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Jan-27-2014 13:00 ![]() ![]() A Moral Agenda for NC Democratic Party: State Executive CommitteeSalem-News.comVote to replace the Voller Agenda for Defeat with this Alternate Agenda for Victory.
(RALEIGH) - Radical changes must be made if there is any chance of returning NC Democrats to Majority Party status in the NC House & Senate, which was held for a century, until given away due to the political silliness begun by fmr State Chair Jerry Meek 9 years ago this meeting. Meek was elected by a 14 vote Progressive plurality of the 600+ SEC members voting; current Chair Randy Voller was elected by an 11 vote Progressive plurality out of 607 ballots cast one year ago. Sadly for the Party, Voller is cut from the same bolt of cloth, promoted to Chair by the same outsider Progressive organization originally invited inside the Party by Jerry to elect him Chair in 2005. There is NO possibility that the Party -- as currently corruptly constituted internally -- can attract enough good Democratic voters to the polls on Nov 4, 2014 to win back what has been given away so carelessly by Democrats in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013. 2, With this overwhelming Democratic+Unaffilliated strength being the case, there is absolutely no reason why a properly run Democratic Party in NC could ever have lost control of State Government, and set NC onto a path of Rethugliecon Austerity. It was NOT that reThugs won control. It was that Democrats lost the will to win, by following a pied piper over a moral cliff to defeat. Keeping Progressive DarthVoller as State Party Chair will guarantee continuation of the same pattern of failure. .
1. If Randy Voller has not already blessed the Party with his resignation, first order of business at the Feb 1st State Executive Committee meeting is to remove him and elect a successor Chair, someone seasoned with experience in organizing and running a state-wide campaign. Whether to retain or to replace Voller's imported Executive Director is entirely the choice of the incoming State Party Chair. . Progressive Voller has packed more of Meek's Progressives into key Party Offices. More former elected Officers of the Party have quit than at any other time in the history of the Party. Officers who have left in disgust seldom say why, feeling that no one listened while they were there, so why bother? And new cattle on the hoof with no experience can always be snookered into the corral. But the Party organization built by others which they subvert cannot withstand continuous attacks from the inside. . 2. Invite the LGBT Democrats Caucus to exit the Party, remove its Charter, and request return of all materials and money belonging to the Party held by any Caucus member. . Thank LGBT Caucus members for their interest in the Party, encourage them to Incorporate privately outside the Party, and to continue inside the Party working as individual Democrats, but to recognize that establishing 100 + 13 LGBT Caucuses in County and District Parties serves no useful purpose for Electing as many Democrats as possible to Public Offices in North Carolina, which is the one and only purpose of the Party. The LGBT Caucus serves itself, and is a net negative to the single Mission of the Party: elect all Democrats. .
Promotion of the LGBT Caucus was a sign of political immaturity expected of Young Democrats without a Mentor when YDNC Chair Sam Spencer took it upon himself to aggressively ram thru SEC approval of the LGBT Caucus with no study nor discussion, a Social Action anomaly Auxiliary without precedent in the Party. It's time to remove this bright red reThug target Sam and others painted on the Party's back. Jerry Meek's Californication Dream for the NC Party has failed, miserably. . The recent protocol change inside the US Military to accept the marital rights of same-sex couples makes exit of the LGBT Caucus even more timely. As demonstrated, matters of equality shall be resolved entirely outside any action by the NC Party. The Party can do nothing for the LGBT Movement, and the LGBT Caucus can do nothing useful for the Party, except to leave. The Party has an anchor dragging it down. Cut it loose now, or sink with it. . 3. When the Vance-Aycock Dinner was changed to The Western Gala, a promise was made that names of other prominent Democrats would be selected. Instead of observing this Mandate from the SEC, Voller ignored it. As a result, the Fundraising Dinner held in Asheville at a now Republican-owned facility last October presented a schizophrenic view of the Party to the voting Public, which celebrated the racist basis for immorally trashing the greatest Educational Governor of North Carolina -- and also dumping another great Democratic Governor, for no reason other than that he was an innocent bystander -- set in motion by the dishonest claim of an Officer of outsider NC NAACP, via his Duke University professorship. . Alternative One: Restore the name of the Asheville