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About Vietnam articles Page 22

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Are Wars Inevitable?

We can create a society that meets human needs and distributes the world's resources more evenly. We can live at peace with one another.

(OLDERBURG, Germany) - Summer 2008 photo from Iraq by Tim King "We've always had wars. Humans are a warring species. Without an army to defend us, someone will always try to conquer us."

These assumptions have become axioms of our culture.

Read Full Article (Aug-09-2011 13:22)

Thousands of People Walk for Agent Orange Victims

(HANOI VietNamNet Bridge) - Thousands of people walked around Hanoi’s Thien Quang Lake in the morning of August 7 to raise fund for Agent Orange victims.

Held by the Vietnam Red Cross Society to commemorate 50 years of the ‘Agent Orange’ tragedy in Vietnam; the theme of the peace walk is “Take care of health and improve lives of Agent Orange victims”.

Read Full Article (Aug-03-2011 22:00)

2011 - the Year of Agent Orange Victims

The Dialogue Group is calling on the US government to finance the largest part of the fund.

(DA NANG, Vietnam) - Monsanto's Agent Orange On August 10th 1961, the US Air force began spraying chemicals over Vietnam. Several events will take place this year to mark the fiftieth anniversary of that dreadful act.

The Vietnam War (1961-1975) is known for the massive bombing of North Vietnam. Less obvious and unknown for too long by the public at large has been the chemical warfare waged in the Southern part of that country from 1961 to 1971, whose consequences have been dramatic and long-lasting.

Read Full Article (Aug-03-2011 15:39)

High Levels of PCDDs in Vietnamese Breast Milk from Historical Agent Orange Spraying

The Hidden Horror in Agent Orange.

(LONDON Base Peak) - Agent Orange being dropped over Vietnam. One of the unfortunate legacies of the futile Vietnam War in the 1960-70s is linked directly to the decision to undertake large-scale defoliation in order to remove ground cover for the opposing troops and destroy crops.

The principal herbicide used was Agent Orange which was contaminated with toxic impurities that continue to exert their influence even today.

Read Full Article (Jul-22-2011 16:32)

Researching the Effectivity of Emotional Freedom Technique On Combat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/Trauma

One realistic approach for those who suffer from PTSD.

(ROCHESTER, N.Y.) - For the last 3 years, I have been involved in some of the most important research to date on reducing the effects Combat Trauma/PTSD with Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT.

Up until the inception of EMDR and then EFT, trauma treatment of any type was at best futile.

Read Full Article (Jul-13-2011 19:42)

Agent Orange is NOT the Cause of Veterans Health Problems

It’s time for the government to prove to all those afflicted that Agent Orange IS NOT the cause of veterans health problems.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Malformed fetuses caused by exposure to DNS altering substances In my last article I used a quote which was so similar to many of those who have shared their stories with me…

“I have carried no hatred, bitterness or negative energy into this battle. I do not believe it would have changed the outcome. It would only have changed the outcome of ‘me’.”

Read Full Article (Jul-13-2011 19:07)

You Can Hear the Drums and Feel the Heat as Agent Orange Rises to the Surface

These are honorable men who gave to their country. They are NOT asking for more than their country promised them. Isn’t it time we fulfilled our promises?

(LOS ANGELES) - Agent Orange Agent Orange is current again. It is relevant again. It is becoming a talking point among many. It is highly emotional, a hot button tender spot, among all who discuss it.

For those who fought, those who didn’t, those in favor and those against the war, it still remains this country’s most hated armed conflict — brutal and bloody.

Read Full Article (Jul-13-2011 03:46)

Generations of Resistance to War

From the book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War, published by Trine Day 2010.

(OLDENBURG, Germany) - Vietnam protest A Granny for Peace told of finding young allies in the struggle against military recruiting. Due to the Patriot Act, she wishes to remain nameless

It's never easy being a parent or a child. The generations always have friction between them, a conflict between the elders' need to give guidance and youths' need to find their own way.

Read Full Article (Jul-13-2011 02:55)

Act now on Agent Orange

So far, we have failed, and we have to admit it, but we have a unique chance to make a statement now.

(LONDON) - Agent Orange victims are seen at a hospice in Vietnam's central Da Nang City June 16. When I land at the airport in Ho Chi Minh City on July 29, I know I will be met by friends who have suffered a great wrong.

They are the victims who have fought an ongoing battle against one of the world’s most egregious crimes: the dumping of 80 million litters of toxic defoliants over southern Vietnam.

Read Full Article (Jul-13-2011 02:15)

Vietnam Ain`t Over

No Matter How Hard We Try To Forget

(CINCINNATI ) - Gordon Duff in a different war with similar circumstances. Forty-two years ago I was in South Vietnam, serving as a Marine infantryman. What does this mean?

To me, I am still the same. I am just as stupid, certainly, and am willing to delude myself into believing I could do now, what I could do then.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
