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Salem-News.com (Jul-12-2011 13:52)

Phylicia Barnes (In Memorial @ 16)

Help is needed for thousands of lifeless innocent teens...

(CLEVELAND) - Phylicia Barnes On the 20th of April, 2011, two bodies were recovered near the Conowingo Dam by Maryland State Police. The following day one of the remains were positively identified through dental records to be that of missing North Carolina teen Phylicia Barnes.

The Baltimore Police Department is now working jointly with the Maryland State Police to investigate the circumstances of her disappearance and subsequent death.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-29-2011 16:03)

Congo, a Poem

I have to wonder why more women, in particular, are not raising attention; flying flags and freaking out over what women are enduring in D.R. Congo.

(CLEVELAND) - Rape in Congo As Salem-News.com Reporter Jennifer Fierberg wrote this week in her article, Mass Rape in D.R. Congo: Where is the end to suffering?, we were updated on the continual, brutal mass rapes in the Democratic Republic Congo. Reports continue to surface on every day and they are ugly.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-28-2011 18:44)

Supreme Court Violent Video Games Ruling

The court ruling stems from California's attempt to ban the sale of violent video games to minors.

(CLEVELAND) - Violent video game Under a brand new Supreme Court ruling, video games legally qualify as art.

The news dashes the hopes of those who wished to restrict and censor games, particularly over graphic violent content that many suggest can have a very negative impact on kids.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-22-2011 20:24)

Hannele Cox

We never can tell from where our biggest challenges might evolve.

(CLEVELAND) - Hannele Cox It began as a tiny scratch from her the family’s fish tank five years ago.

In spite of the best medical care, than seemingly innocent injury now threatens this California gymnist with the amputation of her hand.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-19-2011 01:38)

Guns In Bars

The only answer is to strive to instill better ideas, better morals, and positive thinking in our future generations.

(CLEVELAND) - Guns in bars Our writers have addressed this subject many times and I know they always will. America's bad behaviors and negative thinking patterns are encouraged by media and politicians and alcohol and tobacco lobbies; and it goes far beyond that.

I've always found it curious when I pass a bar late at night and the parking lot is absolutely packed.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-12-2011 16:05)

Allah-Muslim or God-Christianity / Which One?

One of three poems in this special Sunday Poetry triple-shot.

(CLEVELAND) - Christianity and Islam Church & school are supposed to be bookends holding our kids together in the middle. However, with schools out of whack (not all but most it seems) and churches filled with just as much disrespect, is it any wonder our society is having a multitude of problems?

Let's face it, if things were going the way of the blessings not curses of the bible, well, there'd be no Salem-News.Com. Deuteronomy 30:19!

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Salem-News.com (Jun-10-2011 20:42)

Summer School Vacation (E.T.A.L.B.E.)

“The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare” - Juma Ikanga, marathon runner from Tanzania

(CLEVELAND) - Summer break It is that time of year when young people get their big dose of summer freedom, but parents need to ensure that kids keep learning and don't end up with nine months of education, and three months of non-education.

Not only does reading expand a person's horizons and life's imaginations; books and other reading venues are future planners that can provide a reader with tools to get on the road to life.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-09-2011 23:13)

Sports Poems Highlight Need for Safety

A double shot of sports poetry highlighting safety and forethought.

(CLEVELAND) - Shoulder xray Sport can be fun and breathtaking and, sadly, lifetaking. Every safeguard should be employed by athletes to ensure that young people won't see their athletic inclinations lead to a path of physical destruction.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-07-2011 14:36)

The Beat Within Makes a Difference in Vancouver

Each week the juveniles in this program are given several topics to inspire their creativity and help them work through the rough patches in their lives.

(VANCOUVER, Wa.) - The Beat Within During the past several weeks I have had the opportunity to volunteer my time working with incarcerated youth through a program called The Beat Within.

This program encourages juveniles to express themselves through poetry, writing, and artwork. The Beat Within compiles these submissions into a magazine for other juveniles and the public to read.

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Salem-News.com (May-30-2011 19:54)

Meeting Challenges this Holiday

A poetic triple shot on this special holiday.

(CLEVELAND) - Salem-News.com Today, a triple shot of poetry from our US Poet Luke Easter who examines seven on seven football, the idea of rising to meet challenges, and the very eye opening subject of world vision.

7-on-7 Football is growing faster than ever, yet why are key people in the world of sports fighting it? Why is it that those who fight have always had plenty at their disposal, whilst the African-American kids have their hopes dashed?

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley