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Jun-12-2011 16:05printcomments

Allah-Muslim or God-Christianity / Which One?

One of three poems in this special Sunday Poetry triple-shot.

Christianity and Islam

(CLEVELAND) - Church & school are supposed to be bookends holding our kids together in the middle.

However, with schools out of whack (not all but most it seems) and churches filled with just as much disrespect, is it any wonder our society is having a multitude of problems?

Let's face it, if things were going the way of the blessings not curses of the bible, well, there'd be no Salem-News.Com. Deuteronomy 30:19!

What are we choosing?

And, is it up to the parent or the child to make the choice?

Which one is paying the bills?

Pay the cost?

Then you are the boss!


Allah-Muslim or God-Christianity / Which One?

Would you ever want to reach the paradise of praise?
Surely from each breath is the great sincerity of ways,
Goodness and Charity, the seeds that are loving sown,
Faith and patience so carefully harvested when grown.

Quran is the primary source of faith and practice fields,
The word of God in written form so His law is revealed,
Sunnah means way of the Prophet Muhammad’s Hadiths,
Guideline doctrines of wisdom, worship & spiritual gifts.

Muslims actually get on their knees and pray 5 times a day,
Christians leave church, eat, shopping, on their merry way,
Some even stand outside the church and light up a smoke,
Buy alcohol, blabber the latest gossip or tell the dirtiest joke.

In the Christian world you drive drunk, kill, maim, go free,
Muslim society it is the equivalent of hanging from a tree,
America you sell drugs, get rich, big car, expensive house,
Islam will do, well have you ever seen a two-legged mouse?

Muslims fast in Ramadan as a religious ritual of true sacrifice,
Christians get stuffed with pizza, bar-b-que or beef fried rice,
The mosque is deathly quiet so much so you can hear a pin drop,
Some churches are so noisy no one hears you open a can of pop.

Both worship, believe in peace, love, spreading the good news,
But which one knows latest trash from soap operas on the tube?
They’ll spread that faster than a fire fueled by Santa Ana winds,
As the Muslims are praying from knees to their face once again.

Sure, both agree in the power and sovereign grace of the Holy One,
While Christians are steadfast in salvation through Jesus, His Son,
Muslims turn up the heat in reverence to Muhammad The Prophet,
Fajr, Dhurh, Asr, Maghrib, Isha prayer times, they actually clock it.

Fajr, pre-dawn, remembrance of God it is performed before sunrise,
Dhuhr, noon, after the day's work has begun by asking God to guide,
'Asr, afternoon, late afternoon seeking greater meaning for our lives,
Maghrib, sunset, just after the sun goes down, only Allah is truly wise,
'Isha, evening, night fall, thankful for the day before closing their eyes.

I’m not Muslim so please forgive if a word or two is slightly out of sync,
Combination of the supreme best of both worlds is exactly what I think,
However, there is one thing I do know and for this I do not have to wait,
Starting now 5 times a day I too will pray from the position of prostate.

Every day we should strive for excellence by seeking something brand new,
I just learned the root word of Islam is peace in English, Shalom in Hebrew,
A common goal of a community are people striving toward the same mission,
It’s the core Greek meaning of communion, which is how we get to Christian.

1st Kings 10: 5, the Queen of Sheba was stunned, simply amazed,
With the excellence Solomon’s servants and kingdom displayed,
Never seeing such perfection before, her breath was taken away,
Given the above two examples at which service would you stay?

Why attend a church where the members talk more than their preacher?
Or who will learn when students are so loud you can’t hear the teacher?
Will God bless a congregation repeatedly disobeying rules of His house?
Does it seem like the only living thing with respect is the church mouse?

As our Creator sits in the heavens looking down from His Holy view,
What is most appealing to Him? Which would be pleasing to you?
How do your spiritual advisers conduct themselves, spend their time?
You’ll never get anywhere if the love of the Master stays only in your mind.

By Luke Easter & Glamorous Enigma

Talking In Church & Other Rude Behavior

Why do people talk during service in church?
Tell them to be quite and their feelings are hurt,
Well, guess what? I have feelings too,
I came to hear a sermon, not listen to you.

Likewise, a cell phone going off is very rude,
Give them a dirty look and they get an attitude,
If it is so darn important you can’t miss the call,
Why bother to be in church this or any day at all.

There are those who feel the need to eat and drink,
Like the ones mentioned above your actions also stink,
No, it’s not the churches that are failing the grade,
Rather, members of the congregation claiming to be saved.

Let us not forget about those who resort to chewing gum,
Do IQ's suddenly freeze in church or are we spiritually numb?
Whomever has the podium that should be the only voice,
And it's not by chance, remember who made the choice.