Fundraiser to the 54th Vance-Aycock Dinner, with formal public apologies to the descendant families of both men. Identify the black and white racists in the Party who caused this enduring embarrassment by promoting their profound ignorance of Democratic history, including all who marketed this lie to anyone on the SEC. Permanently bar each one of them from ever holding any Office in the Party, beginning immediately. Move the site of the Dinner back to the Asheville Civic Center where it once was. . Alternative Two: Remove all personal names from titles of all Fundraiser Dinners, applied summarily to the Sanford-Hunt-Frye Dinner to be held that same evening, and to the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, celebrating 2 notorious slave owners, and Jackson as a slave trader and Indian killer. Make The Western Gala politically correct by joining it with The Eastern Gala and The Central Gala. . 4. Establish a Kay Hagan for US Senate Committee within each of the 100 County and 13 District Party organizations. . Jan 24 fm Kay: Out-of-State Koch brothers' backed attack group Americans for Prosperity has played a huge part in making me the most attacked Senate candidate in the country this election. Why are these special interest Corporations attacking me? Because I don't support their agenda. Medicare and Social Security are critically important. Creating jobs and investing in small businesses are economic imperatives. Billionaire Koch brothers and their allies don't want you to hear from me about these things. They like gridlock and they think they can bring me down by writing bigger checks. Send what you can to Kay's Campaign. But what she needs even more are well organized Democrats in NC spreading the word about how critical this election is to their future, from mountains to the sea. . Failure of NC Democrats to reElect Kay in the 2014 Elections shall complete Total Collapse™ of the Party, by gifting her seat to the GOP, and with it, the probable Majority control by teaThugs in the US Senate, as they now have in the US House, bringing total gridlock to Obama's last 2 Lame Duck years, and setting the stage for electing a reThug President in 2016, which would turn the Federal Government into an identical copy of the disastrous GOP domination of all 3 Branches of Government as is now in North Carolina due to continuing electoral failures of the NC Democratic Party. . The North Carolina Democratic Party is on the cusp of mandating failure of democracy in America by default. Progressive Anarchists in NC have proven that they cannot win, can only whine and fail. Keeping Voller and losing Kay at this point in time will reduce the NC Democratic Party to a Party of no consequence, ending its effectiveness for generations to come, if recoverable ever again. . 5. Establish a permanent and formal separation between the Party and any Corporate or private political organization outside the Party having its own separate Agenda not approved by the SEC, which includes, but is not limited to, the following current quasi-coalitions: . • ProgressiveDemsOfAmerica PAC, fiscal agent for Wake County Progressive Democrats . • Stonewall Democrats affiliation with the New Hanover County Democratic Party . • Progressive Democrats of NC, Inc, which elected its Corporate Board member as Chair of NCDP . • LGBT Democrats, Inc, formerly the LGBT Democrats Caucus . • NC NAACP HKonJ Coalition, fiscal sponsor of Moral Mondays, of which NCDP is not a member . • Any Democratic Legislator who has ever been a member of ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) . • Yahoo hideouts for Officers to attack and plot against other Democrats: Blaise Strenn's Democracy4NC . • Use of facebook or other social media by any Officer in order to conduct Party related business . • Unapproved discussion of Party business by any Officer on any external blog, including BlueNC . • Affiliation of any Officer to any external organization giving aid and comfort to opposition forces . • Any commercial affiliation with the Party implying endorsement, including Officers using their business Email for Party business, and also advertising private commercial enterprises on County Party Websites. . These restrictions shall apply to all subUnits and all Officers of the Party. Should an Officer wish to express critical opinions about the Party or any other Democrat publicly, including Candidates -- outside the boundaries of the Party -- said person shall first resign as an Officer. No Officer -- except the State Chair, Executive Director and designated Press Officers -- are authorized to discuss the Party with any outside media sources, including to reporters, on blogs or as Letters to Editors. Any Officer who does so by also using a false alias for identity concealment shall be summarily permanently dismissed as an Officer of the Party for willfully dishonoring the Party. Typical example: Progressive Supertwirp ChrisT, who currently holds 4 Offices in the Party, has posted widespread criticism of individual Democrats and the Party in dozens of places hiding his cowardice under aliases such as ProgressivePitBull. This misogynist proudly boasts to be an Internet Stalker, attacking one female Democratic Party fellow Officer with the following threat: " I'm figuratively weilding a .50 caliber sniper rifle - and I hit what I aim at. " Once Officers are allowed to get away with bad behavior, they do more, unobstructed, with impunity. . 