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China: Detention of Uyghur Academic and Human Rights Defender Mr Ilham Tohti

Immediately and unconditionally release Ilham Tohti as he is being detained solely as a result of his legitimate and peaceful work in defence of human rights, and immediately reveal his whereabouts - William Nicholas Gomes

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Mr Ilham Tohti On 15 January 2014, Mr Ilham Tohti, an economics professor at the Central University for Nationalities in Beijing, was detained by police following a raid on his home that afternoon.

According to a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, he was detained on suspicion of 'breaking the law'. Ilham Tohti has been consistently outspoken on Uyghur rights in China and critical of official policy in Xinjiang province, the homeland of China's Muslim Uyghur population. He has been detained numerous times previously as a result of his advocacy.

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2014 13:26)

In Sri Lanka, Muslims Replacing Tamils as Perceived Enemy

The Muslims are replacing the Tamils as the future enemy. With that they hope to convert Sri Lanka into a Buddhist state.

(MELBOURNE) - Sri Lanka Muslims The Sinhalese leaders had a clear plan on how to convert Sri Lanka from a multiracial country into a Buddhist country.

At the time of independence in 1948, there were three distinct races. The majority were Sinhalese Buddhist composing about 69%, Then came Tamils, most of whom were Hindus,but were classified as Indian Tamils and Sri Lankan Tamils. both of them made up about 22% of the population.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2014 02:21)

Hindus Disappointed with Pope for Ignoring Roma Apartheid

Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, argued that Pope should recognize, acknowledge and affirm the Roma as children of God who deserved to be treated like all other people—as equals.

(RENO) - Pope Francis Hindus are disappointed by finding no mention to apartheid conditions faced by 15-million European Roma (Gypsies) in Pope Francis’s annual traditional speech to over 180 accredited diplomats at Vatican on January 13.

Distinguished Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, stressed that as love and compassion for the helpless was the hallmark of religious ethics, Pope Francis needed to openly embrace Roma cause.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2014 01:32)

Islamophobic `List` Used to Justify Suspicion of Muslims

Reports on every crime committed by a Muslim are assigned to the faith, whether or not there is even a remote religious connection.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Muslim US soldier grave and wife One of the bigoted themes often promoted by the growing cottage industry of Muslim-bashers is that the increasing level of Islamophobia online and in the public arena is merely a legitimate response to the violent actions of Muslims worldwide.

These Islamophobes scour the Internet to highlight every act of violence or political instability that can be tied to Islam and Muslims.

Read Full Article (Jan-12-2014 12:17)

Faith, Civil Rights, Labor Leaders Speak out Against Cuts to Child Tax Credit

Diverse Coalition Decries Senator’s Attempt to Hike Taxes on Working Class Families with Children

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Sen. Kelly Ayotte The Senate is poised to vote to deny millions of working, taxpaying families the Child Tax Credit (CTC), an important tool that has allowed millions of working families to provide for their children.

The measure, proposed by Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), would affect up to four million Latino children, according to estimates. A broad coalition of advocates for children, faith and labor leaders, and anti-poverty experts has renounced the proposal as a cynical attempt to pit children against the unemployed.

Read Full Article (Jan-11-2014 12:13)

Angry Sabboth Goy

Once again, the angry man who saturates his rant with racial references to black vs. white decided to join forces with the Zionist Jewish Lobby in its campaign against freedom of speech. This time the Angry Arab chases a Black comedian.

(LONDON) - Angry Arab Angry Sabboth Goy AKA Angry Arab stated today that Dieudonne is an anti-Semite and should be rejected from the pro-Palestinian community.

"The French branch of the Palestine solidarity committee was right in categorically rejecting Dieudonne and his antics. He does not belong to our camps. All anti-Semitic haters and racists should be excluded from the pro-Palestine struggle. The Palestinian cause is too precious and noble."

Read Full Article (Jan-10-2014 12:19)

How Would Dr. King React to NSA Spying on Americans?

These government spying programs constitute a clear violation the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment ban on unreasonable searches and seizures, and chills First Amendment freedom of speech.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., How would Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., have reacted to recent revelations that the U.S. government is collecting and storing nearly every citizen’s phone records and gathering their electronic data?

From 1958 until his 1968 assassination, the FBI conducted extensive surveillance on Dr. King, amassing over 17,000 pages of material on his day-to-day activities.

Read Full Article (Jan-04-2014 17:26)

US Peace Brokers - `Neutral` in Favour of Israel

They were brought up on the narrative of one side. From childhood on, they have internalized the history and the terminology of one side (ours). They couldn’t even imagine that the other side has a different narrative, with a different terminology.

(LONDON Redress News & Analysis) - Ehud Olmert and Martin Indyk A former Israeli army chief of staff, a man of limited intelligence, was told that a certain individual was an atheist. “Yes,” he asked, “but a Jewish atheist or a Christian atheist?”

Lenin, in his Swiss exile, once inquired about the party affiliation of a newly elected member of the Duma. “Oh, he is just a fool!,” his assistant asserted. Lenin answered impatiently: “A fool in favour of whom?”

Read Full Article (Jan-04-2014 17:13)

The Skanner News Update January 3, 2014

Includes "The Skanner Foundation's 2014 Martin Luther King Breakfast," "U.S. Mayors' Report: More Americans Homeless and Hungry," "Legal Marijuana Sales Bring Buyers to Colorado" and more...

(PORTLAND, OR) - The Skanner is a website and newspaper published in Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. Established in 1975, The Skanner News Group has advanced the cause of the Black Press in the North Western United States.

Through the newspapers and the Web site The Skanner has provided regional and national corporate advertisers a variety of methods to effectively market their products and services to our readers.

Read Full Article (Dec-30-2013 17:02)

St. Louis Archdiocese Criticized for Remark on World Religions

Distinguished religious statesman Rajan Zed, stated that we all should be more sensitive and respectful while talking about other religions.

(RENO) - Benedictine Father Michael G. Brunner Series of presentations have been scheduled at a parish under Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Saint Louis (Missouri, USA) about various world religions with the tagline “Learn what they know, so you know what they need to know.”

Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that this “need to know” tagline was highly inappropriate reference to great world religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Islam.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
