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Op Ed: WHY Political Pandering
Damages Democracy So Deeply

Seductive Subversion Seeks Private-Gains Goal.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Betsy Ross Political pandering is today particularly prevalent precisely where it should never appear without solid precedent taken from national, reliable non-political sources -- in open-dialog channels on the the Internet.

Its major damage to our American democracy is becoming so obviously dangerous that it is demanding probing examination by all of us deeply concerned about the consequences for a democracy determinedly built on principles of honesty, openness --and thus democracy.

Read Full Article (Jul-27-2009 03:00)

Money`s Only Something You Need in Case You Don`t Die Tomorrow. (Carl Fox)

What is this money thing all about?

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Dollar heart Americans believe, as part of their cultural mythology, that potentially anyone can get rich. Wealth really comes from three basic sources: You can win it, inherit it or be born in the right place at the right time.

None of these things are in your sphere of control, and if you know you are not in line to receive any inheritance, to believe that one of the other two will strike you, is self-delusional.

Read Full Article (Jul-25-2009 14:27)

Op Ed: `Stupid` Police Policy
Produces Stupid Debacle
By Stupid MS-Mediation

Obama Enemies Now Intent On Seduction, Distractions.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. “Stupid” is as stupid does. Behavior and action in the public eye prove up what it is, by what it does and the consequences.

Surely in America today --after the past eight years of a very stupid “Presidential administration”--we are suffering from solid consequential proof of that common sense maxim --at high costs around the world.

Read Full Article (Jul-15-2009 03:00)

Op Ed: Healthcare Reform
Demands Responsible
Public Demonstration

D-I-Y Democracy Endangered By Citizen Ennui.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Ennui, circa 1914, by Walter Richard Sickert Factual probing by wide-ranging channels long ago proved up solid American public demand for direct and strong reform of our obviously now-corrupted and broken healthcare system.

Many current continuing polls, journalistic projects and formal reports from agencies involved show the same continuing demands: The American people understand their healthcare dilemma, and when properly consulted they demand true and comprehensive reform as their human right.

Read Full Article (Jul-03-2009 17:22)

Op Ed for Salem-News
Op Ed: `D-I-Y` Governance
Now Demanded For Second `New Deal`

Where’s the strong, impassioned, continuing and overwhelming true “public opinion” which was so forceful a strong factor in New Deal days, surely felt by the Congress?

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Roosevelt's New Deal Long-prevailing conservative myth-making states that “the New Deal failed to end the Depression, with World War II the real factor for eventual return to prosperity.”

That erroneous story is now recognized as a canard, distorted Far Right propaganda to denigrate the New Deal and its far-reaching changes of American lifestyle and inevitable impact of democracy on the whole world.

Read Full Article (Jun-24-2009 12:25)

Op Ed: Corporate Funds
Crushing Democratic
Decisions On Issues

Dollar-Weight Swings Congressional Scales On Order.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - MOney and greed History overflows with lessons-learned and many more ignored. American history, reflected from the prescient words of our Founders, can guide us well in this First Decade of the 21st Century.

Read Full Article (Jun-17-2009 09:31)

Op Ed: `Deja Vu` Again:
Party Collapse
Echoes 1800 Vote

$$$-Driven Dissolution of Politics Same Painful Pattern, Part One.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr Our nation’s third Presidential vote, in 1800, brought on a 35-day Congressional struggle to break a tie-vote between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. This Constitutional flaw meant for “wise choice” forced furious confrontations and collapsed the reigning Federalists, triggering potent national party organization --anointing many controversial practices and policies with malign consequences felt ever since.

Read Full Article (Jun-11-2009 07:01)

Op Ed: Oregon’s Unfair
Corporate Taxes
Penalize Everyone

Evasion via “Tax-Breaks” Costs Citizens Billions Yearly.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - tax loopholes book THIRTY-ONE FREELOADERS cost us all taxes from $1 million taxable incomes --via the ridiculous 70-year-old “$10 minimum”, in 2006. MORE THAN 5,000 Oregon corporations earning a profit here PAID NO CORPORATE INCOME TAX “beyond that measly ten dollars” in 2006.

Oregon corporations paid LESS STATE TAX in 2006 than they did A GENERATION AGO. TAX BREAKS now allow many Oregon profit-making corporations to pay ABOUT HALF what was then-due as an equitable share on their gains.

Read Full Article (Jun-09-2009 14:07)

Corporate Dodgeball
Far Too Much, Too Long

ANY Oregon-Profit Corporation Should Pay Fair Taxes.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - FINALLY, our Oregon Legislature comes face to face with that “meal of consequences” put off now for more than SEVENTY YEARS. That’s how long we “silent ones” have stood still, while active corporate accountants have continued to apply consummate skill to the paper-based corporate tax “dodgeball-game.”

The main ticket-used has been that ludicrous “$10 minimum” corporate tax measure about to be brought into rational, reasonable level by now-unavoidable action --after SEVENTY YEARS of often-unconscionable usage to massively minimize tax-take for State purposes.

Read Full Article (Jun-03-2009 13:03)

The GM Challenge

In 1979, GM was the largest corporation in the world in terms of sales.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - GM Buildings in Downtown Detroit Now that the American public is the major shareholder of GM, a concern raised by many is that government, being inherently incapable of running or overseeing any kind of business, is going to mismanage the whole operation. This assumes that big business is better than big government. In my previous article "Capitalism cannot work."

I drew the obvious conclusion that for the last fifty years, the management of GM, Ford and Chrysler have driven the industry into the ground. So, Big Business itself has obviously failed.

Read Full Article
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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
