 11, 2010 7:26 pm (Pacific time)

Doctors are overworked and in short supply. it doesn't seem right to require them to add this extra task but I guess it has to be done.

Drug prevention is costly and time consuming. It will never completely be stamped out. And not only do we have to worry about illegal and prescription drugs, we have to be worried about those drugs that are legally sold under assumed names:

Editor: I question sharing the information about these things, but I understand the value of education.  Still, this is a public site and you are basically telling everyone the brass tacks so they know where to find it, what to do with it and you talk ebout how it gets people high.  I know this is drug education, but it really is drug education in a different way.  I wonder what your thoughts are on medical marijuana?

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Sean Flynn was a photojournalist in Vietnam, taken captive in 1970 in Cambodia and never seen again.