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Dec-26-2010 01:21 ![]() ![]() ![]() Marijuana, the Religious Right, and Pat Robertson's Sudden Bout of Extreme SensibilityTim King Salem-News.comWho saw this coming?
(SALEM, Ore.) - Religious Right icon Rev. Pat Robertson shocked conservative viewers last week by stating that laws against marijuana are a bad idea and that prison sentences for pot smokers simply make young people into serious criminals. This televangelist isn't on the fence, at least based on his words in the accompanying video. He obviously has a serious belief that America is on the wrong road when it comes to the criminal prosecution of those who possess or use marijuana. Robertson stated on the 22 December 2010 edition of the 700 Club: "We're locking up people who take a couple of puffs of marijuana and the next thing you know they've got ten years, the mandatory sentences and these judges, they throw up their hands and say, 'there is nothing we can do with these mandatory sentences.'" However, FOX News reports that a spokesman for the conservative religious spokesman clarified that he was not calling for decriminalizing marijuana. "Dr. Robertson unequivocally stated that he is against the use of illegal drugs," Christian Broadcasting Network Spokesperson Chris Roslan wrote in an e-mail to The Associated Press[1]. CNN noted Roslan's insistence last Thursday that Robertson "did not call for the decriminalization of marijuana. He was advocating that our government revisit the severity of the existing laws because mandatory drug sentences do harm to many young people who go to prison and come out as hardened criminals." [2]
That sure isn't what it sounded like to me, but these are the pseudo religious halls of doublespeak and a dubious gear change should not take us by surprise. Either way, these words coming from the mouth of Robertson stand to make a big difference for a large number of American families whose loved ones have been swallowed by the marijuana myths that have mystified, even paralyzed the thinking of Americans, since the 1930's. Robertson's view is consistent with an exploding trend of acceptance among Americans toward cannabis, but it is very unusual when you consider the cultural differences between most deeply religious conservative voters, and those who typically support the legalization, or at least the decriminalization of marijuana. The winds of change are driving an air of uncertainty into the ranks of American Republicans. Robertson's choice to publicly back the decriminalization of pot laws rings of a kinder, gentler American conservative who is willing to square off with a frustrated but very limited number of powerful people still determined to lock pot smokers up and throw away the key because they used a plant that grows naturally from the earth- with an endless list of successful medical uses[3]. Those who monitor the progress of cannabis laws know that some US states still have extremely archaic sentences for marijuana users. Oregon and California are not an average example; in comparison to many places laws here are almost nonexistent, at least for relatively small amounts. US Vendetta Lawmen and Marijuana Most recall the imprisonment of Tommy Chong by the DEA for his company's selling paraphernalia (marijuana pipes) in one of the few states where the sales are not allowed. This only happened after months and months of attempts by the DEA to purchase pot pipes and have them shipped where they were illegal. One day they found a way to manipulate Chong's son into taking the order. Chong had to take the fall or his family would have been charged. Nice guys those DEA agents. Though Robertson didn't mention these specific cases, one has to consider that he may be well aware of the injustice and equally troubled by the acts of federal agents that widen the cultural divide between most Americans, and those who work in politics and law enforcement. Another ridiculous example of American legal ingenuity is the federal prison sentence doled out to a Canadian national named Marc Emery, a well known Canadian political activist, who sold marijuana seeds that were legal in Canada, but not the US[4]. In other cases, like that one involving Chuck Lynch of Morro Bay, California, marijuana cases are launched against people who are in complete and total compliance with state law, but "go down" because they are specifically targeted by an anti-marijuana cop. Lynch's nemesis is a local sheriff named Pat Hedges, the man I called, California's Lawless Sheriff in an article published here. We live in the age of personal vendettas from law enforcement officials who suffer from a 'Reefer Madness' mentality. Our writer Dr. Phillip Leveque says, "It is really a turnabout of events. I just wrote this week about Pres. Ronald Reagan's highly hypocritical use of marijuana to combat Alzheimer's disease during his time in office. Now Robertson comes out in favor of it? I would definitely call it an interesting development." [5] Above and beyond everything else, marijuana is very tame next to all other drugs including alcohol. It rarely induces violence in people and has never caused a human death. The medical history of marijuana dates back thousands of years. Today a denial of its medical viability is a slap in the face to AIDS sufferers, cancer patients, people with PTSD (like so many Veterans today), and