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Peace Activist Brian Willson Launches Book Tour with 24 June Kick-off in Portland

His message: "We are not worth more, they are not worth less."

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - S. Brian Willson is a prominent Viet Nam veteran turned peace activist and Portland resident. S. Brian Willson, a prominent Viet Nam veteran turned peace activist and Portland resident, celebrates the publication of his new memoir, Blood on the Tracks: The Life and Times of S. Brian Willson (PM Press, 2011).

It happens Friday, 24 June 2011, with a book launch at People's Food Co-op in Portland. The book talk and signing begins at 7:00 p.m.

Read Full Article (Jun-12-2011 22:11)

Viet Nam War Nurse Arlene Edwards Featured Friday on `Veterans Voice Radio Show`

KBOO 90.7 FM produces 'Veterans Voice Radio Show' Friday mornings.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - KBOO This Friday, Oregon listeners will have a unique chance to hear 'Veterans Voice radio Show' host Marvin Simmons interview Viet Nam veterans nurse Arlene Edwards. It happens Friday, 17 June, at 9:00 a.m.

Arlene Edwards, a triage nurse in the 45th Surgical Hospital in Tay Ninh Province, will discuss her experiences during the Vietnam War as a nurse tasked with treating severely wounded soldiers.

Read Full Article (Jun-10-2011 01:07)

Missing Vietnam War Pilot Located, Will be Returned Home

With the accounting of this airman, 1,689 service members still remain missing from the Vietnam conflict.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Air Force Capt. Darrell J. Spinler of Browns Valley, Minn. The Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) announced today that the remains of a serviceman, missing in action from the Vietnam War, have been identified and will be returned to his family for burial with full military honors.

Air Force Capt. Darrell J. Spinler of Browns Valley, Minn., will be buried on June 18 near his hometown.

Read Full Article (Jun-07-2011 19:32)

Glenn Beck, Palestine, and the Streisand Effect

Getting caught in the 'Becksand' without a rope...
Sorry Mr. Beck, hate has no place in media.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Merged images of Glenn Beck and Barbara Streisand Some people just don't know how to take a joke, and I'm one of them when it comes to a prejudice little media fascist named Glenn Beck.

The other joke-challenged people I reference are those who freaked out over my recent article about Glenn Beck's support for the freedom of Palestine. No, Beck does not support the struggle for Palestine's liberation from apartheid Israel's Genocidal drive to steal every piece of Arab land left.

Read Full Article (Jun-07-2011 14:17)

Conscious Peace: World Peace Depends upon Our Collective Consciousness

From the Book: RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War published by Trine Day.

(OLDENBURG, Germany) - Full lotus I was sitting in full lotus, body wrapped in a blanket, mind rapt in deep stillness, breathing lightly, wisps of air curling into the infinite space behind my closed eyes.

My mantra had gone beyond sound to become a pulse of light in an emptiness that contained everything.

Read Full Article (Jun-04-2011 19:32)

Health Effects of Vietnam Service

Originally published in 2003.

(MELBOURNE) - Australian Vietnam Veterans AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE PERSONNEL participated in the Vietnam Conflict from 1962 to 1973.

This was the most significant military commitment of Australian Forces since World War II, involving nearly 60000 personnel, of whom over 500 died during service and 3131 were severely physically wounded.

Read Full Article (Jun-03-2011 20:23)

Glenn Beck Promotes Freedom of Palestine - Cites Israel`s Human Rights Abuse

Beck promotes new 'Free Palestine' video; discusses "End of Israel".

(SALEM, Ore.) - Beckestine Glenn Beck is promoting the new song, Freedom for Palestine before it has even been released. The song by a gathering of artists, in Beck's words, "Calls for the West Bank security barrier to be toppled, it calls for human rights and justice for all."

The talk show host added that the song is, "truly amazing".

Read Full Article (Jun-03-2011 15:40)

Revisiting The Gates Of Rafah

Whatever the forces behind the apparent back tracking, the people of Palestine are, yet again, held hostage to politics not of their making.

(WINDSOR, N.H.) - Rafah gate Last weekend, the interim Egyptian military government opened the border gates at Rafah a little wider allowing greatly improved entrance and exit for the people of Gaza.

For the past several years, Palestinians wishing to go to school or obtain medical care unavailable in Gaza have been out of luck.

Read Full Article (Jun-02-2011 02:59)

Memorial Day with my Dead Marines

The buried stories of decorated Marines resurface for Memorial Day…with a little help from their friends.

(ATLANTA, Ga.) - Cpl. Lee H. Phillips - Medal of Honor - Marietta, Georgia KIA - Nov 27th, 1950 - Korean War A search for a Silver Star marine’s past uncovers the most decorated Marine company for the Vietnam War in one engagement.

Read Full Article (May-24-2011 18:10)

Agent Orange in New Zealand?

Reports indicate toxic chemical used to make agent orange are buried under a dam lake near the town of Fairlie.

(SALEM, Ore..) - disabled child victims of the defoliant Agent Orang As if there aren't enough places in the world contaminated by Monsanto's deadly chemical Agent Orange...

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
