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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jan-01-2014 18:26)

Let us Triumph this Year in Further Isolating Sri Lanka and March Forward to Our Freedom! TGTE

Dduring 2014, the TGTE intends to take steps towards building the Tamil Diaspora into a vibrant and strong community.

(NEW YORK) - TGTE flag On this New Year Day TGTE appeal to all Tamils spread across the world to join hands with us in the task of moving our Tamil Eelam freedom struggle forward.

While the Sinhala regime dreams of a state of permanent subjugation of the Tamil people and a total cover up of all of its War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide, we are witnessing that the deceit and duplicity of the Sinhala State are being revealed as each year passes since the 2009 massacre of Mullivaaikkal.

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2014 13:08)

A Time for Decision: A New Year`s Message from ITCCS and Kevin Annett

ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett recounts the victories won during 2013 - including the deposing of Pope Benedict and the indictment of church and state by citizen juries.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Kevin Annett In this video, Kevin Annett explains how the formation of ITCCS, led to the last Pope stepping down, contrary to claims of "The Jesuits wanting him out anyway".

Lest we forget that the last Pope, Benedict, was part of the Hitler Youth during the Holocaust. His shameful past in Europe however was heavily overshadowed by his desire to shield child raping priests from prosecution or accountability. This is at the core of what tears at Kevin Annett's heart.

Read Full Article (Jan-01-2014 01:04)

Joint New Year Message from Worldwide Tamil Entities: A Solemn Pledge to Work for International Investigation

At this propitious time of year, we call for a peaceful world thriving with justice, equality and freedom for all.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Tamil support groups On this New Year’s Day, January 1, 2014, Tamil entities around the world pledge our renewed commitment to bring freedom, justice, peace and dignity to our Tamil brethren living in the occupied NorthEast of Sri Lanka.

With our diverse backgrounds we are united in working for our people who have been oppressed by the successive Sri Lankan regimes since “independence” in 1948, and pledge to work against the continuing oppression of the Tamil Nation.

Read Full Article (Dec-31-2013 12:38)

Happy New Year, Mr. President, and Help SL Tamils with Two Important Things in 2014, Says Tamils For Obama

Tamils for Obama wishes the president a good 2014 and asks him to get behind an international investigation into war crimes committed by Sri Lankan officials during and since the ethnic war, and to help the Tamil victims in northeastern Sri Lanka to determine their own destiny.

(NEW YORK) - Major General Mahinda Hathurusinghe, Commander, Jaffna Security Forces, laughs openly over credible, verified reports of Tamils being raped and tortured. In a letter sent to President Obama recently, Tamils for Obama wished the president a happy 2014 and asked him to help the SL Tamils in two significant matters.

"We told the president there are two things the Tamils in Sri Lanka need from him in 2014," said the press spokesman for Tamils for Obama.

Read Full Article (Dec-28-2013 12:13)

Haqqani Network Leaders Sexually Abuse Teenager Boys

This comes as the National Directorate (NDS) announced late in September that the suicide bombers are sexually abused and raped while they are trained on how to carry out suicide attack and terrorist activities, in training camps.

(KABUL) - Haqqani Network The Afghan intelligence – National Directorate of Security (NDS) accused Haqqani Network leaders for sexual abuse of children after hiring them for terrorist activities.

NDS following a statement said Thursday, “Haqqani terrorist network members are sexually abusing children in training camps Haqqani’s commanders are sexually abusing teenage boys who are being trained to carry out terror acts.”

Read Full Article (Dec-25-2013 21:39)

Sinhalese Use of Rape as a Weapon of War or Pleasure

Outrage was mounting when Sri Lankan troops under United Nations “peace-keeping” mission was involved in sex-crime allegations, ranging from charges of rape and exploitation in Haitian women and girls.

(SALEM) - Rape Sri Lanka If India had trained Sri Lankan armed forces to defeat the Tamil Tigers, it doesn't speak very much of the Indian training.

How much the Indian training had benefited the Sinhalese, none of us can judge, but the Sinhalese use of rape as a weapon of war, doesn't speak very much of the Indian training. They have the highest rate of rape in international military records as you will see in the account below.

Read Full Article (Dec-24-2013 14:31)

Land of Child Abusing Clergy, Politicians and Police

The United Protestant Association has been forced to apologise for the child sexual abuse at its Woodlands and Ellimatta homes over nearly 40 years.

(NEWSCASTLE, New South Whales) - The Woodlands Boys Home In September 2013, it was reported that a pedophile ring, which included Christian clergy, sexually abused boys at the Woodlands Boys Home, in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.

The home was run by the church. According to one witness: "These men just came, got the boys, used them, and put them back." According to another witness: "These men changed from week to week, suggesting a larger, organised ring.

Read Full Article (Dec-24-2013 01:00)

A Tale of Two Diplomats

Diplomat Ms. Khodragade and Mr. Easton: both diplomats but worlds apart in the miscarriage of justice.

(LONDON) - British diplomat Michael Easton with underage One diplomat is a 39-year old Indian woman who this week was hauled into a New York City jail, stripped, subjected to a humiliating “full body cavity search,” and charged with a convoluted visa fraud violation which could bring her a 10-year prison sentence.

The other “diplomat” isn’t really a diplomat but an official cover British Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6) working undercover in the British Embassy in Moscow who clearly is afforded more diplomatic protection than the proper Indian diplomat abused by American authorities this week.

Read Full Article (Dec-18-2013 22:02)

Nativity: The Story of Whistle-Blower Kevin Annett and the `Little Matter of Genocide`

Duty to Warn...

(DULUTH, MN) - Kevin Annett One of the most meaningful Christmas stories that I have ever heard came from my Vancouver, Canada friend, Reverend Kevin Annett. His story is titled “Nativity” and is printed further below.

Kevin spent a week at my home in Duluth, Minnesota a couple of years ago. The week was spent giving scheduled radio and film interviews, giving informal talks over meals, delivering a major speech to the Lake Superior Freethinkers, conducting forums at churches and answering questions following a Zinema 2 screening of his award-winning documentary, Unrepenant.

Read Full Article (Dec-12-2013 19:26)

Kevin Annett: Pope Bergoglio flaunts UN Deadline on Child Trafficking as 30 Child Skeletons Discovered at B.C. Native School

Children's remains were just discovered in a mass grave on the grounds of a United Church residential school for native children in Port Alberni, B.C.

(VANCOUVER B.C.) - Kevin Annett In an interview today with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Kevin Annett, field secretary of the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State discusses how Pope Bergoglio is using the basic methods recommended by Machiavelli in flaunting a UN-imposed deadline for revealing Vatican-controlled data on child trafficking.

They have also been tightening up rules covering up child abuse in the Catholic Church.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
