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Oregon Governor Now Supports Marijuana Legalization

Nothing like a little vindication for men like Dr. Phil Leveque who staked his career on the benefits of marijuana legalization. There are the pioneers and then there are the rest...

(SALEM) - Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber Oregon's Governor has finally suggested that it is time to legalize marijuana in his state.

It is important to note that this is not taking place because people like Kitzhaber and Obama suddenly realized this herb is actually good for people, saving lives of cancer patients and so many others; it is not about that, it is about the money baby.

Read Full Article (Jan-30-2014 23:27)

FOX 12: Employee Reports Noose in Government Office, Washington Co. Investigating

The noose and an accompanying note were taped to the cubicle of an African-American woman who is a supervisor.

(HILLSBORO, OR KPTV) - Noose left in African-American woman's cubicle Washington County is conducting a human resources investigation after an employee said she discovered a noose inside a government office.

Vanessa Savage provided Fox 12 with a photo of the note and noose she said she found in the Department of Housing Services Thursday morning.

Read Full Article (Jan-30-2014 17:47)

Boycott Victory: Oxfam Drops Scarlett Johansson as Global Ambassador Over SodaStream Ties

Following in the tradition of 18th century Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev, who said, “This matzah is treif [not Kosher]. It is not kosher because it was produced through oshek, oppression of the workers and exploitation.”

(OAKLAND) - Sodastream protest In the last week, we’ve seen unprecedented media attention on SodaStream, the company that produces water carbonating devices in an Israeli settlement in the West Bank.

The New York Times, the LA Times, the Financial Times, Time Magazine, The Guardian, ABC News, Vogue, and Entertainment Weekly are a few of the media outlets making mention of the fact that Israeli settlements are illegal under international law.

Read Full Article (Jan-30-2014 10:43)

Sri Lanka Christians Protest After Attacks by Buddhist Extremists

Two churches and a Christian prayer center were attacked on January 12 by Buddhist mobs claiming they were illegal and aiming to take Buddhists away from their religion, WWM reported.

(COLOMBO) - Christians in Sri Lanka Recent attacks on Christian places of worship by Buddhist extremists have sparked protests in the Sri Lanka capital against a perceived lack of religious freedom, World Watch Monitor reports.

The organization reports the story of Christians around the world under pressure for their faith and it said that more than 2,000 Christians gathered in Colombo on Sunday to protest.

Read Full Article (Jan-29-2014 23:32)

State Repression in France Only Makes the Resistance Grow Stronger

France is bubbling with rage.

(LONDON) - France days of rage Last November I wrote a piece entitled "Is a new revolution quietly brewing in France?" in which I described struggle which was taking place between the French people and the Zionist plutocracy which has ruled France over the past decades (roughly since 1969) and today I am returning to this topic as events have rapidly accelerated and taken a sharp turn for the worse.

A number of most interesting things have happened and the French "Resistance" (I will use this collective designator when speaking of the entire Dieudonne/Soral movement) is now being attacked on three levels.

Read Full Article (Jan-29-2014 22:16)

The Real Quenelle: Why French Gefillte Fish Isn`t Kosher

The quenelle is first inserted into the cavity...

(WASHINGTON, DC) - “quenelle” in France The current flap over the gesture called a “quenelle” is revealing in a number of ways. It’s instructive to look first at a couple of Wikipedia entries.

The word quenelle is derived from the German Knödel (noodle or dumpling)” (which we know from Yiddish cuisine as a knadel). “French political activist and comedian Dieudonné M'bala M'bala is credited with creating and popularizing the gesture...

Read Full Article (Jan-28-2014 09:23)

Holocaust Day - The Time Is Ripe For A Jewish Apology

Indeed, I take this opportunity to make an apology, even though I have not been a Jew for quite a while.

(LONDON) - I'm sorry A mass protest in Paris on Sunday against French President François Hollande turned into an anti-Jewish demonstration and ended in clashes between police and protesters.

Seemingly, Jewish organisations around the world are scared by the recent developments in France. Once again, they clearly failed to appreciate the growing mass fatigue of Shoah indoctrination and belligerent lobby politics. However, I would contend that instead of whining about the “rise of anti-Semitism”, Jews better, once and for all, learn to ask why? Why the Jews again?

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2014 13:00)

A Moral Agenda for NC Democratic Party: State Executive Committee

Vote to replace the Voller Agenda for Defeat with this Alternate Agenda for Victory.

(RALEIGH) - North Carolina Radical changes must be made if there is any chance of returning NC Democrats to Majority Party status in the NC House & Senate, which was held for a century, until given away due to the political silliness begun by fmr State Chair Jerry Meek 9 years ago this meeting.

Meek was elected by a 14 vote Progressive plurality of the 600+ SEC members voting; current Chair Randy Voller was elected by an 11 vote Progressive plurality out of 607 ballots cast one year ago.

Read Full Article (Jan-21-2014 10:40)

Ukraine: Amendments Curtailing Fundamental Rights and Freedoms Passed Into Law

Immediately and unconditionally repeal Law no. 3879, as it curtails fundamental human rights and freedoms in the Ukraine- William Nicholas Gomes

(WASHINGTON, DC) - William Gomes, Human Rights Ambassador for Human Right Ambassador for, William Nicholas Gomes, is concerned that, aside from the flagrant violations of the procedural rules of the Ukrainian Parliament, the amendments also violate Article 22 of the Ukrainian Constitution.

The document stipulates that the “content and scope of existing rights and freedoms shall not be diminished by the adoption of new laws or by introducing amendments to effective laws”.

Read Full Article (Jan-19-2014 19:16)

WA County Oregon`s Abuse to An Innocent Woman

Another victim of Oregon's "justice system" being targeted by state officials and police, needs your help.

(SALEM) - Stop Police Brutality In January 2010 carried an article about Kimberly Petitt, an African-American woman in Oregon who was suffering extremely objectionable treatment by Oregon officials and a care home that caused the woman to lose almost all of her worldly belongings.

I produced video reports about this but our account with YouTube was politically targeted and closed down with more than 500 important videos and news reports. Sadly, to this day, I have been unable to recover the original files. Now there is a new chance to learn the story of one of Oregon's most unfortunate women...

Read Full Article
The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