Service is a holy time of worship through prayerful grace,
Not for laughing, talking, text messaging or feeding your face,
Just imagine the prophets in heaven looking down in disgrace,
Being ashamed to be associated with most of today’s human race.

Passing around babies and toddlers from one row to the next,
Some are playing musical chairs, looking around, what the heck?
Checking to see who’s wearing what, almost breaking your neck,
Why are we here in the first place or did you conveniently forget?

Parents who think it’s cute, kids running around playing games,
Say something, they are ready to fight or call you a dirty name,
This lack of restraint is totally unacceptable make that insane,
Must be hard for a Pastor to smile & say, “I’m glad you came.”

A lot of parishioners’ actions are a shipwreck disaster,
When they disrespect GOD, it’s ditto for their Pastor,
Many call the head of the church a very good friend,
But, with this lack of sincerity they continue to offend.

Leaving early or arriving late with your face all aglow,
Get here on time stupid, it’s church not a fashion show,
And to those who look on this crap as being kind of cool,
Proverbs 13: 20, "not walking with the wise makes you a fool."

Wake up, smell the coffee, reposition then prioritize your life,
Remember the reason we attend services, our Savior Jesus Christ,
I simply cannot be the only one, who sees these actions as odd,
Prayers aren’t answered due to church behavior disrespecting God.

By Luke Easter

Parent Or Child, Who Runs The Show?

In church one day a woman stood up and prayed,
Weeping and crying aloud she would sadly say,
Pray for my daughter she is too much overweight,
Hold on mother, kids are not obese thanks to fate.

This child is only 11, on junk and sodas she will feast,
Another classic example of beauty turned into a beast,
After Sunday school, stuffing her face with sweets,
Even mom will partake in the sugary donut treats.

At a church cookout she was constantly stuffing her face,
Soon as Cheetos & Pepsi were gone more took its place,
God will never intervene in a matter, just so you’ll know,
In a situation in which you should already have control.

Now comes the difficult part that many are trying to get,
Who is responsible for the crap stuffed between her lips?
Don’t address the congregation pleading for their help,
Take Baby Huey home and introduce her to your belt.

There are two people in this story, mother and child,
Only one is in charge to stop the other from going wild,
The younger at eleven should not be calling the shots,
Do humans need food and water or candy and pop?

A few weeks ago this kid slept during service in a pew,
As the parent or guardian tell me what would you do?
Guess what, the entire time mom allowed her to sleep,
Not a nudge, not a sound, but I did hear a mouse squeak.

And should anyone dare say a single discouraging word,
Well, then mom and/or grandma are sure to be heard,
It’s the exact problem faced everyday in public schools,
Only to be corrected when the parents enforce the rules.

Many people say speak what lifts up, never tearing down,
Not hearing negative how do we get our feet off the ground?
Failure to criticize or correct in the shortest amount of time,
Is the main reason a lot of us are stoned right out of our mind.

It’s time to take the gloves off and stop putting honey on crap,
Teenage kids should not be at the mall sitting in Santa’s lap,
Putting fire in our convictions, pouring hot sauce on the mild,
In the delivery room isn’t it the mother who births the child?

Had a friend whose very expensive computer was always down,
Found out later every time it happened his 3-yeal old was around,
Well, this kid liked to bang on it and the dad said that it was ok, so,
My question to him was, “Parent Or Child, Who Runs The Show?

By Luke Easter


Luke Easter is a poet who writes about things that are very close to the heart of Another former U.S. Marine, Luke heals the world with an approach that reaches people on a different level, one known for centuries, yet too often forgotten in the one we live in.

We live in a world of social & economic injustice. The main reason for founding America in the first place was to relieve the oppression of the King of England. Patrick Henry said it best, “give me liberty or give me death.” And yet, all too often death seems to be the only way out. Why is there such a high suicide rate especially among teens, in the land of the free & the home of the brave? What makes headlines? Good news? Ha! More depressing stories than anything else. I feel poetry takes an edge off the hurt of bad news while still delivering it but in a, “glitzy” sort of way. Giving a different perspective. Kind of like slap in the face as opposed to a knife in the back. At least with the slap you’ll live to see another day and you will know whom it’s from. I wasn’t here for the beginning of the world but at 59, I just might be here for the end.

Even though it’s still a knife, rhyme poetry helps to dull the blade. And that’s my job. You can write to Luke Easter at:

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Cheyenne June 25, 2011 6:48 am (Pacific time)

This forum indeed shaking up and you’'ve just done that. Great post!

Agron Belica June 12, 2011 7:05 pm (Pacific time)

Good work!!!!

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