6. Confirm that no external group may make use of facilities of the NC Democratic Party or any of its subdivisions without explicit prior written approval secured from the State Executive Committee. This includes rental or loan of meeting facilities, use of computer, phone, financial, rest room, kitchen, furniture, copying or any other resources which are owned or leased property of the NC Democratic Party, most especially meaning private Progressive Democrats of NC, Inc. holding member meetings at SEC meetings. . 7. Form a Search Committee to find and vet Candidates to run in the 2016 Democratic Primary for Governor of North Carolina, to forestall the embarrassment of more inappropriate Candidates making premature announcements. . 8. Conclude this SEC meeting by entertaining only matters which specifically apply to the critical business of successfully electing Democrats to Public Office in Election 2014 and beyond. Any objections shall be filed in writing with the Party Secretary for later consideration. . 9. Adjourn, with notice that another SEC meeting may be called before the next one scheduled in 6 months. Then get to work doing the only job the Party has to do: organize to elect all Democrats running in Election 2014. Delegates to the NCDP State Executive Committee and visitors are encouraged to print out and carry with them the above Substitute Agenda for reference. ======< SUMMARY JUDGEMENT >===== In Greensboro on Sunday, June 2, 2013, an unpublicized meeting of a 50-member NC Democratic Party State Executive Council was held. Unlike the well publicized 700-member elected State Executive Committee, the SECouncil meets covertly, in contradiction to the requirement that all Meetings of the Party are freely open to every registered NC Democrat. . Progressive Penetration and Overthrow of the Party begun by Jerrymander Meek in 2005 proceeded over the years to include all levels of the Party, from precincts up to the ultimate Party authority of the SECommittee, which has the power to elect and remove any Officer(s) of the Party for plotting against the best interests of the Party. . However, because of it's secretive meetings, the SECouncil operates as a closed Intersanctum of Power over the Party. Like moths to a flame, disproportionate numbers of Progressives gravitate to membership on the SECouncil, controlling the Agenda of the much larger SECommittee which only meets twice a year. Progressive Invasion has led to the current condition of Total Collapse™ of any control whatsoever over State Government by elected Democrats. . This particular Sunday meeting had been rigged previously by State Party Chair Randy Voller by neutering his opposition, or by choosing Progressive friendly proxies to represent them. . With Voller officiating, a Resolution was sprung upon the SECouncil to endorse and promote the placing of Democrats in harms way, by sanctioning their arrest at Moral Mondays, events which are NOT sponsored by the Party, but by an outside coalition agency over which the Party has no control. As a result, the numbers of Democrats arrested shot upward, until nearly a thousand individuals had been arrested with encouragement of the NC Democratic Party thru this ill-considered, instantly produced Resolution, presented by Anarchist Progressive Jesse Goslen, who became Jailbird Jesse the next day in Raleigh, when he presented himself, his wife and her daughter for arrest, all of whom are Officers of the Party. ______________________________ Here's the text of that action finally found in Minutes of that meeting: [Editor's note: no corrections are made as to illogical statements, errors or misspellings. Known Progressive Anarchists Invaders are highlighted.] Jessie Goslen called for a resolution to support Moral Mondays and to show our objection to what is going on at the legislature. It should encourage and support people attending this. . Betsy Wells seconded the resolution . A discussion of the pros and cons of the resolution followed. With some concerned that this might detract from the NAACP and Democracy Now. Others felt that it was about encouragement and standing up not about putting our stamp on it. . Grace Galloway 8th congressional district commented that participating is not putting stamp on it. She has been an activist for “1000 years”, and has been arrested several times, I did it for right thing to do, and put self on line but not because I am a Democrat, but I personally did it. . Sam Spenser moved that this be moved to the committee on platform and resolutions