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Salem-News.com (Sep-09-2011 13:51)

Vietnam War Memorial Wall

A generation that is still persecuted by society and law enforcement still has a wall of memories.

(CLEVELAND) - Vietnam Veterans Wall It wasn't until the movie Rambo that the majority of Americans began to realize the extent of their country's military involvement in SE Asia, or the toll it was taking on its warriors after the bullets stopped flying.

Vietnam Veterans and their families were aware, many anti-war activists had a clue, but the 'average Joe' didn't have any idea how challenging it must have been for these young men and women to leave a place like war-torn Vietnam and return to the U.S.

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Salem-News.com (Sep-08-2011 22:18)

Hunger Striker Protesting a Crime Against Humanity

The Irish and the Palestinians share a history of occupation and oppression.

(DUBLIN) - Hunger Strike for Gaza in Dublin by Adele King Terence Barry says ‘we have a song here in Ireland called Only Our Rivers Run Free, but in Palestine the Israelis have even stolen the water supplies. In Palestine not even their Rivers Run Free.’

This week, Terence Barry said he wants his hunger strike ‘to highlight the Israeli genocide on the people of Gaza.’

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Salem-News.com (Sep-01-2011 17:54)

Poor People

To show the child he’s blessed a wealthy father took his son on a trip...

(CLEVELAND) - Native American communities, sadly, are among some of America's most impoverished, it is a society out of balance. Salem-News.com is one of the few news organizations in the world today that carries poetry, and we can not overstate the importance of maintaining this wonderful word form of art as a mean of expression.

In fact the world would be a much better place on almost every level if simple things like poetry were to find their way back into the hearts of people in this vastly developed, technological age.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-29-2011 14:43)

Jeremy Henwood (In Memorial) Uncommon Valor In Peace & War

An obscene act against an honorable man.

(CLEVELAND) - Service for Jeremy Henwood Most people heard about the tragic death of Jeremy Henwood, a San Diego city police officer who in his 'other life' was a U.S. Marine officer.

He was gunned down at a stoplight, unsuspecting, because he rolled up next to two criminals who assumed he may have been looking for them. However while sitting in his police cruiser, waiting for the light to turn green, the passenger in the car next to Jeremy's pulled the trigger and his life came to an unsuspecting close.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-20-2011 02:39)

Poetry: Jesus Standard Time and Jesus` DNA

We have to stop destroying ourselves as a race.

(CLEVELAND) - Salem-News.com A most profound and controversial message was left on the earth two thousand years ago by a man we refer to as Jesus Christ, known in the Christian world as the Son of God and recognized by the Muslim faith as a prophet from God.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-16-2011 01:44)

Navy SEALS Brothers In Arms

Even in Afghanistan, such an extensive loss of life is rare.

(CLEVELAND) - Salem-News.com Much has been expressed about the recent deaths of almost three dozen U.S. servicemen in Afghanistan who were reportedly shot down in a CH-47 helicopter.

A terrible loss was experienced, and it is very rare for anything like this to take place even in Afghanistan, with such an extensive loss of life.

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Salem-News.com (Aug-05-2011 16:54)

Ground Zero $$$ & Zero Cents

This is a group that has been treated like the Agent Orange victims of the Vietnam War.

(CLEVELAND) - The terror that spread over New York What is the meaning of 'audacity' - and first let us agree on the simple fact that audacity is typically not a positive, but a negative. It is a pessimistic yet sometimes necessary way of saying something overt and uncomfortable.

To me, audacity is best defined by the actions of the U.S. government toward the people who worked at what came to be called 'Ground Zero'.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-29-2011 12:00)

Poem: Take on the Tide

Examining man's quest to live another day...

(LONDON) - Salem-News.com This latest poem from Mamoon Alabbasi addresses both the hope and the reality of the situation the earth is gripped by. It is humanity on the move.

So often in this day and age we are deceived, we are led by people who claim to have the better interests of humanity in their hand, when in fact they do not.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-15-2011 14:39)

Roger Clemens v. Real Crime

Surely the attention of officials and lawmakers could be better directed than it is.

(CLEVELAND) - Roger Clemens and Leiby Kletzky When did the lines become so blurred in our society with regard to crime and punishment? It is hard to imagine a society where things are more out of sync than then are at this present time.

We've become unmanageable; common sense hit the window at 120 m.p.h. and out it went, it isn't like we can just reel it back in.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-12-2011 16:53)

Brian Terry (In Memorial) Border Patrol Agent

Federal agents are not part of the suspected ring; in fact it was an ATF agent who blew the whistle on the 'Fast and Furious' gunrunning operation to Mexican cartels in the first place.

(CLEVELAND) - Service for Brian Terry The family of murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry says they may seek justice by suing the federal government.

Terry family attorney Paul Charlton explains in a current FOX News article that Brian was killed in December 2010 at the hands of an illegal immigrant working for the Sinaloa Cartel while patrolling an area near Tucson known as Rio Rico.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin

The NAACP of the Willamette Valley