those who live with chronic pain. Big business in America, in this day and age, is endless big pharma companies keeping TV stations on the air with their deep pocketed advertising budgets, and in turn causing American consumers to self-prescribe drugs based on very expensive :30 and :60 second commercials, packed with terrible warnings of side effects, etc. If the media refused to accept that advertising we would all be better off. At least you can always visit and know that you won't see it. We are part of the future and they are part of the past, that just seems worth throwing in. Robertson's view reminds us of how similar Americans really are when it comes right down to it, or at least of the potential we have for commonality, and I have to say that for all the negative feelings I carry and have expressed about the religious right and Robertson in particular, there is an air of redemption that you can almost feel. This is a prelude to what I believe, will be a very interesting year of great change. Sources: [1] Dec-23-2010: Pat Robertson's marijuana remarks cause stir - By Alan Silverleib, CNN [2] Dec-24-2010: Pat Robertson Stirs Pot Over Marijuana Laws - [3] May-26-2009: Medical Marijuana Use: Miracle Medicine Good for Dozens of Diseases - Dr. Phil Leveque [4] Sep-24-2010: Marc Emery, The Prince of Pot, Endures Ongoing Challenges of Prison Life - Bonnie King [5] Nov-27-2008: Meet California's Lawless Sheriff - Perspective by Tim King Past articles referencing Pat Robertson: Aug-14-2010: The Family: a Secretive Christian Fundamentalist Organization - By Ralph E. Stone & Judi Iranyi May-27-2010: The Ridiculest: Bill Maher's Cultural Supremacy and Religious Hierarchy - Nima Shirazi Special to Jan-27-2010: Back to Basics - Kenneth G. Ramey Jan-14-2010: Haiti: Still Too Soon for Deadly Earthquake's Casualty Toll - Tim King Jan-14-2010: Game On: Is the U.S. Doing Enough for Haiti? - Political Perspective by Tim King Jan-13-2010: Pat Robertson is No Man of God: What a Jerk - Political Perspective by Tim King Jan-13-2010: Politicizing the Tragedy in Haiti - Jan-13-2010: There is Only One Definition of 'Belief' A Belief is a Lie - Gordon Duff Dec-30-2009: Israel Rules - By Paul Craig Roberts Special to ___________________________
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Hokulani Cheneviere December 26, 2010 5:01 pm (Pacific time)
Hawaii has its own Tommy Chong/Marc Emery kind of political prisoner. Busted for a mere 2 pounds, Reverend Roger Christie has been held WITHOUT bail since July 8th, denied 5 times now, for running a Cannabis ministry as well as dispensing MMJ to card carrying patients here (Hawaii has NO dispensaries provisions). The Judge and Ninth Circuit Court continue to declare Rev. Christie "a danger to the community". Meanwhile, murderers, pedophiles and rapists get out on bail. The US Constitution is shredded when this is done to a US citizen who has harmed NO one. He is surely a political prisoner, since the State of Hawaii allowed Rev. Christie to operate his ministry openly, right on the main street of Hilo, Hawaii for over 10 years.
And like Tommy Chong, the DEA used their trickery when they raided him 4 months prior without arrest, and then told him to "CARRY ON"!
Meanwhile they planted electronic bugs in the ministry and nailed him on "verbage". They did the SWAT thing with the automatic rifles and hauled him away on a huge cargo plane and shut him down and put a muzzle on him. I am sure this cost the taxpayers millions upon millions of dollars.
They cannot have the TRUTH about this plant infecting more minds now, can they? So, spend millions of our dollars to shut him up? Sounds like money well spent, don't ya think?
Where are the victims in this "CRIME"? Who is Reverend Christie a danger to? Would it be the 50 year old woman with Stage 4 ovarian or would it be the 40 year old with MS? Or is it the sincere spiritual seeker wanting to worship as they believe with the use of the Cannabis sacrament believing they are protected by the First Amendment?
Cannabis IS an ancient entheogen (God spirit within) which has been used for multiple purposes that pre-date human history. Everyone knows about Rastafarians but did you know that Cannabis has been used in ALL the major religions at one time or another? The Holy Anointing Oil recipe given to Moses from GOD? Exodus 30:23? Go read "The Living Torah" and see for yourself the main ingredient in this holy oil. It is NOT sweet calumus but Keneh bosm! There is a vast suppressed history of this plant, used in all the major religions. Canadian author and scholar and author, Chris Bennett would be the Go-TO guy for everything you ever wanted to know about religious use of this plant.
Now if more religious leaders could grow a pair like Pat, then there is a chance WE THE PEOPLE can finally emerge out of this Dark AGE of Reefer Madness. Mahalo nui loa to Pat Robertson. He sure got my attention!
jsknow December 26, 2010 10:51 am (Pacific time)
Why is the most useful plant known, a plant that has never killed anyone, illegal? It’s illegal because corporations fear competition from superior, safer and more environmentally friendly hemp products and because the Government loves to oppress jail and steal from the people! Alcohol, tobacco, petroleum, cotton, timber, chemical and pharmaceutical companies, just to name a few all see marijuana as unwanted competition.
