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Gov. Jack Markell: Fred Stephen Copening

"Stephen needs to be held at the James T. Vaughn Correctional Center until he becomes competent enough to stand trial" - Judge

(WILMINGTON, Del) - Stephen Copening We decided to start a petition on for my brother Stephen Copening so that he may be released from the James T. Vaughn Correctional Center.

We want Stephen released from this prison because this correctional facility is not capable of caring for his needs due to his psychological disorder.

Read Full Article (Mar-01-2014 13:29)

Focusing Attention on the Real Impediment to Black Progress

Some black critics have argued that the problems faced by young African Americans is primarily a result of racism in American society.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Blacks in America today In February, President Obama launched an initiative for black young men.

As he announced a $200 million, five-year initiative, My Brother's Keeper, he declared: "I didn't have a dad in the house. And I was angry about it, even though I didn't necessarily realize it at the time. I made bad choices..."

Read Full Article (Feb-27-2014 10:48)

NC is Hiding Communications About Monster Voter Suppression Bill

“Public officials are accountable to their constituents, who should have access to this basic information...." - NAACP

(RALEIGH, NC) - North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory The North Carolina NAACP State Conference once again pressed North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory and the legislature to come clean.

They want officials to turn over requested documents pertaining to the monster voter suppression bill they championed last year.

Read Full Article (Feb-26-2014 02:10)

Ultranationalist Neo-Nazi Parties on the March in Ukraine

Threat of anti-Semitic violence should cause international alarm

(NEW YORK al Jazeera) - Ukrainian nationalists President Viktor Yanukovich’s sudden, surprise departure from Kiev is the beginning of a long ordeal for Ukrainians. It’s also the start of a major threat to the several hundred thousand Ukrainian Jews.

Anti-Semitic violence in Ukraine may come as a surprise to an American audience accustomed to optimistic portrayals of the swiftly changing events in U.S. media.

Read Full Article (Feb-25-2014 19:56)

The White Rose Lives! (in Oak Ridge, Tennessee): February 18, 1943 and February 18, 2014

The Nazis thought that the influence of the White Rose ended with their arrest, trial and immediate beheadings.

(DULUTH, MN) - Hans Scholl (left), Sophie Scholl and Christoph Probst, leaders of the White Rose resistance organization. Munich 1942 (USHMM Photo) 71 years ago last week, three idealist anti-fascist whistleblowing students at the University of Munich were arrested and imprisoned by the Gestapo.

Their crime? Protesting their war-mongering German government by the publication and distribution of a series of anti-Hitler leaflets in Munich and other German cities...

Read Full Article (Feb-19-2014 10:32)

Hindus Urge EU to Ensure Safety of Hungarian Roma in View of Chilling Harvard Report

Rajan Zed stressed that mechanisms should be urgently developed to protect the vulnerable Roma and racist narrative like “Gypsy crime” should be banned.

(RENO) - Roma in Hungary Hindus are concerned for the safety of Roma (Gypsies) in Hungary after a Harvard University report indicated “need for measures to ensure the physical and psychological safety of the Roma and other minority groups”.

Experts say that “warning signs exist”.

Read Full Article (Feb-17-2014 12:30)

Renewed Iranian-American Relations Stabilize World Politics

Multilateral co-ownership on Iranian territory would mitigate fears, create trust and facilitate joint interest in the viability and security of Iran’s nuclear installations.

(TEHRAN Iran Review) - Arshin Adib As a critic, writer and scholar, Adib-Moghaddam is best known for his work on Iran, relations between the west and the Muslim world and the international politics of West Asia and North Africa.

As a public intellectual, he writes on contemporary politics and culture...

Read Full Article (Feb-13-2014 15:08)

Growth of Racism and Religious Extremism in Israel: A Challenge to Friends

Examples of growing religious intolerance would fill many pages.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Arabs to the gas chambers The Israel/Palestine Mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), asked a question which few have thus far been willing to pose:

"Given the liberal values shared by many American Jews and the long, proud tradition of Jewish participation in the struggle for human rights worldwide, why has there been so little outrage expressed at Israel's human rights abuses of Palestinians...?"

Read Full Article (Feb-11-2014 14:36)

Romania President Basescu Asked to Resign on Discriminatory Roma Remarks

Romania's Roma community is said to be the biggest in Europe.

(RENO) - Traian Basescu Romanian President Traian Basescu has been reportedly found guilty of discriminatory remarks about Roma (Gypsy) population by country’s official National Council for Combating Discrimination and now Hindus want him to resign.

Distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, said that Basescu had no moral standing to continue in the government after making such disparaging remarks about a major group of the population.

Read Full Article (Feb-10-2014 00:25)

Whistleblower Says BOLI is Complicit in Coverup of Oregon Prison Racism

Examining the role of the Bureau of Labor and Industries plays in suppressing racism in Oregon's prisons.

(SALEM) - Former Oregon Corrections Officer William Coleman When prison guards know that their ability to wage acts of racism is so powerful that they can operate with impunity, and that no action will ever be taken against them, it is hard to deny that the problem on the taxpayer's back is systemic.

This story details how an African-American prison guard found a sure-fire way to expose blatant racism and hate crimes against Black inmates that ultimately, backfired.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
