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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jul-12-2011 04:03)

Monsanto official Beaten by farmers in India over Failed GMO Bt Cotton Seeds

Special thanks to the Vidarbha Times for information in this report.

(NAGPUR ) - Indian farmer More than 10,000 here have committed suicide because of Monsanto's failed Bt cotton seeds. Monsanto stands accused of having an international monopoly of the notorious bio-engineered Bt cotton seeds.

Read Full Article (Jul-06-2011 13:46)

Jobless Combat Veterans: Another Horrible Betrayal

There are very few military skills which are transferable to civilian life.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Platoon of 101st soldiers in Iraq. An Associated Press article in The Oregonian June 30, 2011 prompts this article.

Several newspapers have published that homeless veterans in the U.S. number about 300,000.

Read Full Article (Jul-06-2011 12:18)

For the Record... Declaration of Cultural Revolutionaries

The unofficial rules that guide brave minds in action for the betterment of mankind.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Breaking free The world is ever evolving, but the highly unnatural militant direction man has chosen is wrong so often that there are few examples of it being right.

The greed of man that has led to so much contamination and desecration of Mother Earth is not always monetary; sometimes it is based on jealousy, sometimes it is racism, sometimes it is religion, sometimes it is a combination of all of these and more.

Read Full Article (Jul-04-2011 15:47)

In the Rockets Red Glare - An Independent American

I have carried no hatred, bitterness or negative energy into this battle. I do not believe it would have changed the outcome. It would only have changed the outcome of “me.”

(LOS ANGELES) - Rocket attack in Saigon, 1967. This July, Americans celebrate Independence Day. It is the birthday of the United States of America and the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

It's a day of picnics, patriotic parades, ball games, a night of concerts and fireworks, and a reason to proudly fly the American flag. A day we celebrate the rights of all Americans, and the protection we share under our constitution.

Read Full Article (Jun-30-2011 23:58)

Women Soldiers: Battle Casualties and Death

I knew from my World War Two experience that American women were killed, most were usually nurses in hospitals being bombed with artillery. Things are different today.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - American soldier from the Oregon National Guard during a Convoy flat tire change on an Afghanistan highway. I'm not just writing about Army soldiers, but the Infantry; whether from the Army or Marines, do most of the fighting, killing, wounding and dying. Very few rather than these are in similar situations.

I had read about it occasionally, but a recent New york Times brought to the fore, that women usually not packing sub-machine guns, were now being exposed to front line fire from all sorts of weapons.

Read Full Article (Jun-30-2011 14:15)

PTSD Can be Managed!

PTSD is not new. Evidence of PTSD has been around for centuries, going back to the time of the Greek Poet Homer’s Iliad and PTSD does not heal with time if not properly treated.

(ROCHESTER, N.Y.) - Tom Porpiglia, MS, EFT-ADV., LMHC and founder of Life Script Counseling Services is a Vietnam Veteran and a licensed mental health counselor in private practice in Rochester, NY. The American military provides the finest training and has the most sophisticated weapons in the world, and the men and women who serve in our armed forces know that personal sacrifice is inherent in the job of service to country.

Sometimes the sacrifice is exposure to trauma that affects emotional and/or physical health. Sometimes the sacrifice is life itself.

Read Full Article (Jun-28-2011 23:00)

Vietnamese General Speaks Out Over Agent Orange in Hanoi

...chemical companies who supplied the toxic Agent Orange /dioxin, Dow Chemical & Monsanto to bravely acknowledge their wrong doings and pay compensation to the Vietnamese people.

(HANOI, Vietnam) - Agent Orange was sprayed over Vietnam's jungles during years of deadly combat in the U.S. War On August 10th, 1961, the U.S. forces started the first spraying of toxic chemicals, to launch their “Operation Ranch Hand” that lasted almost a decade in South Vietnam , with its destruction on Vietnam 's environments, ecology system and human health.

On this August 10th, 2011, that marks the 50 years old of the Agent Orange disaster in Vietnam. This is indeed a sad commemoration on the part of the Vietnamese people.

Read Full Article (Jun-19-2011 23:54)

A One-Session Wonder: EFT heals combat trauma in Sgt. Joshua

This is out first article from PTSD intuitive coach Sue Hannibal.

(VISTA, Calif.) - U.S. Army patrol in Iraq This is the transcript of a successful EFT session with a three-tour Iraq War Veteran of the U.S. Army.

Disclaimer: Caution-- veterans with PTSD symptoms: This is a graphic account of severe combat trauma. If you are easily triggered, don’t read this. If you choose to read it and feel yourself becoming triggered, turn your attention away from your memories and back to the narrative.

Read Full Article (Jun-19-2011 15:36)

Battle Over GMO Food Rages in Flanders Field

Belgium: Brave activists challenge mad scientist food on an historic battlefield for a decisive victory.

(SALEM / FLANDERS FIELD) - Flanders field GMO battle What does 'Flanders Field' mean to you? Granted, I am a student of the First World War, where the bloodiest fighting in history took place, soaking places like Flanders Field.

Armistice Day represents the end of WWI, but today the trench fighting has returned, with a new enemy; genetically modified food (GMO), the new mad scientist seeds created in laboratories.

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2011 15:31)

Finding Justice for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange

On 10th August 1961 an event began that was to last for ten-years, and would leave a tragedy that has yet to find an end. Fifty years on, the Vietnamese people and their many friends around the world will be commemorating this special anniversary.

(SAIGON) - The file photo shows Mr. Len Adis (R) asking an employee of Monsanto to send his letter to the director of Monsanto's representative office in Vietnam in 2009. (Photo: SGGP) Let’s recall and reflect on what happened on that day of 10th August 1961, and the consequences, so horrific, it is difficult to grasp, to understand. It raises in the minds of many the questions: WHY?

And what can be done to overcome the criminal legacy of Agent Orange?

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