The laws prohibiting marijuana are NOT a result of any harm from marijuana. They are the result of racism, lies and greed. Read the well documented proof of that and a lot more marijuana TRUTH in these two articles: “MARIJUANA AND HEMP THE UNTOLD STORY, Thomas J. Bouril” and “WHY IS MARIJUANA ILLEGAL, Pete Guither”, click the links to those articles on this webpage:
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Anonymous December 26, 2010 4:41 pm (Pacific time)
Hallelujah there is a god.
malcolm kyle December 26, 2010 2:49 am (Pacific time)
If you support prohibition then you are NOT a conservative.
[Return to Top]Conservative principles, quite clearly, ARE:
1) Limited, locally controlled government.
2) Individual liberty coupled with personal responsibility.
3) Free enterprise.
4) A strong national defense.
5) Fiscal responsibility.
Prohibition is actually an authoritarian War on the Constitution and all civic institutions of our great nation.
It's all about the market and cost/benefit analysis. Whether any particular drug is good, bad, or otherwise is irrelevant! As long as there is demand for any mind altering substance, there will be supply; the end! The only affect prohibiting it has is to drive the price up, increase the costs and profits, and where there is illegal profit to be made criminals and terrorists thrive.
The cost of criminalizing citizens who are using substances no more harmful than similar things that are perfectly legal like alcohol and tobacco, is not only hypocritical and futile, but also simply not worth the incredible damage it does.
Afghani farmers produce approx. 93% of the world's opium which is then, mostly, refined into street heroin then smuggled throughout Eastern and Western Europe.
Both the Taliban and the terrorists of al Qaeda derive their main income from the prohibition-inflated value of this very easily grown crop, which means that Prohibition is the "Goose that laid the golden egg" and the lifeblood of terrorists as well as drug cartels. Only those opposed, or willing to ignore this fact, want things the way they are.
See: How opium profits the Taliban:
According to data gathered by privacy expert Christopher Soghoian (PhD candidate at Indiana University), 85-90% of real-time surveillance of your Internet communication is wasted on prohibition enforcement.
youtube at
- he discusses drug related Internet wiretaps at 5min 42sec
Prohibition provides America's sworn enemies with financial "aid" and tactical "comforts". The Constitution of the United States of America defines treason as:
"Article III / Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."
Support for prohibition is therefor an act of treason against the Constitution, and a dire threat to the nation's civic institutions.
The Founding Fathers were not social conservatives who believed that citizens should be subordinate to any particular narrow religious moral order. That is what the whole concept of unalienable individual rights means, and sumptuary laws, especially in the form of prohibition, were something they continually warned about.
It is way past time for us all to wise up and help curtail the dangerous expansions of federal police powers, the encroachments on individual liberties, and the increasing government expenditure devoted to enforcing the unworkable and dangerous policy of drug prohibition.
To support prohibition you have to be either ignorant, stupid, brainwashed, insane or corrupt.
* The US national debt has increased at an average rate of $3,000,000000 per day since 2006.
* The unemployment rate has increased by 7300 per day since 2008.
* The loss of manufacturing jobs has been 1400 per day since 2006.
* Without the legalized regulation of opium products Afghanistan will continue to be a bottomless pit in which to throw countless billions of tax dollars and wasted American lives.
* The hopeless situation in Afghanistan is helping to destabilize it's neighbor, Pakistan, which is a country with nuclear weapons.
* The mayhem in Mexico has deteriorated so badly that it’s bordering on farcical.
There is nothing conservative about prohibition, which enlists the most centralized state power in displacement of domestic and community roles. There is everything authoritarian and subversive about this policy which has incinerated American traditions such as Freedom and Federalism with its puritanical flames. Any person seeking to insure and not further compromise the safety of their family and of their neighbors must not only repudiate prohibition but help spearhead its abolition.
Narcotics police are an enormous, corrupt international bureaucracy … and now fund a coterie of researchers who provide them with ‘scientific support’ … fanatics who distort the legitimate research of others. … The anti-marijuana campaign is a cancerous tissue of lies, undermining law enforcement, aggravating the drug problem, depriving the sick of needed help, and suckering well-intentioned conservatives and countless frightened parents. – William F. Buckley, Commentary in The National Review, April 29, 1983, p. 495
We will always have adults who are too immature to responsibly deal with tobacco, alcohol, heroin, cocaine, meth, various prescription drugs, gambling and even food. Our answer to them should always be: "Get a Nanny, and stop turning the government into one for the rest of us!"
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