for a formal write up . Srgo seconded . Betsy Wells said they need to appreciate what being said and what a resolution to support is. Referring it to the resolutions committee is burying it. . Jessie Goslen commented that it disturbed him that we are having debate. The 13th (District) passed it unanimously . If we table it we bury it. “I plan to go and participate.” . David Bland also found the discussion troubling. . Stephanie (Goslen) – the politicians don’t support the party the people do . Sen. Davis said that as elected official this could be divisive but sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe. It is not about being arrested but about what we believe in. This is the worst session ever seen. Burns me to have people shuffled off, this party has consistently supported HKonJ, and the language says support not take over or be in charge. Do we realize what is going on? This is receiving national attention. It is because NC is being used as test bed for the Republican Party. While we are sitting on sidelines they are using us for their test Bed. We have an obligation and we need to do everything we can. Clearly the chair cannot meet with the nonprofits but we can say we support it. The question at hand is if we refer this it will be over as we are likely to have the Session over by end of June. This motion is to defeat this support. I will defeat this and gladly send support to the movement. . Rev Lowe – we have whole lot of folks supporting this movement. Going to give support. Turn over to committee is wasting a hell of a lot of time and I don’t have that kind of time. . Hammond – call question . Gwen Wilkins – second . End debate - yes . Motion to refer to committee – motion fails. . Initial motion the considered and question called. . Stephanie (Goslen) seconded call question . Motion to support passes. . Chairman Voller offered that he will not get arrested but as individual and chair I will lend support to our dems to be there and show support to non profits who we cannot meet with. We need to put feet on the street, make the crowd big. It is what they(rep) respect. Last time McCrory, Berger and Tillis asked to meet with black caucus was after crowd began to swell. Respectful, non violent and supportive. They want it off the front page and only way to keep it there is numbers. . Next step is to issue a press release. [Editor's note: thus far, no press release has been found.] ______________________________ Chair Voller confirmed that he will not present himself for arrest, but shall encourage other Democrats to do what he does not have the courage himself to do. This SECouncil meeting had degenerated into an irrational mob, formally adopting a Party policy of open lawbreaking. . If Voller, the Goslens and all those who voted to lure innocent Democrats into harms way are not permanently removed from every Office they hold in the Party, on or before Feb 1st, Democratic Candidates across the State who sign-up Feb 1o-28 to run for Public Office in November shall sink like stones skipping across deep water: high energy beginning, but quickly dropping at the last hop, sinking far short of the Nov Election target. . Self-serving Progressive Anarchists do not have the political good sense to win elections, and can only drag the Party deeper into Total Collapse™.
=======< BOTTOM LINE >======= Republicans in the NC Legislature and the current GOP Governor have chosen to be guilty of causing death, physical and economic suffering among NC Citizens because of Austerity Laws they are creating, intentionally withholding healthcare, educational, financial and other Government services, as more Citizen's lives are shortened due to willful GOP abusive Austerity actions. At this point in time, Officers of the NC Democratic Party are guilty of contributory manslaughter for negligently gifting to the GOP control of all of State Government beginning in 2010, without any effective effort to stop them in successive elections. Trying is not good enough. As time goes by and the GOP murders more NC Citizens, with no successful effort by the Democratic Party to protect Citizens whom it has negligently placed in harms way, Democratic Party Officers who contribute to these deaths shall become equally guilty of mass murder. . Jerrymander Meek's Invasion of political know-nothing Progressives brought years of constant defeat to the NC Democratic Party for the first time in it's 200 year history. Progressive Anarchists have played their silly, adolescent games at great expense to innocent others, oblivious to the catastrophic damage they have been causing. . Those entrusted as elected Officers in the Party carry an obligation to use their highest skills with their sacred honor to produce the best North Carolina Government possible, fairly for all its Citizens equally, for this and for future generations. Failure is no longer an excusable option. © 1-11-14 Gene Messick, progressive wordsmith
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