(Jul-28-2008 00:12)
Autism, Michael Savage and Dolthood
Dr. Phillip Leveque
Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Physician and Toxicologist.
(MOLALLA, Ore.) -
When I heard this dolt pontificating on television news that Autism was the result of bad parenting, I nearly threw-up. This totally absurd ranting was settled more than 50 years ago. Dr. Lendon Smith, a prominent pediatrician in Portland, Oregon, discovered that low doses of amphetamines helped many autistic patients. Subsequent research indicated that Butyrophenones and Ritalin helped aggressive states but parents are still praying for some relief for these "children from hell".
Behavioral therapy helps some but a friend of mine whose son was autistic, and reasonably controllable until he became six foot tall at 200 pounds, still had explosive, uncontrolled fits which ultimately resulted in him having to be institutionalized. Please God, help his caretakers.
Read Full Article (Jul-27-2008 14:25)
Torturer, Terrorist and Other Hateful Names for our Enemies
Opinion by Dr. Phillip Leveque
Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Physician and Toxicologist.
(MOLALLA, Ore.) -
To Vic and Anonymous:
I was seriously berated, called a "Nazi war monger" and a "demented racist" for calling my sworn enemy a "kraut". It was easier than calling them a Nazi or National Socialist. It is much easier to deride and hate an enemy who is trying to kill a soldier and his buddies.
To call me a "racist" because of using the above appellation "kraut" is beyond ludicrous. My wife was Jewish German and a Holocaust survivor. I called her "kraut pants" as an affectionate term. My great-grandfather was a kraut. I am also part "mick", part "jock" (Scotch), part "limey" and also half frog.
Read Full Article (Jul-20-2008 22:54)
Torture and Terrorists: The Opinion of a Combat Infantryman
Opinion by Dr. Phillip Leveque
Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Physician and Toxicologist.
(MOLALLA, Ore.) -
I have been reading in the Oregonian Newspaper the McClathcy articles about the American soldiers who want to live and go home, versus the Iraq and Afghanistan terrorists who want to die and go to their heaven with 40 virgins (after they are dead?)
I'm going to express my disdain and contempt for the American Pentagon swivel chair waffle butts writing this stuff because they have no concept of what it is to be a frontline soldier in about th worst type of war we've ever been in.
Read Full Article (Jul-20-2008 14:02)
Veterans Increasingly Becoming Victims of Violent Crime in the U.S.
Tim King
The people who lay their lives on the line for their country are encountering violent crime for a variety of reasons.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
Criminal, violent acts against American combat veterans are on the rise in the streets of this nation. It may not be anything new, but there does appear to be an increase in the number of crimes taking place against people who once served in uniform. Some of it relates to chance, but several of the reported cases apparently involved veterans specifically being targeted.
One recent story involves a 21-year old Marine Lance Corporal named Robert Crutchfield, who survived 14 months of intense fighting in Iraq, only to be gunned down by robbers at home on leave during the Christmas holiday, on January 5th. It happened at a bus stop at East 72nd Street and Superior Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio; in America's heartland.
Read Full Article (Jul-16-2008 16:56)
Nine American Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan Attack Named
Violence is on the rise in Afghanistan, and it leaves many people questioning the operation, and wondering whether the Taliban-led insurgency is gaining momentum seven years after the fundamentalist Islamic regime was ousted by a U.S.-led invasion.
The Department of Defense announced today the names of nine soldiers who were killed in the deadliest attack yet against Americans in Afghanistan, supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.
They died of wounds suffered when their outpost was attacked and overrun by small arms fire and rocket propelled grenades from enemy forces in Wanat, Afghanistan, on July 13th. They were assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 503d Infantry Regiment (Airborne), 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, Vicenza, Italy.
Read Full Article (Jul-13-2008 14:13)
Nine Americans Killed Fighting Along Afghanistan`s Border with Pakistan
Tim King
This is the heaviest, single loss for Americans fighting in Afghanistan. Although no final assessment has been made, it is believed insurgents suffered heavy casualties during several hours of fighting.
(KUNAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan) -
Nine American Army soldiers were killed in Afghanistan this weekend during fighting with anti-Coalition forces along the country's eastern border with Pakistan. reported in early 2007 that these bases were constantly in peril from attacks originating in Pakistan- a country allegedly an ally according to the Bush Administration, but oddly the place where the Taliban is actually from. See a number of video reports below that show the relationship between these deadly attacks and their proximity to the Pakistan border.
Read Full Article (Jul-08-2008 11:20)
Marijuana Vs. Parkinsonism
Dr. Phil Leveque
Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Physician, Toxicologist and Pharmacologist. He is an expert in medical marijuana treatment.
(MOLALLA, Ore.) -
I must say as a professional pharmacologist and physician I have given up being surprised when I read about marijuana being effective for yet another disease condition.
Read Full Article (Jul-03-2008 13:14)
Medical Marijuana Questions Answered by`s Dr. Phil Leveque (VIDEO)
Bonnie King and Dr. Phil Leveque
This is the 21st installment of's special video series on medical marijuana.
(SALEM. Ore.) -
In our latest medical marijuana question and answer video, Dr. Phil Leveque and Bonnie King go over a number of questions sent to us by our viewers about the legal ins and outs of medical marijuana in Oregon as well as other states.
This is the 21st edition of this special series; and it is the only service of this type available in the world. Dr. Phil Leveque is a physician, toxicologist and pharmacologist, and his experience with this subject is almost unrivaled.
Anyone with questions about what is legal and what is not legal in regard to medical marijuana, is encouraged to write to us at the email address listed below. We will do our best to answer your questions through a video segment, or through email.
Read Full Article (Jun-30-2008 17:09)
Marijuana Vs. Migraines: Modern Medical Miracle
Dr. Phillip Leveque
Phillip Leveque has spent his life as a Combat Infantryman, Physician, Toxicologist and Pharmacologist. He is an expert in medical marijuana treatment.
(MOLALLA, Ore.) -
Migraine headaches are possibly one of the most misunderstood maladies of man. The Merck Manual states “The cause is unknown and the pathophysiology (mechanism) is not fully understood.” Except that it has something to do with brain blood vessel dilation/constriction; nobody seems to know what is going on here. If I’m wrong about this I’m sure I will hear plenty.
Read Full Article (Jun-20-2008 13:12)
Bush Changes Position, G.I. Bill Now Moving Toward Full Acceptance
Tim King
Bush is known for hanging onto his bad policies and decisions with a death grip. But in this unusual reversal of opinion, he withdrew his long-held objections to a new G.I. Bill that would adequately fund the cost of a public college education for today's veterans.
(SALEM, Ore.) -
The Bush Administration has abandoned its determined efforts to block and veto the implementation of a new G.I. Bill that would aid Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. Bush was unflinching in his position earlier; saying the bill that would have allowed veterans to attend college was just too expensive. It was nearly perverse when considering the sacrifice these men have exhibited in the present conflicts overseas.
It all came down two days ago, on June 18th, when a critical agreement was reached between leadership in the House of Representatives and the White House on the fate of the war funding bill. Bush's threat to veto the bill to help veterans was ever present until this new development.
Read Full Article